Saturn Conjunct North Node (Pisces) – 2025: Worldstory and Predictions
In Transit
Date & Degrees:
Saturn Conjunct North Node | At 26°01’ degrees – Pisces | April 14th; 2025 |
Mars-Saturn are the traditional malefices in astrology, representing negativity and evilness, but Saturn overcomes it, it is the grand one, to the point it can corrupt, from inside out. In Pisces, that intention is in silence, muted, the sign that leaves no traces behind, it disappears into thin air. In the North Node, there is a contract – however, Pisces doesn’t sign anything, it nodes with the head instead, or something alike.

- The Corrupt Bargain 1877 & the End of the ‘Reconstruction Era’ in the USA

Now, the last time Saturn was Conjunct the Lunar Node in the sign of Pisces was only back in March of 1877, almost about 150 years ago, when at the exact day it went perfect happened the Corrupt Bargain 1877 in USA, or widely known as the Compromise of 1877, the Wormley Agreement – This settled the fierce disputed 1876 presidential election, allowing republican candidate Hayes to become president of USA. Saturn is the planet that compromises, it takes responsibility seriously and settles things once and for all as long as the parts maintain the deal – with Saturn, stakes high.
Transiting president Saturn was exactly Conjunct the ‘transiting’ North Node of the withdrawing Moon, the Northen point indicated by the intersection of the Moon over the Ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun visible to humans on Earth, creating the Ascending Node of the Moon – moving things from south to the north, let’s put it – Federal troops were withdrawn from Southern USA, effectively ending the Reconstruction era and leading to the rise of “Redeemer” Democrats specifically over states like South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana.
The transiting North Node symbolizes the social exercise people need to learn as collective, the direction they shall take together as a whole. In Pisces, that doesn’t exist on paper, it doesn’t just stand there and talk, it uses its body to communicate instead, like a game of mimic, you have to guess – this was said to be an unwritten political deal, no evidence on paper whatsoever, yet ended the filibuster of the given results and the threat of political violent outburst. Needless to say, Pisces is informal – Some historians argued that such was actually a multiple sort of informal agreements rather than a single formal deal. The existence and specifics of the compromise are debated among historians, with some questioning the extent and nature of the deal. When Saturn aligns with the Northern Lunar Node in Pisces, historical events are left in the air, remaining questions that will never be answered but guessed, left to imagination.
This was also known as the “Great Betrayal” (how Satan is that?), which again, marked the conclusion of Reconstruction in the South and the restoration of “Home Rule.” This clandestine arrangement guaranteed that Republican candidate Rutherford Hayes would assume the presidency, while the Democrats would reclaim political control in the southern state governments. Contractor Saturn rejoices in the house of 12th place of Earth, assigned to clandestine Pisces, the 12th Zodiac sign – Saturn is the planet that negotiates, it makes agreements as a measure to restore order and control, it deals with it, but on its own terms.
Saturn was Conjunct North Node, and not the South Node – The new president Hayes was peacefully inaugurated three days later. It was a day something after the total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (thus with South Node) with the Sun partile Conjunction that Saturn-North Node -full Moon eclipses time with the Moon on its Southern Node are emerging closing chapters – The end of the Reconstruction period said to have helped rebuilt the South and integrating formerly enslaved people into society.
However, the thing with Saturn, is that there is always a catch – The end of federal oversight led to the implementation of Jim Crow laws, enforcing a recreant racial segregation, as if black and white (North-South) were exclusive by their own (for example, restroom exclusive for white, or for black, bus service, tap water etc). Such lunation definitely made things apart in the social-racial context. The secretive deal is seen as a pivotal moment that shaped the trajectory of race relations and federal-state dynamics in the U.S. – however, such disenfranchisement and segregation that followed is known for having set the stage for the Civil Rights Movement nearly a century later!
The Compromise 1877 highlighted ongoing tensions between federal authority and states’ rights, a theme that continues to influence American politics. When Saturn touches the lunar nodes, be sure it will be political, it will influence the ongoing picture and perhaps change parties, it changes sides in specific locations of the globe while deleting the still existing fragile party in charge, influencing in long-term the nation’s economy, culture and the judiciary (laws targeting civilians).
I think that one of the negative sides of this configuration is the separation it can generate between people, some way or another, by law or some sort of moral/ethical code, thus a human construction of thoughts and social ‘agreements, sometimes to put order in chaos, other times to highlight a discrepancy and causing separatism. However, we must keep in mind that the Bargain 1877 event had Mars-Uranus still in exact Conjunction at 0° Capricorn, quite a separatist quality to it was added to extremes, it was governmental, administration, the control, who manages, who is elected, the one that points to where etc.
Note: The Sun-Saturn-North Node were transiting Heye’s 10th house, the “house of the president”. It was for sure a notorious transit over his 10th place in the radix. Monthly Ascendant was the place where Saturn the ‘president’ sits his in radix.
Compromise of 1877 – Wikipedia