The Astrology of Marilyn Monroe
The Astrology of Marilyn Monroe

By Jenny Dusky
Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, model, and singer. Famous for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality.
sun: gemini
moon: aquarius
asc: leo
chart | speculum | transits | directions | firdaria | profections | death
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The Passion for the Wonderful ♥
"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."

Budget | $1.8 million (est.) |
Box office | $12 million (USA) $6 million (US rentals) |
Monroe in the movie The 7 Year Itch - The dress was created by costume designer William Travilla
An iconic moment marked the cinematic history when the little white dress of Marilyn Monroe blew up while she was standing over a subway grate in New York on 15th September 1954. Her unexpected ‘flying skirt’ moment was a scene from the timeless movie The Seven Year Itch with Monroe in the leading role
Millionaire Marilyn had Saturn in Scorpio at specific degrees of 21° – a position held in many charts of mysterious deaths (now [2019] is 22° because of fixed star Unukalhai). The planet of success in such intense sign, makes the native quite aware of deep motives of others around:
"Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you."
Marilyn had Neptune rising (1st house) – a position that deceives people, but not because they want, but because Neptune makes the others think they are exactly the person that they think they are, not whom they actually are. Saturn (4th house) was square Neptune in the 1st house of appearances (body).
"The truth is, I've never fooled anyone. I've let men sometimes fool themselves."
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Firdaria & Secondary Progression 1955
Mercury period - Sun/Venus subperiods
By 1955, Marilyn was still in under Sun sub-period under Mercury period of 13 years. The Sun is the Almudebit of her chart and is natally conjunct Mercury. Informing us that period would be very highlighted concerning her body image (Sun is ruler of her natal chart) and communicastion through it – and indeed she stood out in the scene where her white dress flows like a poetry while her hands (Gemini) are covering her private parts: “hey, I can be sexy without showing too much!” – lets suppose. Her natal Sun/Mercury were in Gemini!
Now, observe the progressed chart for 1955 – the forming grand trine activated by progressed Moon in public 7th house to planets Pluto in 11th house of huge corporation (Fox Studios) and progressed Saturn (career).
Dodecatemoria of the Ascendant
in Capricorn at 6° degrees
The same dodecatemoria of the asc position of Kim Kardashian [click here for more]. Here are the intentions and things that the native can’t turn around, avoid or simple, images and intentions come and go as a fixed wallpaper. In this case, such position is in the 5th house of entertainment. Monroe couldn’t stop, but thinking about pleasing others through entertainment and self-marketing, delights, enjoyment, laughing etc.
Profections for 1955
at the day of the movie premiere
When the degrees of profected planets are all inconjunct the planets from the radix by exact orbs, Marilyn is premiered in a successful movie where she took the lead role. Almost the same happened when Kim Kardashian first appeared in her reality show with family, but the profections were a set of squares to natal chart.
The Seven Year Itch premiers [1955]
Transiting Venus/Saturn Opposition & the power of Woman
When the movie ‘the seven year itch’ premiered, Marilyn was in her Saturn (career and success) return in Scorpio (sex symbol). Observe transiting Venus/Saturn opposition playing out with her natal Saturn – in both 10th (career) and 4th houses (end and beginning).
Iconic Moment [1955]
ruler of mc direction to asc direct (in mundo)
Venus directions signify women in general and its topics, to love, to ornamental beautiful (power of attraction), status before men, moments of feminine power. Such direction of promissor Venus to significator Sun as sextile, indicates periods/ real events pertaining to candid success, luxuriousness, turning into a feminine symbol to others, magnetic qualities are enhanced, glorious moments, being in the spotlight and appreciate it- Sun is related to all events that are major, splendid, revitalizing, etc. Now, if Venus is the ruler of Mc (status/symbol) and the Sun ruler of 1st house of body, we obtain the period when all cited above becomes a reality to Marilyn Monroe:
The movie premiered on *June 1st, 1955 – on her 29th birthday, which also coincides with the Arc without considering the date with Ptolemy’s key. The Sun in also the almuten of the figure (victorious planet) from her radix.
Suicide or Silenced?

Monroe’s death caused a lot of controversy in the media, not just because of her celebrity status, but because of her curious relationship with President John F. Kennedy.
The blond, 36-year-old actress was nude, lying face down on her bed and clutching a telephone receiver in her hand when a psychiatrist broke into her room at 3:30 a.m. About 5:15 p.m. Saturday she had called the psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, and was told to go for a ride when she complained she could not sleep, police reported. Her body was taken to the County Morgue, where Coroner Theodore J. Curphey said after an autopsy that he could give a "presumptive opinion" that death was due to an overdose of some drug. - By HOWARD HERTEL AND DON NEFF (aug 06, 1962)
Malefic Pluto direction to Hyleg
mysterious death
"Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
She was only 36 years old when she was curt short to the coffin and buried to the ground. Her death was ruled a suicide by drug overdose (Aug/05/1962, Hollywood, CA). Many thought she was going to go public about an alleged affair with JFK, which would give someone the motive to silence her.
It was a matter of finding the Hyleg then the killing planet. But since we already knew Monroe was already dead the age of 36, we could simplify by first observing malefics in the same quadrant (specially if the Sun is angular – which is almost in this case) and apply the automatic calculations from the software of your choice (in my case Morinus) and try out a few configuration from malefics and here’s what I found. Pluto provoking an overdose and yet mysterious killing to the place of the radix with most ‘vitality’ (Hylegical):
This old technique amazes me. *Even when the date given by the dynamic key is a month ahead of the actual unfortunate event, it chills me the precision of directions from the radix. Since she died not younger, we can ignore the Arc without the dynamic key.
"Happy Birthday, Mr. President"

It coincides with the same arc/date but with different method (Regiomontanus) when Monroe sings “Happy Birthday” and “Thanks for the Memory” to JFK at Madison Square Garden, which was on 19 May 1962.
8th house of death in Pisces
cusp in terms with Venus
"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love."
The cusp of her natal 8th house is in Pisces – foreseeing a death while sleeping. Monroe died of a drug overdose. The prior night she had called Lawford about 10:00 PM, expressing fear that she had taken too many sleeping pills. She died sometime that night and about 3:00 AM, her housekeeper called her psychiatrist. Uranus in the 8th house is in terms with Saturn, indicating a professional was involved in those last hours of survival.
Marilyn’s natal 8th house is in terms with Venus, providing us with the information she would die with someone known by his side, a significant other; well in this case, it wasn’t physically. She was found in her bed, nude, with a telephone in her hand. Perhaps she was trying to call or was already on the phone with someone. At 4:25 AM the housekeeper called the police. Her diary and personal notes were never found.
Natal Mars in the 8th house, suggests accidental death. But her Saturn conjunct fixed star of malefic nature indicates suicide as well. And naturally, Saturn is the ruler of physical death of the native.
Angular Saturn conjunction Fixed Star Unukalhai
Heart of the Serpent
Fixed star Unukalhai is of the nature of Saturn and Mars, it gives immorality, accidents, violence and danger of poison.
Saturn conjunct Unukalhai: Secret insanity, drug taker, secret crime and poisoning often for no reason, shrewd, cunning, intelligent, studious, often physician or nurse, usually unmarried, may commit suicide or be confined in an asylum or prison.
[Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.62, 213.]
One of the first friends to arrive at the home Sunday morning was Pat Newcomb, a close friend of the actress and her press agent. - "This must have been an accident," she said. "Marilyn was in perfect physical condition and was feeling great.
Solar Return [SR] - 1962 [year of death]
Ascendant and 8th house Ruler Direction
2 Directions of death in SR's 1962
direction from ruler of annual asc to the 4th house cusp of death
Annual ascendant (body) in the solar return of 1962 was in Aries, which ruler had then recently entered its classical sign of detriment (in Taurus). Annual cusp of 8th house of death has also Mars as ruler (in mysterious Scorpio). Now, if we direct promissor Mars in the Zodiac, to the bottom of the zodiac wheel (opposite MC converse – as usual), we get the exact month when Mandy Monroe dies mysteriously:
But not yet satisfied with the direction above, I wanted to try to the configuration that usually works as well. Move the ruler of the 8th house of death from the radix (and not the position from the solar return) to the IC or MC of the Solar Return – that is, culminate or anti-culminate the ruler of 8th house from the natal chart by primary motion in the Solar Return of the year of death – which in this case was more certain than the first direction. Observe:
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Marilyn Monroe – Timeline
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Based on Ancient Predictive Technique