Astrology of a Medium: Tyler Henry
Astrology of a Medium: Tyler Henry
“Tyler Henry Koelewyn (born January 13th; 1996 at 8:28pm in San Luis Obispo, California) is an American reality show personality who appears in the series Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry as a clairvoyant medium.”

I only got to know about Tyler a few weeks ago after a documentary or series with him reading people was released on Netflix [2022], and I am really interested in the astrology of Tyler Henry. I was really impressed by his abilities if all of that they televised really happened without scamming. If you didn’t see it, and like these topics, it is a must watch, and then come back here so we can discuss some astrology, because I will write it as if you knew the show.
Using a notebook to sketch as the reading escalates, lines and circles in abstract order begin to fill the blank paper of his, and as he closes his eyes, he is able to “see” through the other. These mediums mostly ask the client to bring with them an object that represented the departed, in order to channel down their “spirits” and sometimes even promoting some disclosure when possible, especially when the reading was/is so on point on delicate deaths.
What the astrology of such possible gifted medium would look about? I’ve seen charts before, and this is quite one of those the astrologer could immediately affirm by unconsciously nodding the head.
The Stellium in Capricorn along with the Sun itself ruler of 12th house known for spiritualism and mediunic activities. Capricorn brings things down to earth, even when that is part of “spirit”? Some sort of a “channeling” happens during Tyler’s interaction with clients. Now, if that is true or not, it opens deliberation for criticism for sure:
“Critics have alleged that Henry’s readings are performed using deceptive cold reading and hot reading techniques, and not “psychic” powers.” – Observe hot Sun in the cold Capricorn in the 5th house of performance. No matter what, his reputation is and perhaps will always be relatively good to better. Ruler of action (10th) Mercury retrograde trine Mc itself. Or, he will always or usually easily overcome what critics have to say?
Also, look of course, Neptune the planet of mediums, and let’s say, physic abilities? Not to mention Uranus there, which mirrors back his power of telepathy? Most of the figures that may come to his mind or perception perhaps are more telepathic than spiritual?
“A number of critics, including Susan Gerbic and Bobby Finger, have called Henry a “grief vampire” and criticized the show for targeting people who are grieving and vulnerable and exploiting them for entertainment.”
Observe cold feet Capricorn in the 5th house of entertainment, people could really see as that. But again, if his abilities are true, things could literally sound the other way around, where he is here not only to help people through such readings, but to also television it for people’s entertainment and that’s it.
Tyler expressed that he has healthy issues related to his lungs. Observe ruler and term of the Ascendant Mercury conjunct cusp of 6th house of health while also conjunct malefic Mars. But not only that, Mc (career) ruler and term is also Mercury, telling us his career brings excitement, but also gets him nervous and one of the reasons he ends up in hospitals. One his latest live appearances as medium, he had to be taken to the hospital for weeks. The good thing is that Saturn, ruler of the 6th house don’t look to Mercury in the chart, in fact it sextile Sun-Neptune-Uranus, telling us beforehand that Tyler won’t die specifically because of his lungs problems.
The Netflix show focus on Tyler’s readings and his thoughts, but also in bringing down events related to his mother’s mysterious past, as the family navigates the conundrum trying to find some kind of disclosure. As I remember from the show, Tyler’s mother was basically kidnapped as a baby, and the women serves in prison until nowadays, mystery and unsolved matters surrounds Tyler’s family. Observe Pluto conjunct cusp of the 4th house, which gives me the information that Tyler’s mother is more of a father figure than of a mother?
One interesting detail, look at the very personal Moon conjunct North Node (let’s say, mission in this life) which conjunct 3rd house of divination/interpretation, or, the house of the goddess.
Primary Directions of the Series
- “Life After Death with Tyler Henry” premiered on March 11, 2022 on Netflix
- Moon trine Mercury Direct – March; 2022
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Now, critics think some of his readings suggesting cold and hot reading like, in USA the cause number of death is heart attack in a certain age etc. so it would be easier for him to interpret that in certain occasions.
Cold or Hot reading, Telepathy, Spiritualism, Channel, Medium, or whatever that is, I find him fascinating, bubbly personality when it comes to reading and many people seems to be genuinely grateful. His Sun sextile Saturn suggests a good but also a profitable character, someone advantageous that has some form of advantage before society. He could easily be seen or called fake or con artist with the Sun ruling the 12th house in the 5th house of entertainment as we have seen it.
This is a dangerous position to be in, a medium is not a practice usually seen as a profession, even yet been the center of a show that is widely aired to millions, you can easily be targeted as a con artist, and I can only imagine how careful and trained he has to be in order not to instigate suicide or other kind of harm in clients. Perhaps the mediums face more prejudice and skepticism than astrology and astrologers? Or the opposite?
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What else …..
Future in 2022:
- Moon trine MC Direct – September; 2022 – Good ‘news’ regarding career
- Venus Conjunct Mars Direct – October; 2022 – Something related to his lungs or any particular case in health: surgery? Something that will help overcome some problems?
Future in 2028:
- Jupiter conjunct IC by Primary Directions Direct: Real disclosure regarding grandmother, mother, grandfather as well. Tyler’s mother & family in general will have plenty things come to an end.
2029 – Mercury trine…
Jenny Dusy ♣