The Astrology of Actress Fairuza Balk

The Astrology of Actress & Musician Fairuza Balk
By Jenny Dusky
"The Craft," "The Island of Dr. Moreau," "American History X"
The 90's and Pluto in Scorpio Generation

My youth was amazing. In terms of entertainment and television, I was in heaven. Many great shows were lunched of hardcore nature. No cellphones or Facebook, it had to be pure acting without too many external links. Writes had to be creative in order to meet characters in a single scene without those outside influences. The internet was very new in the beginning of the 90’s and quite slow. And many movies and series adopted cellphones and others in continuous way only during the initial 2000’s – the millennium of virtual information, the birth of a new era of people connected in mile-seconds. Until such age came to us, for the common people to be famous and predigested, you got to be gifted and talented, and a bit o lucky lets say it? (geographical position, connections, wealthy parents, etc.)
Fairuza's Jupiter

Jupiter is quite important in Balk’s radix. It rules the Ascendant and is its term ruler while the planet is also in terms with itself. Jupiter is also term ruler of 10th house. Directions from/to it, indicates great periods for the actress and business women. Jupiter in her chart is in traditional domicile. And more, Jupiter square the victorious planet of the chart, Mercury. Which I think the last made her appearance mostly for movies of religious and political nature, such as The craft where she played a witch that wished she was black, and American History X where her character was from a neo-nazi movement. Our ascendant ruler tells a lot about how we face situations while others are observing us.
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Jupiter Phase under Saturn Planetary Period

The time lord system of traditional & medieval astrology Firdariyyah, serves as chronocrators (givers of life). We can expect to see Jupiter’s period as great indicators of events related to Fairuza’s natal Jupiter position, aspects, etc.
Saturn’s (concerning career) Fardar is of 11 years, and it began a year earlier the movie’s premiere. But when the Saturn phase (sub-period) of Saturn’s fardaria ended, the Jupiter’s phase under Saturn fardaria began and Fairuza saw herself with 11 years old in a reboot movie that was international success. Fairuza Balk was nominated for Young Artist Awards. Natal Saturn is in terms with Mars, ruler of 12th house cinema. Such detail informs us that the period would be centralized around cinema and 12th house issues and 7th house (contracts) where Saturn is positioned.
Return to Oz
& Jupiter Direction

Now, if we direct promissor Jupiter to the first trine of significator Saturn direct, while applying the latitude only of the promissor, we have this result:
The Arc is almost exact, and the date also almost give the exact date of such event concerning international popularity and career, and in such a young age such Arc is quite literal. The date by the given key is a month earlier.
"The Craft" & Fairuza as Nancy Downs

Release date: May 3, 1996
Budget - $15 million[1]
Box office - $55.7 million
Fairuza's Angular Pluto
Balk is part of Pluto in Libra Generation, responsible for making the occult (Pluto) look pretty (Libra) or, for portraying darkness as beautiful and deep wanted. Both cases, Fairuza made it clear about it through her self-image. Powerful angular natal Pluto (10th house) is sextile Ascendant in Sagittarius. She is a poster girl/women from the 90’s. There is not a person of my age (Pluto in Scorpio) that hadn’t watched or at least have heard about the crazy witch Nancy Downs.
Nancy Downs is one of the main characters of The Craft, eventually becoming the film’s main antagonist. She is a troubled girl who practices witchcraft to try and improve her life. After forming a coven with Sarah Bailey, Bonnie and Rochelle, Nancy gains magical abilities. However, her desire for more power leads her to invoke the spirit of Manon, making her an incredibly powerful witch, but also an extremely dangerous and unstable one.

Profected Jupiter
At the releasing day, Balk’s profected Jupiter was exact sextile cusp of 12th house of cinema and natal Jupiter.
Transiting Pluto in Angular
The year of the movie, Pluto was in and out Fairuza’s 1st house of appearance. We can notice how Plutonic energy affected her while watching the film. She deserved an Oscar for such play.
Pluto Direction and world Success from playing a Witch
The film opened at number one at the North American box office, making US$6,710,995 initially. It said it was a surprising hit. The film was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Horror Film and Fairuza Balk for Best Supporting Actress. Balk also won the MTV Movie Award for Best Fight.
The Direction above is taken the planets from their mundane position and not Zodiacal as the usual. Promissor of angular Pluto is culminated/directed to significator Mc direct (10th house cusp).
Observe that the date given by the key of Naibod is only 2 days earlier than the actual movie’s premiere. Outstanding and incredible accurate nevertheless. Pluto rules the underworld, the occult, witchcraft, magick, the invisible but existencial, abusive and power of all. It was Balk’s time to culminate her power in career, making a strong mark afterwards. Instead of Pluto’s witchcraft took place in the affairs of her life, it projected on screen a powerful witch that is considered a pop icon of the 90’s. The movie has gained a cult following. I believe if back then Instagram existed, Fairuza would then have had millions followers more than nowadays, including the others actresses.
Solar Return - 1995
Ascendant Ruler Direction
Annual Ascendant Returns
Annual Ascendant comes back to the cusp of itself. Providing a year of assertiveness, goals accomplished, satisfaction, etc; Annual rising is in terms with Mars, the natural ruler of 1st house (Asc).

Sun Returns & Arc of Ascendant ruler to its own cusp
In Solar Returns, such date of events are usually of Converse Direction (as my experience convey). In this case however, I had to calculated it to the significator Ascendant direct. The arc is only 2 days earlier. The same happened with the arc when Pluto is culminated from the radix, making me believe that such chart must be rectified a few seconds. Notice that Mercury, the victorious planet in Fairuza’s radix, is opposite Jupiter. Both planets and Mercury are in domiciles in the SR 1995. Jupiter in such chart is ruler of 12th house of cinema.
Jupiter Fardar of 12 Years - Mars Sub-Period

Mars is a classic ruler of Scorpio, thus we can connect the planet in her chart to cinema, once in Fairuza’s radix Mars is ruling the 12th house of projection – cinema.
See the connection again? The solar return where an Arc of the movie’s premiere is seen connected to Fairuza’s big change in career followed by the Radix direction (M; Pluto D-> Mc). In the case of SR, Jupiter is directed to Ascendant point, the cusp house where Mars naturally rules.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
The Astrology of a TV show & Sarah Gellar as Buffy
& Others