Jupiter Ingresses Cancer [June 2025 – June 2026]
+ Predictions

Jupiter exaltation is Cancer, thus is it exalted in such domestic sign, it feels taken care off, rested, dignififed. Jupiter totally concords with the direction North of Cancer points so much about, this is when Jupiter is at its northernmost aligning the quality of fecund Jupiter’s direction into motion – it is fecund, exactly what Jupiter needs to penetrate and leave its seeds of future growth, or basically, the multiplication of humankind; Cancer is the sign of babies ruled by the Moon, the astrological planets that begins and ends events on Earth! Some traditional texts suggest Jupiter being the “sperm” in which contains potential life. If Aries is the starting point, Ptolemy tells us that Cancer is the 2nd [cardinal] point of the Zodiac wheel, which aligns with the sign of tropical Cancer, the period where in the North begins to exceed in heat, “up to the prime of life”.
Jupiter Ingresses Cancer | 2025, Jun 09th | 00°00’ degrees |
Jupiter Ingresses Leo | 2026, Jun 30th | 00°00’ degrees |

From now on, the astrologer can begin to philosophy correspondent similarities in life of humans & animals and what happens in their private lives, their intimacy with those who took care of them etc. With Jupiter, this is an abundance of babies everywhere, growing society of human beings and wild variety of animals and living things – Life procreated.
Now, we talked about Jupiter exaltation in Cancer very astrologically based on astronomical and weather phenomenon. How can we expand to Jupiter’s realm reflected back on Earth while exalted in Cancer? We begin combining key words, then we explore more possibilities etc. Examples:
- Physical expansion of one’s own home/terrain
- Mother is in Luck!
- A constellation of babies! A nursery!
- A super big belly! Twins! Triplex! Quadruple!
- Super well protected house/ap/flat
- Luck in real state (selling, renting etc.)
- The best price of that house, terrain etc.
- Loads of milk
- Congestion or crowd of women figures, female agglomeration
- A prosperous private life
Many things/themes/people will alter depending on the HOUSE of one’s chart where the transiting of Jupiter in Cancer occurs, it will add or simply substitute.
Although Jupiter gives endless possibilities, it can be uses in objective astrology. Supposed a native has Jupiter in Cancer which will culminate by Primary Direction at the same period when transiting Jupiter hits the degrees of natal Jupiter in Cancer – you can objectively tell that the native’s career will boost, will expand, while one’s reputation will increase, will gain admires, supporters, will be other people’s favourite, or even more objectively, this native’s path will have greater meaning than ever before, it will change direction according to Jupiter’s condition in the native’s chart etc. It will be big, famous/popular among women figures and circles, attracting women who are also mothers etc. Now, supposed this person is a teenager that long ago wanted to go study abroad etc. Perhaps this is the time where the astrologer could objectively predict this very thing to happen in the near future of this teenager. Or imagine this is the chart of a politician, you could predict favouritism, career’s expansion, more recognition, prestige etc. Or, imagine this is the chart of an international student, perhaps then a diploma with honour? A great scholarship, or, tuition 100% founded by government etc. In the chart of an aspiring actor/actress, what could you predict seeing natal Jupiter’s condition etc.? Or, of a scientist, what could you predict? A great thesis? Theory? A worthless paper/dissertation? Imagine this configuration in the chart of doctor, or nurse, or someone key in a company? A great turn of events would be expected in such nativities. The native beings to hear greater things about oneself through the mouth of others, doubling their status and reputation for better or worse. I higher sense of purpose emerges, and indeed one could be pursuing that exactly thing one was “supposed to be”.
Maybe you got the point. Usually, the thing with Jupiter, the biggest planet in our system, is to bring about positive events/changes that leave the native in a golden pool of feelings and physicality, as if one has been touched “from above”, by the “the stars”, leaving the native bemused, open-mouthed followed by an instant relief. Imagine you are in a war and everybody is capture in the building but you managed to escape by staying hidden even when a guard just passed by you, you could pretty much say that event was quite Jupiterian, a turn of event which led the native safe, behind and unharmed. Now, perhaps you were captured and shot to death as if you were nothing but a piece of human meat, then you could pretty much say that event was quite the opposite, very Saturnian, or Mars indeed!
In Cancer, expect “humans’ feelings to grow” wise, people will dance this time but with feelings, too much perhaps, exaggerated? Feeling/sentiments can now be more inspiring and wisdom patching, taking to a more positive side, the more one allows to feel (without a wall) and act on them, the more one will direct positive energy (?) to oneself. Literally, they may feel highly inspired for giving more spaces in the house, less furniture’s and more spaces, freedom of movement. Vulnerabilities now can be used as knowledge points in order to prognosticate treatments for prevention. Although Jupiter is super outwards, in this particular journey, the wisdom comes from withing, from emotional waters telling us how we respond to the world, we will learn and perhaps acquire more emotional intelligence?
Human beings ought to expand the ties with their close ones, they are likely to expand their relationships with them, bringing about new exciting experiences and adventures to remember.
Personal & Funny Note: I have Sun-Mars-Moon-7th house in Cancer [breasts/boobs], and began my hormone therapy a few months ago, will this transit help it to increase it? Well, I wouldn’t know scientifically, but I do expect to help it grow more (lol) or boost it a bit. Jupiter is our optimism, confidence that that good thing will happen, based on realistic expectations or not.
The Image…
Or, someone discovering the truth of family’s lineage
Or, someone discovering the truth one’s mother
Or, someone discovering the truth about one’s past
Of Exaltations & Depressions [According to Egyptian Ptolemy] – The Zodiacus