Mars Conjunct Jupiter
Mars Conjunct Jupiter - In Transit
Mars Conjunct Jupiter – From 2022 to 2033, Mars will Conjunct Jupiter in either Fire or Air Zodiac signs! A complete decade where No Conjunctions will occur in neither Earth nor Water signs until 2036. For a decade, will Mars-Jupiter demand stronger belief and elevated will, better or superior desires than previously, all together with wildly furious events but with exciting quests and impressive rapid growth. The gasoline over this configuration will seem infinite for such large period, Mars will feel like a “true king”, a god.
Note: When using the right mathematical formula to find out how often in space and time Mars Conjuncts Jupiter in the Zodiac wheel, by calculating each of their synodic period (S), the planets’ fractions and then their subtractions, we find out that Mars eventually creates reciprocal laps with Jupiter in transit about 2.24 Earth years – Of course, this changes when retrogradations occur, like was the case from 1979 to 1980 where iron-made Mars met up to 3x times popular Jupiter in the sign of Virgo (the maiden), when Iron Maiden released its first album etc. [read more further below]
When Mars furiously encounters Jupiter on the road of the Zodiac belt, humanity find itself on high-risk alert but also highly confident, ‘sanguine’, loudly optimistic and hopeful – they know they can do it, alone, but this time around they may have an aid, an almost unbelievable help from “above” so one is supported to act, allowed to make grand moves on the board while following a personal agenda. Some are taking the biggest advantage thus far, of a person, an event, a situation, a group etc. Others turn into true opportunistic creatures even if that will make others hurt. Every action taken now feels big, or that it will reach higher heights. Many ‘leading’ inclined people are feeling it, the energy violently ‘swirls’ around them, they are energetic, ready to it, to act superiorly than previously – they are highly dominant, wanting to go there no matter the cost, higher and further. Limitations now can bring annoying sensations, as people need plenty of space to act, need bigger room, a bigger space to breath alone and from there things will unfold. Shall today creatures on planet Earth learn the “no pain, no gain” signature, the harder people push the further they’ll go, if that is the goal. Many will be bossing around too much that will generate irritability around, turning the scenario rather chaotic and not functional at all, while others with common sense will know exactly how to act, how to lead, what to decide in order for things to go faster but still assertive. Humanity’s drive is somewhat elevated, the need to quickly expand the game (for example) reflects as bold attitude while being pushful, but it may also bring about feelings/sensations/thoughts of commotion or noisiness. There is this high intolerance to limitations/restrictions that can be quite dangerous, forming a new vicious cycle, and today shall humanity learn people can be deafening inappropriate over their actions and attitudes. People demand answers now! at this moment, they won’t dance around predictions for the future-self and mankind, they shall be self-assured, bold and confident. Time not to fear, my dear warrior, but to fight largely and daring for what you want and deeply desire, almost as if superior beings are helping you to get that thing, finally.

The Mars-Jupiter combination forms a super loud explosion you can hear km’s away. People are out loud now, screams and thunderous sounds rule the period that be. It is like being in a super large crowd and everyone is screaming at the same time, in a football arena, in a sport competition zone – politician uses sports as weapon, to show/demonstrate power, supremacy, to show who’s the “best” etc. Big athletes enter politics, or a sport-game is used for political purposes – Let Mercury be around the configuration, let it hit the news. Mars, as very well known in astrology, rules sports and competition, thus, when such happens, let events happen where “the first” to reach higher, or to replace the previous one in the “Guinness latest book” of world records. For example, around the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction of 1968 in the sign of Virgo, athlete Bob Beamon (from USA) breaks the long jump world record at the Olympics in Mexico City. His record stood for nearly 23 years and remains the second-longest jump in history! Athletes, racers, runners, players, contestants, competitors, gymnastics are all feeling the pressure to go further, to reach a higher score. Mars also wants to be the first in Jupiter’s realm, as the same with any planets it aligns itself with or is aligned by – in such case, the first to reach further and higher, the first to lead a large enterprise or a multinational house, the first to create a social concept in social studies, the first to build the largest this and that, the first to create a new law, the first to do that thing on international grounds, the first to act abroad, the first international law on that thing, the first to understand that new discovery, the first that gets to know, the first to know beforehand, the first to fight for more/higher justice, the first to fight for the group/people, the first to introduce a new constitution, the first to improve that thing, the first to reach higher score etc. Perhaps now is when many people being to integrate personal will with larger-than-life ideas, in groups, with greater numbers of people than previously, it starts to expand fast & furious whenever people are involved and not just oneself. You will find out that people are taking actions disregarding of consequences, they just want to get that thing forward and far up but directed to a better place, no matter the cost – many will be very irresponsible, stridently reckless and dangerously imprudent. Many humans are now leading larger groups of people, archives, classified information, public information, data, etc., they are making bold promises and will say it will happen no matter what. Not the best time to shy away from things that are meaningful in life, but to act upon the greater good for/to them, regarding perhaps as well, the area of the transiting Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in a human’s chart. Under this configuration, people are no longing dreaming dreams, they are rather, acting upon them, doing something with it/for them, to start from the scratch, from zero, to start from nothing to something big, bigger, from one to thousands in numbers – horns right into social pursuits, to use people/groups in your favour, to attract higher numbers by demonstration of power and control, that one day will become billions in whatever form. Humanity will find out many people are overacting, doing things twice, thrice, more than one should without actually being necessary – they are doing plenty of unnecessary actions, where other times, they will be impressively assertive and awe-inspiring; under this equation, the more they just do it, the luckier they can become. A grand step forward, towards the future is expected for many humans on planet Earth, it will have greater meaning than usual, even if random (?) while in the sign of Gemini – the great initiation of something potent, latent in potential, or, the greater kick in.
Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini | 2024, August 14th › at 15:21 (GMT) | 16°40’ degrees |

Virgo is the Zodiacal sign of global health. Mars is the planet that eradicates, it deletes, it kills. Jupiter is the greater benefic of humankind, it brings benefits to humanity that “saves” them from malefic stuff in general – Now, what happened when Mars-Jupiter were Conjunction in Virgo in those years both were retrograde as I mentioned before? The global eradication of smallpox is certified by the World Health Organization, endorsing it about two days later the perfection when the Conjunction took place on May 1980. With Jupiter in the game, it means greater news has finally arrived for all, it goes global, worldly. The Organization declared “… solemnly that the world and its peoples have won freedom from smallpox, which was a most devastating disease sweeping in epidemic form through many countries since earliest time, leaving death, blindness and disfigurement…”. Astrological Jupiter dodges us from the worse. Now, before this event took place, there was another event which clearly indicated the astrological operation of Mars-Jupiter which the world got to know about it, which happened a few hours before the Conjunction perfected in that same year and month (May 1980), it was when Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito dies after a leg amputation, gathering humans known as the largest organized state funeral in history, with delegations from 128 countries out of 154 UN members at those time. Mars is ruler of Scorpio, ruler of funerals, death, amputation etc., and Jupiter as mentioned many times, enlarged what it touches, astrologically.
When warrior “the first” Mars aligns with Jupiter, the god of gods in the first air sign of the Zodiac handy Gemini, humans blueprint their projects, officially document their creations etc. Now, what happened about a day after the last time Mars was Conjunct Jupiter in the sign of the writer Gemini in 1989? Tim Berners-Lee (natal Mars-Jupiter-Uranus in Cancer) writes the proposal with information management system and documents that what will become the blueprint for the World Wide Web (the “www”). With Mars, everything seems fresh, and is indeed, from the scratch, it seems there is nothing in there, but the potential is latent, almost prolapsing itself – Berners-Lee submitted the popular well known document to CERN that day without giving the system a name, but by the end of 1990 Lee got a working system implemented at CERN, including a browser called WorldWideWeb and an HTTP server running. Jupiter on the other hand, makes it bigger overtime, it spreads – The Web was a successful project/proposal, and began to lay out to other scientific and intellectual institutions, then within two years there were about 50 websites erected – that number is 1.13 billion higher by now [2024]. A singular action from a single person which now has billions of users worldwide – Mars-Jupiter at 0°degree encounter, formats and created a form of a hero for humankind regarding progressive ideas concerning social gathering, information and the truth out there.
What happened when Mars was Conjunct Jupiter in its domicile Sagittarius in early 1924? The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) in the U.S., New York, is renamed International Business Machines (IBM) a few hours later the Conjunction perfected on that February 1924. From that day to today [2024], a century later the company is still known by its trademark IBM – the business went international, higher, turning into a multinational technology company. Jupiter enlarges what it touches, especially when transiting the signs it rules, like it was in this case, in researcher Sagittarius – It is safe to say that IBM is by far, the largest industrial research organization in the world; The trademark initials hasn’t changed since. Add Mars, the operation may easily propel one’s endeavours, documentations, final studies, proposals up to the front, to be the first, for later to be the largest (because this is a Conjunction, the beginning) etc. Now, about a week earlier that Mars-Jupiter Conjunction took place in Sagittarius of the same year of 1924, from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (GMT), a radio time signal (PIP…PIP…PIP…) with a second interval each 6x, is broadcasted for the first time ever (I mean, absolutely you hear that annoying sound every now and then – click here to here the PIPS). The Conjunction was partile Square Uranus in Pisces – The broadcast “freshly born” pips substituted an electrical time coordination system based on the railway telegraph network. The signal permitted navigators aboard these anchored ships to set their chronometers to determine the longitude on cruises. Jupiter wants to reach to all and assures it will go even further in space and time, it gives longitudes – The Greenwich Time Signal (GTS) “pips” are still broadcasted nowadays on BBC One, BBC Two, BBC World News and BBC News.

Mars-Jupiter also operates on weather, thus, if there is potential for disaster, and Mars enters the astrological grid, it makes it stronger no matter what. What happen when Mars Conjunct Jupiter in deep water Scorpio? Remember that Scorpio is one of the Domiciles of Mars! Although it was formed about two days the configuration, it was less than a week after the Conjunction perfected in 1935 that the Labor Day hurricane went extratropical, becoming the strongest hurricane ever to strike Upper Florida Keys (USA) as a Category 5, storming at 185 mph winds and killing 423 people. Although long-way to be alike or compared to Pluto, with Jupiter in the game while a massive destruction is taking place, can easily make Mars’ destruction massive while worsen catastrophic damages! The planet enlargers no matter what that is depending on the configuration. Not only the Conjunction took place in terms with “labour” Mercury, but the Conjunction itself was also sextile a big Stellium with the Sun, Neptune, Moon, Venus and Mercury himself all in the sign of the Labour, Virgo – the event is known as “The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane”. All that Stellium in Virgo was Opposite Saturn in the last water sign, Pisces! Now, a destructive storm of Category 5 [extreme] also took place under this aspect but in the sign of Aquarius in 1962 a few hours the Conjunction perfected, the “Ash Wednesday Storm of 1962” hit between USA’s Northeastern and Southeastern states, considered to be one of the 10 most destructive storms ever (by the U.S. Geological Survey). In such event, not only there was a super Stellium in airy Aquarius (ruled by Saturn) with the Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-South Node, but it was all opposite Uranus in Leo; The Mars-Jupiter in Aquarius Conjunction took place bounded, or, in terms with Saturn! – The event is known as the Great March Storm of 1962. As result, I discovered that Mars-Jupiter in Fixed Signs can easily result in destructive storms from Category 5 and on.
Although I think overthrows is more a Mars-Saturn & Mars-Uranus thing (also Pluto in Primary Directions of the overthrower), I also think Mars-Jupiter can also indicate Governmental Coups to a certain degree, already formed, official and powerful, where there is a merciless leader already in power elsewhere, but that will much depend on how benevolent Jupiter is (declinations?) in the mundane charts set in motion by a tyranny. I think because Mars, the bold one, is the one that “coups” it, and Jupiter is the “god of the gods”, it wants to show who’s the best god of the gods with Mars involved. For example, at the same year of the Great March Storm of 1962, about three days begore the Conjunction perfected in Aquarius on that scary March, a military coup in Burma brings General and military dictator Ne Win to power, establishing the country as a one-party socialist state under the Burmese Way to Socialism ideology. Ne Win (natal Saturn-Jupiter Opposition & Mars-Pluto Square) ruled as president of Burma from that day until 1988! Another example would be when the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction occurred in Jupiter’s Domicile, Sagittarius by the end of 1971, when Idi Amin overthrows Milton Obote in a military coup, becoming president and a military dictator of Uganda until 1979! Idi Amin was born under Mars-Jupiter-Uranus Stellium in Aries – Amin authoritative leadership turned in the human scale of one of the most violently brutal despots in contemporary history. (Certainly, there are more examples, but I will stop here for this article alone – I have plenty of examples around the website that certifies my astrological claims, including in the book of the Astrology of Warfare).
Mars main signature is to be the first, ever, even if that has to do with deleting something from the public eyes when Jupiter is involved – it deletes wholly and largely. Now, what could have possible meant when the perfection hit the world in the sign of Mars exaltation, Capricorn in the year of 1948? At that exact day of the Conjunction took place, President of that time, José Figueres Ferrer abolishes the army in Costa Rica right in his first term, making it the first country in history to accomplish such benevolent (?) act. It is good to remind the reader that Ferrer was born under the Mars (abolishment of) Saturn (authority) Opposition (that fights), however, it was under Mars-Jupiter that Ferrer put an end to law enforcement, as if he was benevolent “Zeus” himself. Also, the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction took place in Capricorn, which ruler is Mars, whish place in the Zodiac is the 6th place, the house of Virgo, the military of the nation in mundane charts.

The Mars-Jupiter also goes to space, especially if in air signs or even Sagittarius. Jupiter is the astrological planet that goes high up to the skies, literally or not. Now, what happened when Mars “the first” encountered Jupiter on the Zodiac in the air sign of Libra, the sign of human’s adult toys? The Soviet Union launches the Sputnik 1 space program in an elliptical low Earth orbit, the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth! Although it was about two weeks before the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction took place in air sign Libra, the aspect was the tightest between the planets (not counting the Moon) in that October 4th, 1957 – Sputnik’s radio signal was easily detectable by amateur radio operators. Now, the next example is very interesting as well, when the Mars-Jupiter (the first doing something in space) Conjunction perfected in the sign of authority and feminine sign of Capricorn, about 2 days and a few hours it took place, astronaut Kathryn D. Sullivan becomes the first American woman to perform an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) on October 11th, 1984, while aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger Sullivan did a 3.5-hour spacewalk.
I many times express in my website how I feel about Jupiter ruling big hits, blockbusters generated by the cinema, the higher visual industry – the 7th art. I will make an article about that, but for now, I’ll leave you with this one: What movie was lunched in 1984 that defied low pre-release expectations and turned into a box office success? In the sign of Mars’ exaltation, the Conjunction perfected in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn the planet that rules time (chronologies), and about ten days later, the movie “The Terminator” is released engrossing about $78.3 millions in USA alone, lunching not only director James Cameron into the spotlight, but also solidified Arnold Schwarzenegger’s craft as the leading actor in Hollywood back those days. When Mars entered the game of the 7th art, it makes movies like that hit the massive sphere of worldwide watchers, movies that terminates, kills, deletes, war-oriented, extinction themes, a soldier, an assassin, a hero, an enemy from the future (it goes sci-fi as Saturn ruled the configuration of 1984), it thrills with action etc. Also, the movie was inspired on a vivid “fever dream” of James Cameron – how Mars-Jupiter is that? Mars rules fever, the hot blood!
Remember that Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, thus is becomes the planet’s Domicile in the astrological scheme. There is a war still ongoing that initiated exactly at the day the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction perfected in Sagittarius on December 11th, 2006 – it was when Felipe Calderón (natal Pluto-Saturn exact Opposition) sent the Mexican military to tackle down drug cartels and seize the violence taking place in the state of Michoacán, thus, initiating the globally known Mexican Drug War. When Mars encounter international Jupiter, the war spreads to borders, to abroad, especially if bounded with Jupiter, which was the case – The quarrel has been described as the Mexican theatre of the global war on drugs with United States federal government providing with billions despite their declining diplomatic relationships in recent years (as for 2024). At the day of the event not only was the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction exact in Sagittarius, but there was a Stellium in that Sagittarius with also the Sun, Mercury and Pluto. This continuing war (as for 2024) is supported by countries like Australia, Colombia, Canada and the Philippines. A super ongoing large war that still causes havoc and hit the news with its harrowing events here and then between cartels and the law, which is highly supported and bonified by international grounds.
Now, my last example (for now) will blow your mind off. Jupiter can easily indicate religious leaders while Mars the kill. What could have possible happened when Mars the assassin Conjunct religious Jupiter in the sign of war Aries? During the 24h the Conjunction perfected in May 2011, ex U.S. President Barack Obama announced that Osama bin Laden, founder leader of the militant group Al-Qaeda and terror mastermind behind the September 11th attack, was killed by Navy SEALs in an intense firefight during an American military action in Pakistan. How more literal this could get? Jupiter also puts hope even in death, after a kill: “The world is safer. It is a better place because of the death of Osama bin Laden,” said President Barack Obama. Worth to remind the reader that at that time there was also the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction, a period of radical world change.
In The Image I have in mind is a murderous religious leader;
Or, the killing of a religious leader;
Or, a person having intense multiple orgasms in short period of time;
Or, a person using religion to incite violence, hate, discordance, murder;
Or, a super crowded gym, a popular one etc.;
Or, a religious warfare;
Or, a person having an increased sexual drive;
Or, a faster/quicker route to a long-distance destination;
Or, a popular fight on court;
Or, a brief/short moment of rapidly expansion;
Or, a short man with big members;
Or, pain on the largest nerve (sciatic nerve);
Or, an athlete becoming a grand sensation;
Or, a male figure ‘Goding’ oneself;
Or, a growing worrisome that seems unstoppable;
Or, the eradication of a disease;
Or, a person having a lot to do, being over the top, all over the place;
Or, the military of a country being cancelled;
Or, storm turning into ‘Category 5’ phase;
Or, a really fast horse(s);
Or, a horse, camel, giraffe attack (or any big animal like those);
Or, a problem in the Zoo;
– You just read about 8 pages of Word. Congratulations. For sure there is(are) a book(s) to cover on Mars-Jupiter Conjunctions, in fact in all other Conjunctions, but that is not the focus for now
Tim Berners-Lee, horoscope for birth date 8 June 1955, born in London, with Astrodatabank biography
Top Website Statistics 2024 – Forbes Advisor UK
The birth of the World Wide Web | CERN timelines (
Royal Observatory, Greenwich – Wikipedia
Greenwich Time Signal – Wikipedia
File:Gts (bbc) pips.ogg – Wikipedia
1935 Labor Day hurricane – Wikipedia
Ash Wednesday Storm of 1962 – Wikipedia
Kathryn D. Sullivan – Wikipedia
Bin Laden’s demise: Long pursuit, burst of gunfire – Yahoo! News (
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in History & Predictions for 2024 – The Zodiacus