Venus Opposite Pluto
Venus Opposite Pluto - In Transit
Venus Opposite Pluto – Transiting Venus will Oppose Pluto in Aquarius every year from 2023 to 2042 – During this large window period, Venus in Leo will Oppose Pluto in Aquarius for the total of 22 times. It will always happen between June-October of those years. In 2031 Venus will Oppose Pluto in Aquarius 3x (times) because of its own Retrogradation (expect 2031 to be quite intense regarding those planets’ terrestrial operation) – Only in 2082 Venus will be again Retrograde when the Opposition perfects in Libra-Aries.
Note: Because of Venus positioned inside Earth’s orbit, it can never stray too far or more than 47° degrees away from the Sun when observing from Earth’s perspective (Elongation). Thus, whenever Venus touches Pluto by Opposition, the last will always be in Retrograde [Rx] motion, because it will be far from the Sun.
As Venus encounters Pluto in secrecy as Opposition in the Zodiac circle, the world finds itself craving for intimacy they don’t have or can’t at the moment, but somehow there is room for potential. Humanity now is rather sensitive regarding other people in their lives, they are found thoughtful, reflexive or absorbed in intense feelings and sensations caused by others, even if “the other” isn’t aware of it. People now want to feel it, but together, it is not a lonely journey, it is a one-to-one/one-to-group puzzling game with millions of pieces to get together. This can be literally quite an expensive time for couples and/or business partners, where places need to get fixed before it gets more costly, those corners in the office or at home that needs fixing, now will scream that – it will not only be about appearances of places, but also about physical safety issues. However, there is a moderation with this aspect that can be found, for example, by accepting deep changes in important relationships that leads to great transformations, even if painful at first stage. Humanity sees the culmination of their relationships on planet Earth and how far they went together in depth. Some are asking as ultimatums to significant others, threatening the relationship to an intense “divorce” of the parts if agreements aren’t found. Others will only find but the relationships are shifting to another place where trust & loyalty are pronounced and put to practice. Others will feel the stalking has been way too serious by this point. Some people will go dramatic mode and say they can’t live without the other. Add Mars in the game, others may try to force sexual activity without the other’s person consent, especially those involving woman figure, becoming something rather bestial, animalistic and pure instinctual. Humanity is now aware of those they can fully trust, and those which can be discarded when emergencies arise, they know where they stand with others in terms of influence, public appearance and couple-power. Vengeance can feel sweet and impacting. Be aware of your deepest wishes, the planets points to a genuine intimacy time ahead, where people’s desires will be shifted to a thrilling intense ride with others on the same row seats, a game of chase or be chased is set up by the stars.

When Venus faces off Pluto as a powerful Opposition, negligence can easily happen in business, couples’ lives, one-to-one/one-to-group relations, a sense that things are complete out of control regarding those. Some may realize that things have gone way too far by this point and needs an urgent equilibrium or an integration of a kind, or even a possible intervention. Relationships’ power-struggle arises, and humanity now must face their own lack of power over some situations while overcoming it by accepting it, fully involving others. It is only so much that people can “manipulate” personal relationships to fit their own need for social comfort. Jealously or envy comes to humanity, and they must deal with their inner desperations, otherwise such can become toxic or highly self-destructive – if you don’t have a skill that you envy in another person, simple move on, don’t get fixated on that, and focus on the skill you actually have. People are eyeing other’s people powerful display (personal style); they are easily found minding other’s peoples’ business for their own pleasure. Some people are making moves in relationships without the awareness of the business or love partner, which could lead to some serious and life changing consequences. Some people are causing other’s business or relations to crash by their own influence overall. All arrows now point to all people and their significant people, their power together, influence and their accumulation of resources, and the consequences of it, as now they can see it all, for better or worse. Other people are finally coming to terms regarding their one-to-one/one-to-group relations and how to proceed from there as they grow strong together, how to “healthy stalk” each other but in a Gaming kind of way which boosts each other’s egos, having fun while doing it. Follow or be followed.
Venus in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius [Rx] | 2024, July 12th › at 14:11 (GMT) | 01°07’ degrees |

When material-oriented Venus, opposes deadly and ravaging Pluto, disasters easily occur which total millions in damages to tragic death in mass – governments and people now have a high price to pay caused by human or nature. For example, what happened at the exact day when Venus in Aquarius opposed Pluto in Leo [Rx] in December 1939? The 7.8 Mw Erzincan earthquake struck eastern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XII (Extreme), causing $20 million in damage while leaving 32,700–32,968 deaths and about 100,000 injured; it seriously damaged about 120.000 buildings. – it was Full Moon in Cancer Day happening a few hours before the earthquake hit Erzincan area at 1:57:23 a.m.; the chart has Libra rising, which ruler is of course, Venus; Pluto was culminating along of course, with that Full Moon; although it was also a Mars-Neptune opposition as well, the Venus-Pluto one is the tightest in the chart – the next day, the temperature fell to −30 °C (−22 °F). The 7.8 Mw Erzincan earthquake is the most severe natural loss of life in Turkey of the 20th century, followed by the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes of the 21st century. In both charts (1939/2023) Uranus is in the first earth Zodiac sign of Taurus, the Lunar Nodes were reverse when comparing, while Jupiter is in the same sign of Aries – the interesting now is that Pluto is for a few years now reaching out for that Venus in Aquarius of 1939 earthquake’s mundane chart. Another example of disasters that causes millions in damage, it was the last time Venus in car Gemini was retrograde while Opposing damaging Pluto in 2004, a day after it perfected, Marvin Heemeyer (natal Venus-Mars Conjunction) takes his “MK Tank” modified and armoured Komatsu D355A bulldozer (killdozer) on a rampage through the town of Granby, Colorado, causing about 7 million dollars’ worth of damage. It was a “dark plan” that had been at works for months, Wikipedia writes that Marvin “had various grudges against Granby town officials, neighbours of his muffler shop, the local press, and various other citizens of Granby. Over about eighteen months, Heemeyer secretly armoured a Komatsu D355A bulldozer with layers of steel and concrete.” Sir Marvin was a Sun-Mercury in grudge-oriented Scorpio. How fit this scenario is that to the Venus-Pluto Opposition coming from a Scorpio-Sun person? It would be a comedy if not a tragedy.

When “I want to meet you” Venus, opposes “let’s do it secretly” Pluto in the Zodiac circle, secret meetings are highly possible and perhaps the rule for now, some may be happening behind the scenes right at this momento. About two days something after the Opposition perfected in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis the Tampere conference, is held in Tampere, Finland, where Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin met for the first time in a meeting room; it was conducted in secrecy, and little record remains of its proceedings. Not only it was a secret meeting (Venus-Pluto), but it also involved two powerful and influential political figures back those times, where physical bodies were reunited together in a single space sharing the same air. The room is now part of the museum. Venus still rules that what is popular with the nation or worldwide, known for it etc. Now, there is this advantage of this aspect which sticks for good, perhaps because Venus rules fixed Taurus while Pluto subrules fixed Scorpio. For example, a day something after the Venus in nation-oriented Capricorn perfected its Opposition to Pluto in birth Cancer, on February 8th, 1915, controversial American silent epic drama film The Birth of a Nation, directed by D. W. Griffith, premieres in Los Angeles; A landmark in film history, being the highest-grossing film for around 25 years. The Birth of a Nation chronicles the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Interesting and curious enough, when Abraham Lincoln was murdered, it was Libra turn of the year 1865 by Profection of natal Asc as well as Libra in the SR’s Asc, thus ruled by Venus. I could go on, but you can read more my analysis [here].
In The Image I have in mind is a super potent natural disaster involving earth and water
Or, a couple having sex in the same position for hours
Or, clear & evident obsessions towards someone, an object, a
Or, a powerful sensual hip move
1939 Erzincan earthquake – Wikipedia
1939 Erzincan earthquake – Wikipedia
2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes – Wikipedia
Tampere conference of 1905 – Wikipedia
The Birth of a Nation – Wikipedia
The Astrology of Abraham Lincoln & His Assassination – The Zodiacus