Mars Opposite Pluto
Mars Opposite Pluto - In Transit
Mars Opposite Pluto – November 2024 will be the last time Mars in Cancer will oppose Pluto transiting critical degrees Capricorn. Then from 2025 until 2043 Mars will Oppose Pluto in Aquarius whenever the first enters Leo. You can read many articles I wrote on Pluto in Aquarius by clicking here.
Note(!): Well, well… Prepare yourself, the near future looks spice and pungent between November 2024 to April 2025. There will be this rare configuration going on with Mars-Pluto where Mars will turn Retrograde right on the sign Opposite of transiting Pluto, thus it will Oppose Pluto 3x times during the period of a single solar year (in less than 1 year). This is rare to happen, the last time Mars was Retrograde while Opposing Pluto was back in 2008, and then only back to the beginning of the WWII in the year of 1939 (read more below). The way the world is nowadays, I wouldn’t be surprised if some sort of war culminates elsewhere in the world with a “new title” that has nothing to do with the current wars (?). The next time Mars will be retrograde while in the sign Opposite Pluto will be only in the year of 2042 where in the 2x hit Pluto will be Stationing!
When Mars finally Opposes Pluto on the road of the Zodiac belt, humanity is deeply craving things they don’t understand why or how, feelings and sensations they simple can’t control or exactly comprehend, it is too intense, a powerful action will be needed sometime. A decision on the spot that will lead to transformation. Many of humans are unfortunately experiencing a cruel and devastating end, the sad death of a kind. Impatience kicks in and it is now many will feel things must be poured ‘till the “last drop”, or that they should let it. Humanity is seeing the culmination of their own power & control, and many will now find out who their enemy(s) really is(are), thus many will feel dangerously vengeful, ready to sting the jugular. On the other side, many will feel jumping at the deepest abysm, losing total control and track of life, events seem to be totally against one’s will and opposite one’s concrete desires. Others will have strong but dangerous wishes, almost to deadly ones, acting on strong compulsions and/or impulsions, from the deep unconscious. Other will be caught up right at the culmination of a violent life-threatening cycle. The pressure is getting immense and intense, the pressure to finally get to the bottom of things and will be crystal clear – a crisis can easily emerge and many will feel they are losing control. Other will be putting themselves in positions they will be misunderstood, positions they may be in danger. People are going nuclear, approaching to the extremities, the substructure, doing the proper groundwork but behind the scenes, no person can realize what’s the intention behind but oneself if not a few people here and there. They are scanning underground, at the bottommost, exhuming from 6ft under, or, from the undermost it could possibly be. The investigation takes a turn. Others will evidently bear control-freak beings. Time to face your deepest desires, impose your will onto the world, set free from the idea you can’t be powerful or can’t have a say to your own destiny/story, here is perhaps the time to be bold and face off life’s tragedies with an invisible sword carrying nuclear energy. Humanity will be strategically manipulating one another, to help themselves. Humans’ actions will be either modestly honest or false-hearted, and others will assertively hide intentions while preforming, the perfect moment to spy, to eavesdrops if that’s what you need to do to save yourself from a situation. A struggle may concern the self, thinking one cannot take action, or that if one does disaster will follow, thus the need to calculate better, to brush aside deep insecurities rooted and fixed somewhere in the psychic, to be tactical and well thought out – although the energy will be likely reaping one apart, self-control must be considered as priority, one can hold much power now that needs a moderated releasing, not too spontaneous, not too fast, but also not too static or not too slow. Humanity may now easily misplace concentration and laser-focus attentiveness if too distracted, if not, one will be able to reach to an ultimate decision, that will change the course of something, someone’s life etc. Many decisions now will have deep or deeper impact. Strong sexual desires rule the period, and many humans will witness obscene scenes, doubtful behaviours, flattering turning into violence etc. Others will experience one of their most intense sexual experiences, right on spot. People are challenged to move on, to really just let it go for once of what no longer serves, to not dance around or cling to things or people that already served their purpose. It is that time perhaps, to let go of that wrath that was put on hold for such long time; people no longer need it, it has served its intent, time to let it free. However, many will let wrath to possess the native, developing overtime dangerous, destructive to deadly consequences.

Not the sweetest ride, the Mars-Pluto Opposition can be quite sour, astrologically operating where parts of Earth experience raw cruelty and gore/horror in mass, unstoppable destruction, catastrophes, sometimes to total annihilation/elimination. Many will be literally on self-destruction mode, where no matter what is said or given will revert, it will go on and on down the hill. Humanity is learning that fatal attraction is real, and it can become serious, heading perhaps towards threatening situations. Others will lead to passion crimes, really cold betrayals and treacherous business. Mars inclined people (at the moment) are easily triggered to commit offenses, violations, deep cuts etc. For many humans this will be a time of complete darkness, pitch black, psychologically, symbolic, physically etc. They will feel they went way to far on the attitude and advancements, as if they have had crossed the line. There are these mini personal wars that people engage in unknowingly in life, shall today humans realize what and who those are, those personal silent wars that take down people’s energy unwantedly. Underworld criminals may rule the period, forced prostitution, kidnappers, pimps, rapists, human and organs’ traffickers etc. They are on the news, on your neighbourhood, out there in the world, and today shall humanity learn of creatures are of “dark” intent, the gangs, the mafia, cartels, organization this and that – many will gain power and will act on revenge and bloodshed, increasing or doubling up their malefic nature, they extrapolate and will trespass the line. Too many will see wealthiness coming from malefic deeds, treacherous endeavours, they will thrive in the face of other people’s desperations, weaknesses and feebleness. Really evil people are leaned to terror, physical or phycological torture, putting others into harrowing scenarios to pleasure their own sickening desires – it becomes obvious, evident. A culminating of a war between this and that silently explodes – diabolical actions rule the period where malice runs through many people’s veins. Many will find themselves power-obsessed, crazy for more. Others will let envy or jealously take the wheel and that may be uncontrollable. Perhaps the key here for all humans, is to kill, to kill that what no longer is needed, an internal wrath, a grudge, a certain hate towards someone, to slay deep irrational feelings and thoughts, to cancel the war, to annihilate the malice, to exterminate envy, and finally to comprehend that some people that humans personally know can also be evil, merciless and foul. Many will be ready to nudge the wound of others, be aware and leave the room before things heats up. Mars-Pluto combination points to the extreme kinds of violence by abuse of power, cowardness and mercilessness.
Mars in Cancer Opposite Pluto in Capricorn | 2024, November 3rd › at 11:37 (GMT) | 29°45’ degrees |
Mars in Leo [Rx] Opposite Pluto in Aquarius | 2025, January 3rd › at 07:21 (GMT) | 01°08’ degrees |
Mars in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius | 2025, April 27th › at 01:05 (GMT) | 03°48’ degrees |

Virgo is the classic planet of slavery, the astrological planet that rules jobs and works under to minimum wages to none – Virgo is easily abused by malice of others. Mars fights against, it is the hero of the planets, it fights against the unwanted. Pluto eliminates once and for all, it’s done, it also forbids from happening again, the wound must be closed and that’s it. Now, let’s go back to the 19th century and examine what exactly happened the once time Mars went retrograde in Virgo and perfected an Opposition to Pluto in Pisces in the year of 1807 – on the 5th day after the Opposition took place, the US’s Congress signed the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves “into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States … from any foreign kingdom, place, or country”. Although it only went into effect from January 1808, that March 1807 was a moment of defining grounds for the future of slavery, a definite and final decision of a nation that changed forever the destiny of billions of people born in that part of the globe (USA) – at that day the all-powerful Sun was exact Conjunct Pluto, while Venus and Mercury were also in Pisces, and Mars was exact Opposite that Mercury (sign) – that was a major event for humankind for sure. How astrological fitting and positive was that, and coming from Mars-Pluto? Yes, the fight is real and can be directed right when in the right side of worldstory. By the end of that March 1807, the British Parliament’ Slave Trade Act [An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade] becomes law, thus abolishing the slave trade in most of nation’s land, encouraging a future of deleted slavery in the years afterwards until fully abolished by 1833 in the whole UK. Mars-Pluto Oppositions seems to act on the final Act that encourages one nation, that encourages the other and so forth, and that ends up changing global behaviour as time progresses. Although slavery still thrives in some parts of the globe, people became aware of their own power and will keep fighting against it. Pluto operates on human’s very and deep values, that are sticky, hard to move and convinced otherwise.
The next discovery (actually, not a discovery but a catch of the past) I did while investigating the Mars-Pluto Opposition in astrology and worldstoy is horribly ironic. When Pluto was transiting Taurus Retrograde and Mars in unsafe waters Scorpio went to Oppose it in September 1854, in London, a brief but menacing epidemic of cholera terminates the life of over 10,000 humans (from August 31st to September 8th). Fixed Scorpio is the sign where things are “dumped” and is from water triplicity, it forms fungus, toxins, viruses etc. Dr John Snow traced the source of one of the outbreaks which eliminated over 500 people to a single water pump, corroborating to his theory that cholera is water-borne, thus pioneering in the studies of epidemiology (public health), the distribution (share) of a disease. Remember that Mars rejoices or have its house in the 6th place of Earth, which resembles the 6th sign of Virgo, the sign of health; Plus, the Sun/Mercury were transiting Virgo, the focus was on that. Important to remind the reader that Saturn was partile Square Neptune as well, but the Mars-Pluto Opposition still screamed louder in the chart! Pluto “hosts viruses”, as if it was a deadly virus itself – Thus far, humans are the only known creatures to host body for this disgusting bacterium. Pluto is the planet that rules a person’s anal, the final part of the gastrointestinal tract, the necessary canal to evacuate, to eliminate at the extremity and well-hidden part of the human body – The well-known common symptom of the infection is the evacuation of loads of watery diarrhoea and vomit.

When Mars opposes Pluto in the Zodiac, people are getting themselves into trouble if not paying attention to the strong deep force of human nature, putting themselves in places where death is poked. For example, at the exact day when Mars in Taurus Opposed Pluto in Taurus at critical 29° degrees on November 14th, 1882, Franklyn Leslie shoots the drunk at the time Billy Claiborne to death in the streets of Tombstone (Arizona). Mars-Pluto provokes others with malice, obscenity – Billy started insulting and using swearword to provoke at Bar Oriental Saloon, then as Leslie demanded Billy to leave the bar, but as the vocal offender continued his nasty behaviour and curses Billy found himself forced to escorted him out by his collar “… He (Billy) used very hard language, and as he started away from me, shook a finger at me and said, ‘That’s all right Leslie, I’ll get even on you…” – stated Leslie in his defence. Mars-Pluto fires back, it is revengeful, if you attack Mars, be prepared because he will attack back – the instant-grudge is real! Later, Billy shot to kill Leslie but missed, Leslie shot it back hitting Billy’s chest provoking his death; the coroner’s inquest decided that Leslie shot Billy in self-defence, which “in the opinion of the jury, was justifiable.” – This was the period American Old and Wild West of USA where many popular gunfights took place (for example the outlaw Billy the Kid), which I can only imagine when Mars (gun) was hot in the skies, the reception on Earth would sound very alike in that specific region of Earth. Mars-Pluto transits can easily generate Mars people on Earth to do unnecessary bad things that provokes other people to provoke back their own death.
When was the decided the Greenwich meridian as the world’s prime meridian? Of course, it would have taken an international conference to decide it so. Jupiter goes abroad along with the sign it rules, Sagittarius and Pisces. With Mars in the game, things must be decided, for now. When Mars in Sagittarius went to Oppose Pluto in Gemini in October 1884, the International Meridian Conference is held in Washington, D.C., in the United States, to settle for once and all a prime meridian for international use “…a meridian to be employed as a common zero of longitude and standard of time reckoning throughout the world…”. Mars is ruler of Aries, the 1st Zodiac sign of the wheel, where on Earth is the first place, where planets are born, the ASC, the major point of reference – Greenwich Meridian became since then the international standard for zero degrees longitude. Jupiter is international, it gathers people from other continents and countries together in a room, in a conference, to decide public things of public use – Twenty-six countries participated in the meeting by their delegates. When things are decided for good within the Mars-Pluto configuration, they stick “forever”.
Mars-Pluto aspect comes to science. Now, Mars is the resistance of Venus’ archetype, when Venus rules sugar, the delicious, Mars rules the bitter, the dry. When Mars was in its exaltation Capricorn and went to Oppose Pluto in salty Cancer back in 1920, a few hours later they perfected the aspect Dr. Frederick Banting of Canada first documents his intuition on how to isolate insulin for the treatment of diabetes – Dr. Banting had Mercury-Venus Opposite Pluto in his chart; an article (Mercury) about pancreas (Mercury) picked his interest in diabetes (sustained high blood sugar levels: Venus). Mars is assertive, it goes to the bottom of things, also, don’t forget Mars rejoices, or has its house on Earth in the 6th place – Diabetes has no cure, yet treatments can effectively manage the condition (my father had it by his 60’s, his Venus was Domicile in Taurus and in the 2nd house). It is important to remind the reader that this was Banting’s introduction of the culmination of his thoughts on the subject transferred to a paper, becoming official in the science community.

Although it was about 29 days before the Mars-Opposition were Opposite in the Zodiac wheel, 1939 was the year marked by the beginning of the WWII, when Mars was retrograde in the sign Opposite Pluto was transiting. Thus, it was those rare year where Mars was Opposite Pluto 3x times in a single solar period (1 year). When the WWII began, Mars in Aquarius was coming for its 3rd hit Opposite Pluto in Leo Direct which was only about 7° degrees away. This makes looks like Mars-Pluto really act on the underground, preparing, plotting for the worse to happen afterwards on the surface. After the perfection of the Mars-Pluto Opposition took place, the Battle of Kock finishes the Polish Campaign, and the Polish resistance are forced to move underground. Forward in the years of the WWII on March 13th, 1943, about a day and a few hours the extermination-oriented Mars-Pluto Opposition perfected, it was when in the series of the Holocaust horror experience, the Nazi German forces in Occupied Poland liquidated the Jews of the Kraków Ghetto (one of five major metropolitan built by the Nazis). Now, forward in the year of 1945, months before the WWII ended, about a day and a few hours when the Mars-Pluto Opposition perfected in that March, the Bombing of Pforzheim occurred, the largest and heaviest raid and one of the most devastating area bombardments of the WWII, Wikipedia writes: “About 83% of the town’s buildings were destroyed, two-thirds of the complete area of Pforzheim and between 80% and 100% of the inner city.” Now, about two days later this Mars-Pluto perfected on that March 1945, the German city of Mainz experienced multiple air raids conducted by the Allies; these attacks resulted in significant casualties and extensive damage across the city, where 1,209 were confirmed dead and about 80% of the city was destroyed. (read more about the Astrology of WWII by clicking here)
Mars rules accidents, events that physically hurt, debilitated or kill a person, add Pluto in the game that is tragic, death in mass. Aquarius is the air sign that rules airplanes, aircrafts or anything that flies and carries humans. Oppositions are clashes, collisions, face-to-face, literally or symbolically. For example, the last time Mars in Aquarius was Opposite Pluto in Leo was at critical degrees (29°) back in 1958 when United Airlines Flight 736 got involved in a mid-air collision with a U.S. Air jet fighter in Nevada; all people aboard both aircrafts were killed – The Opposition took place with Pluto right in the fixed star Regulus (a Behenian one), said to foretell violent death.
Now, Mars is Domicile in Scorpio once it rules the sign at night-time, the sign of other people’s money. About 5 days the Mars in fixed Aquarius Opposed Pluto in Leo in March 1943, the Brazilian financial services Bradesco Bank (The Banco Bradesco S.A) is inaugurated in São Paulo. The services are the usual of any other large bank, such as insurances, credit cards, loans and leasing etc. Pluto is co-ruler of Scorpio, ruling the sign all day all night, it becomes part of other people’s business. As for 2024 at its 81st birthday, this is the third largest banking institution by assets in Latin America. It is safe to say that Mars-Pluto thrives with other people’s business, finances, capital, savings, investments etc.
Now, following the example of other people’s money, what happen when the first Mars in Pisces Opposed Pluto in Virgo in early degrees happened back in 1960? 4 years old Eric Peugeot, the youngest grandson of the founder of the Peugeot Corporation, is kidnapped in Paris while playing in a park. Abductor Pluto releases once reward is paid – The child is released in exchange for $300,000 in ransom 48h later; the very Plutonic event was one of the first high-profile abductions in France. Interesting enough, Pluto was Conjunct natal Mars of the Peugeot’s foundation chart of September 26th, 1810!

You can imagine Pluto as a Tyrant ordering the death of specific person, or of an entire group etc. Where Pluto doesn’t do himself, he demands others to. The next example resolves around death threat. When Mars was in Taurus and exactly perfected an Opposition to Pluto in Scorpio retrograde on February 14th, 1989, supreme leader of Iran of that time “The Ayatollah” issued a fatwa ordering the death of author Salman Rushdie and his publishers for publishing the novel “The Satanic Verses” a year before. Pluto was in the mysterious and unknown location Scorpio – From that point and on, the author had remained hidden for many years. It was as if the leader of the underworld put a death sentence to someone from upon. The Taurus-Scorpio axis is the “join me or die” dilemma, where either the blood or loyalty is demanded when it comes to this part of the Zodiac. The Ayatollah put a 3.3 million reward for Salman’s head. This was a very controversial case in the political and religious sphere. I have written (years ago) a whole long article about the events surrounding the life of the author, directions, transits etc. (click here to read it)
When Mars-Pluto goes to space, they go really deep on it. One of the most recent examples perhaps, would be when a few hours the Mars in Cancer perfected its Opposition to Pluto in Capricorn back on July 2015, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft makes history with a close flyby of Pluto, becoming the first mission to explore this distant world up close! Again, Mars wants to be the first, even in space, and that literal what happened, the first to reach to Pluto, the planet it was Opposite to.
→ There are so many examples but unfortunately for the sake of the article alone I’ll leave you reader here with 7 pages of Word, wondering what else Mars-Pluto Opposition could have meant in our worldstory and what will be in the future.
In The Image I have in mind is trying anal for the first time;
Or, someone ingesting a poison, a toxin by accident;
Or, someone killing or being killed by poison;
Or, someone practicing extorsion;
Or, a “famous” abduction of someone from wealthy family;
Or, someone being wrongly accused or convicted;
Or, a silent explosion;
Or, someone obsessed over someone being evident;
Or, someone obsessed with power and control becoming evident;
Or, a rape;
Or, an unsolicited action from someone else;
Or, someone finally moving on, letting go;
Or, an underground military base;
Or, someone getting complete out of control, no brakes at all;
Or, the prank or silly action that went deadly/injured/amputated;
Or, a merciless betrayal;
Or, a devastating end;
Or, the inauguration of a new ‘bank’ of a sort, where people allocate their capitals;
Or, a very underground explosion, whereas on Earth only the ‘bass’ is heard/felt;
Or, a massacre.
Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves – Wikipedia
Slave Trade Act 1807 – Wikipedia
Buckskin Frank Leslie – Wikipedia
International Meridian Conference – Wikipedia
Polish resistance movement in World War II – Wikipedia
Bombing of Pforzheim in World War II – Wikipedia
Bombing of Mainz in World War II – Wikipedia
United Air Lines Flight 736 – Wikipedia
Ces rapts qui ont marqué la France : L’enlèvement d’Éric Peugeot (
Eric Peugeot’s kidnappers are arrested | Europeana
Satanic Verses controversy – Wikipedia
The Astrology of a Forbidden Book: Salman Rushdie (The Satanic Verses) – The Zodiacus