Venus Conjunct Saturn
In Transit
Venus Conjunct Saturn – As Saturn is slower, Venus will find him pretty soon on the road of the Zodiac in every sign he transits, never skipping a Saturn’s sign. Sometimes when she turns retrograde on the same sign he transits (which are rare occasions), she will insist in meeting him “2 more times” in a short period (but now “with feelings”), but that may take decades to happen, for example, the last time Venus was Retrograde while transiting the same sign as Saturn was in 2007 in Leo. The next time this will happen will be now in 2025/April but in the sign from water triplicity Pisces. Then the next one, only in 2060! Now, picture this 2025…
Note! Due to the fact Venus can never be more than about 48° degrees away from the Sun in the Zodiac (even in its greatest elongation), it results Saturn will never be retrograde whenever Venus Conjunct it, making me believe Saturn doesn’t give enough credit to Venus’ effort to please on nativities of planet Earth when this configuration is presented, let’s say it not a priority until Venus turns Opposite to Saturn and the planet is always then retrograde! Making Saturn wonder why not he listened to Venus in the first place, like all other planets would also wonder eventually, except Mercury! In fact, only Mercury can be Retrograde (very often) when he/she quickly finds transiting Venus in the Zodiac face-to-face, telling us that love & money/compensation (whatever that is to you) are usually always on the native’s mind despite of whatever other planets have to say about it.
When the money-oriented Venus catches up with profit-oriented Saturn, tycoon women are out there, in politics, in business, in organizations, in science, in the media, everywhere. Many are now making their mark known to the world, many are found themselves under stardom momento. Even though rivalry will still be there, their presence, their name will be known. When Venus is Retrograde on Saturn’s transiting sign, these women return to the game, they are once more recognized some way or another, projecting images of self-confidence, a determined plan, a mapped-out approach, a solid mean to achieve initial goals – a female figure to follow. Colours now are serious deal. People now know the colours they want, for this and that, they know it will be “permanent”. They will rub off the fading colours and refresh it with a new painting that will long last. Humanity now wants you to decode their secret for success, it feels like sharing now, no secret shall limit two persons but tie up the knot, make it more resistant, superficial-free. Humanity is now making important and perhaps urgent meetings and say it will define the future of the company, of the relationship, of the deal. Wanting to go to the top seems desirable now, and not only, one has to be seen by others, waiting perhaps unconsciously for a kind of approval. They want to include important ones into their plans, be it professional, casual or personal. Casual stuff are taken seriously, as if they were mains. People want to know how their own business attract people; they want the ingredients of a successful craft. Many are taking the power of attraction too seriously, sometimes becoming mad because it didn’t work, where other times it looks like a superpower that comes with responsibility. Some humans will appreciate the lust of good things and pleasures in life after a good day of well productive work, they will enjoy the best wine and food, and will not refuse a good massage. All human affairs are now predominant and will be put on scales, people will see it as it is, no sugar coating nor bias will spoil the judgment. May these days be extra careful with people, as you may hurt their feelings pretty heavy, and that will mark on their psychic and won’t forget it. These are times you will be helped or assisted as much as you assisted back once, humanity will feel the result of their fidelity, allegiance, obedience, quite a form of a homage coming from special others. A few humans will be wondering about exclusivity, how far are they willing to go one-to-one in terms of a bond and dedication to the significant other(s), is it firm enough to pass the test when the worse is happening outside their control?

Time is precious and valuable when Venus wants Saturn by her side. Venus likes to like, like to love, to have pleasure, to admire, very attributes and things Saturn would avoid, but when this inevitable meeting happens, Saturn has no other choice but to adapt to Venu’s affectionate nature, it begins given value to Venus and Venus will enjoy Saturn’s time, because it is here relationships are taken to commitment level, a legit compromise of a kind. To strike a balance is demanded, wanted, requested, thus if you are not into, leave it as fast as you can, because people will think you want to. The vibe is to connect responsibly to a personal level, a one-to-one feels special now, serious and important. Meeting(s) now have the quality of serious business, people are including others into their own occupation, to feel lighter, better. To connect now feels genuine, worthy people’s time. Something serious may start from here involving people. With Saturn, the love will be of hard-work, an appreciation of power and control, a genuine desire to take care, be responsible of something important, that matters, that makes a social difference perhaps. People are now attracted to self-confidence, it simple feels sexy and powerful – a wanted quality. Humans want to show others how hard they work and want to be appreciated for that, recognized. They want to exceed in the human field no matter what that is/are. Humanity is serious about commitment and will try to deliver what is supposed to, or will see themselves out the door permanently – they would add. Many will find themselves avoiding some direct relationships too close or too much, they want now to be with those who makes a difference in their lives. If one is not ready, one will leave uncommitted and discomposed, leaving others wondering their affection. Men & authority figures will project their Satanic inclinations onto women, they will want to dictate what they must/should do, with their bodies, with their lives, what they wear, what they show etc. This is still Saturn, the greatest malefic, the task-master of the system – this will be a time where relationships and things that value to the native will be tested, as if Saturn imposes challenges in order to evaluate genuineness. A necessary “negation” of a kind that prevents something negative in the future; a limitation of a kind so nothing goes out irresponsible, out of planned or unwanted results. With Venus in the game, Saturn’s is less hurt (as well as when she aligns with Mars), less inclined to commit malefices, but when it does, it will concern female figures, eroticism, significant other, with/by money, in a cassino, in a motel, at dinner time, before midnight or, on a Friday night. Some with get their hands on dirty money, sometimes unknowingly, while others will do it very consciously. Some are intentionally stirring the witches’ caldron in other people’s relationships just to see it growing haywire. Some will turn on denial phase regarding other’s people final intentions and reasons. Other humans will master on how to control other peoples’ lives. The good vs. evil seem pretty obvious by this point.
Venus Conjunct Saturn in Pisces | 2025, Jan 19th › at 01:26 (GMT) | 16°05’ degrees |
Venus (Rx) Conjunct Saturn in Pisces | 2025, Apr 07th › at 11:00 (GMT) | 25°15’ degrees |
Venus Conjunct Saturn in Pisces | 2025, Apr 25th › at 00:01 (GMT) | 27°13’ degrees |
While Saturn represents success in a chart, Venus represents the female figures of society, thus this combination can be seen in charts of women of success & influence, rich to millionaire female figures, those that made up to the top and are rewarded accordingly, becoming respectable through the public’s eye, sometimes highly recognized and valued by their effort, but sometimes for their inherences alone. Now, a classic example of that, is not only on Kris Jenner’s Natal Chart (in Scorpio), Mackenzie Scott (in Taurus) and Beyonce (in Libra), but of an event which made a female figure one of the highest-paid individuals in the globe at a certain period in worldstory. Such event took place about one day and a few hours after Venus-Saturn Conjunction perfected in the sign of motherly Cancer on June 24th 1916, when pioneer Mary Pickford made history by becoming the first silent-movie star to sign a million-dollar contract, catapulting the female star to the ranks of the world’s highest-paid individuals and solidifying her status as a trailblazer in the entertainment industry – it was one of those rare encounters of when Venus is retrograde in the same sign of Saturn! Although the Canadian actress didn’t have in Venus-Saturn Conjunction in the chart, she had Venus-Saturn Square while Venus was also Conjunct power Pluto, plus she had Jupiter-Sun in the 2nd house of money/income – she is considered the Hollywood’s first millionaire.

Understand that cosmological Venus-Saturn has plenty to do with stolen-art on Earth. See, the last time Venus was Conjunct Saturn in Pisces in the past was during 1994 to 1996, when the famous painting titled “The Scream” (version 1893), one of Western art’s most acclaimed images by Edvard Munch is stolen from the National Gallery (Oslo) two days prior the astrological event in February 12th 1994, when quick on foot Mercury (the theft & messenger) was retrograde while also Conjunct that Venus-Saturn Conjunction in first degree Pisces – the two thefts left a note reading “Thanks for the poor security”. Venus in astrology is major significator of paintings. Wikipedia writes that “The Scream is Munch’s most famous work, and one of the most recognizable paintings in all art. It has been widely interpreted as representing the universal anxiety of modern man.” For Venus, the more colours the more attractive – This was the most coloured version of “The Scream”. However, when Venus was in the same sign of Saturn in Cancer a decade later, happens the second steal of “The Scream” but with the 1910 version of the painting, being stolen on August 22nd 2004 – Painter Venus was bounded with stealer Mercury. Interesting to known is that both of the paintings were recovered nonetheless. In both charts, Venus-Saturn makes great aspect to greater benefic Jupiter. Note that Edvard Munch, the Norwegian artist had Saturn in Libra, thus governed by Venus, which in his chart is in stalker Scorpio – Even if you are not into pop-culture you must have seen the movie or heard of slasher movie “Scream”, the film where the girl in fear is stalked by a scream-masked man, a mask that clearly replicated the “The Scream” famous painting.
Now, when do you think the famous “Hollywood Walk of Fame” was inaugurated astrologically speaking? Of course, Venus had to be with Saturn in the skies. A few hours after celebrity Venus went Conjunct Domicile Saturn in award-oriented Capricorn on February 08th 1960, the “Hollywood Walk of Fame” famous landmark featuring 2,800 five-pointed stars made of terrazzo and brass is established. These stars are embedded in the sidewalks along 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street in Los Angeles’ Hollywood district – now, observe that at that point of the day (12pm) Venus was already at 15° degrees Capricorn! Venus rejoices in the 5th place of Earth, the stage of the planet, the house of entertainment industry, while Saturn crystalizes, makes these stars to literally marked on the ground – These stars, first permanently installed in 1960 serve as monuments to achievements in the entertainment industry, bearing names of a diverse mix of actors, musicians, producers, directors, theatrical and musical groups, fictional characters etc. Saturn is the planet that awards, that recognizes, leaving a permanent mark, be it a trophy, a mark on the wall, or this case, on the ground, a word that Capricorn loves! This chart is amazing actually, Mars was exalted Conjunct that Venus-Saturn in Capricorn as well, an initiative that stand ’till nowadays with about 10 million visitors annually. That configuration was sextile Neptune, which we know was at first sextile steps with Pluto that stands ’till nowadays with the upcoming ones perfecting until the 2030’s! My prediction is that such trend will begin to fade away by the 2060’s, with less and less people wanting to visit such grounds, which will be unfortunate, because such industry is one of the major marketing tools that keeps people driven to collaborative art. Venus-Saturn recognizes successful artists and influential personas and awards them for their effort. I talk more about this here [link].

When Venus meets up Saturn, some people may find their important time with something else has come to an end, even if that has been nothing but successful, a business partnership, a specific social media account, the club’s share, or even a serious relationship of years on the run. Perhaps a classic example would be at exact day Mercury-Venus was perfecting a Conjunction to Saturn in Taurus (plus Opposite Jupiter in Scorpio) on April 10th 1970, in a mock-interview style press release, included with promotional copies of his debut solo album, Paul McCartney reveals he was leaving from The Beatles. Plus, Mars the divorcer was there as well in Taurus with that Jupiter opposite them, giving us the idea that the departure was also an opportunity to promote oneself, right on the face of terrible news for the fans of the band. This resulted the disband of the popular musicians.
We have to bear in mind that is not about just the Conjunction, or the Opposition of the planets, but other planets are also there in the chart, and some also having a major configuration with other planets at the same time, and that can become a bit tricky, and that’s why the time of any event is important, the reference scope given by the hour provides the astrologer the horoscope, the rising sign, and from there you begin sound and sage. Yet, still workable with an unknown time, the job can still stand up for the test. Now, when Venus Retrograde was Conjunct Saturn detriment in Leo in 2007, there was also a Venus-Saturn Trine Pluto-Jupiter while they were also Opposite Neptune in Aquarius, it was when on that August 9; 2007, BNP Paribas, a French global bank in the United Kingdom, halted withdrawals from three hedge funds heavily invested in sub-prime mortgages, marking the onset of the 2007–2008 financial crisis. However, I think to reach such upheaval in the social sphere for such long time, there had to be the influence of astrological outer-to-outer planets to social ones added to the configuration. Thus, money Venus & liquidation Saturn alone configuration could see perhaps as the trigger of something that was ready to happen at much larger scale, something that was “being prepared” inside this caldron by the further planets in the system – supposed that day there was only a Venus-Saturn Conjunction, and even with a retrograde Venus, that would perhaps not stand out as much as it would with a larger configuration being involved at the same time, then perhaps it would had been just a short-term blip, which wasn’t the case. Another example would be on the same year of 2007 but on end of June, when still in the same sign of Leo and the configuration partile Opposite Neptune in Aquarius, the first modern smartphone and the 1st of its generation, the iPhone is released in USA (being then released later in UK, Ireland, FR, Germany and Austria in November the same year near the Venus-Saturn Conjunction [but already in Virgo]) – although no planets were in smart Gemini, generational Neptune was in brand new technology sign of airy Aquarius, representing progress in technology but distributed to the masses in order to make use of it. But Venus-Saturn in Leo were indeed in terms with phone Mercury which was Conjunct the Sun by degrees! Anyway, that Opposition to Neptune told us that would be to smart people up, making people want it, need it. Learn this, when transiting Venus in Leo in July 2023 was Conjunct the natal chart of the iPhone lunching date (of that 2007), the first edition model of the 2007 iPhone was sold at auction for $190,372.80, ended being valued about 400 times the original price.
Note: Bear in mind this research won’t stop here, so as all other aspects I am researching. As the years go by, I will update them here and there.
In The Image I have in mind is someone paying for an erotic kind of service;
Or, a long-lasting & successful marriage;
Or, a long-lasting & successful business;
Or, a long-lasting & successful partnership;
Or, a clandestine business;
Or, hate & fear projected onto women;
Or, a couple planning on pregnancy or having a child in their life together;
Or, a feminine figure in a successful authority position;
Or, a wise and experienced feminine figure;
Or, the rise of a woman in politics;
Or, a very feminine man in authority position;
Or, a cold-blood feminine figure;
Or, a sexually frigid person;
Or, a cold and hard to ingest dinner/food;
Or, someone being totally against a relationship of two other people;
Or, a couple managing something important together;
Or, a minor prevention of what could had been worse;
Or, a famous painting or piece of art being stolen;
Or, a vetoed decision of a membership;
Or, a fiasco on stage;
Or, a popular band disbanding;
Or, an important investment;
Or, a really unlucky investment, business, career, position etc.;
Or, a church being used for business;
Or, a (i)legal prostitution ring;
Greatest elongation, superior and inferior conjunction
Hollywood Walk of Fame – Wikipedia
Three myths that sustain the economic crisis | Economics | The Guardian
iPhone (1st generation) – Wikipedia
Apple iPhone from 2007 sells for $190,000 at auction – BBC News
Mary Pickford, horoscope for birth date 8 April 1892, born in Toronto, with Astrodatabank biography