Neptune Ingresses Aries [2025-2038]
+ Dates and Forecast based on Worldstories
♥ The last time Neptune was in Aries was from 1861 to 1875. The next Ingress will occur on March 30th 2025, then it will go Retrograde [Rx] on July 2nd then comes back from 00°00’ Aries to 29°59’ Pisces on October 22nd 2025, to then on January 26th 2026 it will be back to 00°00’ Aries for good (13 years ahead), now the point of no return in our life time!
Shall new dreams, aspirations and ideals come to those who are waiting with their samurai swords in their hands. Those humans and behaviours which are sticking to the same old ways will fade away, will be left behind talking to themselves, alone in a cold room as if they were crazy. A new Neptune era will begin, and with it, new sacrifices will come about, those which the individual has to make in order to get higher in life (?). All things come with a price, tagged or not, right on the face or subtly hidden, the value is there nonetheless. Time for new aspirations, to hope for new far-out achievements, and even perhaps, to unconsciously keep a new lie to yourself in order to function blindly with faith, which you will problem won’t even know but when Neptune moves to Taurus in 2038! A new dream will flourish in people’s intentions, which will come from very deep desire of perfectionism, twisting such things to a charming chaos. A tornado of new conundrums will present itself in people’s life, in many fields where humans can apply knowledge & intuition, a brand-new work of an art! A new place to scape, literally or mentally (?) will present itself. A new idea or even an ideal to begin hold on to, a belief that all things have a start, that dreams can become real if one gives the first kick. Time perhaps, to re-think collective’s dreams and aspirations.

It is very clear to me that, when Neptune enters Aries and spends a decade something transiting such “new” sign of the Zodiac, it makes humans patent their new inventions that clearly will have maximum effect in the future – They patent their newest technology that changes the game in many fields [see more ahead]. New this and that will be collective appreciated once it becomes mainstream. Neptune likes to bring people together, to get things together, to try to make sense of the whole, sometimes the impossible, out of the chaos; in Aries, it puts potential where it always existed, but now it begins to glow from really far away – the first real glimpse.
Neptune Ingresses Aries |
2025, Mar 30th › at 11:58 (GMT) |
00°00’ degrees |
Neptune In Aries [Rx] |
2025, Oct 22nd › at 09:51 (GMT) |
00°00’ degrees |
Neptune Ingresses Aries [D] |
2026, Jan 26th › at 17:34 (GMT) |
00°00’ degrees |
Neptune Ingresses Taurus |
2038, May 22nd › at 00:12 (GMT) |
00°00’ degrees |
The US’s West Migration: The 1860’s decade was also about migration in mass, as Neptune migrates or immigrates to somewhere else from it’s original position, it wants to blend, to disperse more here and there in order to become full, to be one. Neptune wants to pour the right ingredients to the social caldron so the illusion of one & only works. The Homestead Act of 1862, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, was a significant piece of legislation that encouraged westward migration in the United States, initiating an era of migration in USA. This chart is nothing but interesting – Social planets Saturn & Jupiter were transiting Virgo. Nonetheless, I think Neptune with that Venus in Aries with that Sextile from Mercury-Uranus-South Node in Gemini, was giving green sign for such dissemination of humans to the west.
American Civil War: The first half of such decade was also dominated by the American Civil War, with the later half seeing the country pull itself out from the damage during the Reconstruction! Neptune in Aries glamorizes war of the collective resources.
Submarine: While the Moon rules the salt chuck, the beaches and Earth’s seas, Neptune then rules the ocean, the very feet of the deep waters, it goes under, below human can’t easily access without proper equipment’s, human inventions etc. Now, Plongeur, meaning “Diver” in French, was a submarine launched on April 16, 1863 – the first ever submarine in the world to be powered by mechanical means instead of human effort! Neptune let us reach the depths when technology help us see or function better in almost impossible scenarios for human beings to be in, it covers us from harm at its best, it protects us from other elements, from the immediate reality – it merges human beings with the impossible. The lunching day had a Stellium in Aries [New Moon + Mercury + Neptune] all Opposite social Jupiter-Saturn in Libra – “The submarine used a compressed-air engine, propelled by stored compressed air powering a reciprocating engine”. However, with Aries, some things tend to the war side – Although originally not designed as a weapon, the submarine became a viable military tool in 1866 when Robert Whitehead perfected a self-propelled torpedo. Named the Whitehead torpedo, it was powered by compressed air, carried an explosive warhead, and could travel at a speed of 7 knots (about 8 mph) with an accuracy of up to 700 yards. Remember that the Neptune-Stellium was in the sign of the Ram – The submarine was equipped with a naval ram [naval weapon] to puncture the hulls of enemy ships and an electrically-fired spar torpedo mounted on the end of a pole!
The Periodic Table: With Neptune, there is the potential of the “undiscovered” yet, where possibilities are greater than one could realize. Even though there are existence of a number of precursors, this was also de decade when Dmitri Mendeleev published the first version of the periodic table, predicting the existence and properties of undiscovered elements! – On March 6, 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev presented his periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society, describing elements based on their atomic weight and valence, predicting periodicity in properties and the existence of undiscovered elements. Mendeleev accurately anticipated the properties of germanium, gallium, and scandium. The astrological chart of the day presentation is phenomenal! Jupiter-Neptune in Aries in a Grand Trine to Mars-North Node in Leo & Trine to Saturn-Moon in Sagittarius!
When Neptune finds its way into Aries, dreams and visions can serve as true source of inspiration – John B. Arden (1998). “Science, Theology and Consciousness”, Praeger Frederick A. p. 59: “The initial expression of the commonly used chemical periodic table was reportedly envisioned in a dream. In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev claimed to have had a dream in which he envisioned a table in which all the chemical elements were arranged according to their atomic weight.” – How impressive that was! Literally, as if a message was sent to him in form of a vision while sleeping, or simple, a dream. In Aries, Neptune wants to be the “first to dream of that thing”. Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, which in turn is the resume, the abstraction, the result of all the Zodiac signs put together, lied on it all the Zodiac’s “elemental” properties, let’s say it. When Neptune enters Aries, little things happens so that massive significance occurs later in scientific research, the first step towards something that will change concepts, previous knowledge and practices – it gives greater potential.
The Dynamite: Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is from fire element, it explodes, it is a dynamite. When the transiting Neptune-Venus Conjunction in Aries were Conjunct the natal Pluto in Aries of scientist Alfred Nobel, he patents his Dynamite’s invention in England on 7 May 1867 and in Sweden on 19 October 1867. Alfred invented the known dynamite [mixture of nitro-glycerine and Diatomaceous earth] which provided a safer and controllable preeminent alternative to black powder and nitro-glycerine, creating a new form for construction & demolition (bridges, buildings etc.). That transiting [May 7thl 1867] Venus-Mercury-Neptune in Aries was also trine transiting Mars in fiery Leo! I think that Venus with Neptune alleviates the “horrors” of an explosion, giving it control, a ‘controlled’ fire, becoming a ‘safer’ option for destruction. Dynamite quickly became widely used as a safer alternative to gunpowder and nitro-glycerine!
The Image I have in mind perhaps is, a fire in ocean;
Or, a group of scientists studying dreams through technology (wet wire);
Or, a new element for the periodic table (?);
Or, someone’s dream turning to be true somehow;
Or, a dream that helps someone in science;
Or, a dream that helps a professional to build up someone from zero in the area of applied knowledge;
Or, the invention of a safer “explosion” for demolitions etc.;
Or, a war that you can almost tell there is no war, not obvious, subtle, going under, beneath society’s noses;
Or, the invention and patent of a new kind of deep-water transportation;
40 Rare and Amazing Photos Document Everyday Life of the U.S. in the 1860s ~ Vintage Everyday
President Lincoln signs the Homestead Act
Science, technology and weapons – the inventions of the 1860s – Latest News – Wilson Gunn
French submarine Plongeur | Military Wiki | Fandom