Mars Conjunct Neptune
Mars Conjunct Neptune
Last Time: This will be the last time Mars will conjunct Neptune in the water sign of Pisces [April 2024] and will be the last in your lifetime [in the sign of Pisces!].
From 2026 to 2037: Mars will then conjunct Neptune in Aries for 7x times in such fiery sign, Mars, obviously, will always be domicile when conjunct Neptune in Aries for the next 11 years – both of planets will be Direct when the Conjunctions perfect. On a personal note while at the end of this piece I just wrote, I realized the combination of Mars-Neptune in Aries was like slightly talking at the same language of the upcoming Saturn-Neptune in Aries Conjunction in 2026, the tone is alike.
Interesting Notes I Can’t Handle But Notice: Now, I think there is an important detail that needs to be shared about this conjunction between these 2 planets – Both planets during their sets of Conjunction are Direct since the 30’s (expect for 1986 when only Neptune was retrograde in Capricorn), when in 1933 both of them were retrograde in Virgo! A very dark and sinister decade of the Great Depression, it was historically the year (1933) when Hitler was appointed dictator as Chancellor of Germany giving birth to the Nazi storm; but even more evidently and correspondent to the stars in Virgo, it was also the year Amsterdam confectionery workers go on strike against wage reduction (1933), a super Virgo thing; the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) also took place in same year of 1933, which provided jobs and conservation efforts during the Great Depression, as well as the historical setting from US congress to the first minimum wage at 33 cents! To conclude my point, 1933 was also the year when The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA – once a US labour & consumer law) passed by the 73rd US Congress to allow the president to regulate industry’s fair wages & prices that would eventually vitalize economic rehabilitation. Mars wants to find solutions for Neptune’s decentralization while Neptune rehabs.
The next configuration alike will only happen about 150 years later from 1933, next in 2072, when BOTH again will be retrograde when they meet face to face again, but in the water sign of Cancer – I would expect the rise of a (the 1st) female person and her principles will mirror people’s frustrations like never before happened in history; by then, Neptune will still be square Pluto by degrees.
Mars Conjunct Neptune – Whenever Mars meets Neptune “face-to-face” exact, they will be at 0° degree Conjunction in a particular Zodiacal sign, happening about every 2 years – quite a blazing note from deep waters. Mars will join Neptune for a/the fight – what Neptune idealizes, Mars will fight for it. As if a warrior is coming out of the smoke, wearing a helmet and holding a beautiful shinning reddish sword, ready to fight for the unknown or the ridiculous part of human’s imagination.
When the fiery temperament of Mars encounters evaporating Neptune, there is this super-heated steam that accumulates right on our faces. Ouch! It’s hot! – The reaction is spontaneous, humans’ faces wriggles trying to protect sensible parts like the eyes, but nothing works until the smoke is out, while then attempting to dispel it through rapid hand gestures aloft. The oven has been opened, and baked idealized Neptune is ready to be served, but watch out, it’s hot, you would want to leave it to cool down for just a bit – Put the gloves on and take it out to the world!

Although Ares & Poseidon both have interacted in the myths, I don’t think Mars and Neptune have anything in common that may be stridently evident; however… Pisces is said to be sub-ruled by Neptune, the sign is part of the water triplicity, thus according to Ptolemy, Mars rules the water triangle (because of Scorpio hosted by it etc.), and in the myth for example they both fought on the side of the Olympians against the Titans (in Gigantomachy for example), although not strongly directly related. As result of the “infusion” and direct connection, or conjunction in astrological configuration, there is this “hero” behind the scenes that is doing the work for you, wanting or not, but also, there may be this incredible rage against your ideas, ideals, creativity or even creative endeavours, your idea of perfection or that of perfect world, where people are fighting back against what they find is mockery, ridicule, jeering, sneering, scorn, taunting, teasing, sarcastic etc. As Mars encounters Neptune in the Zodiac “board” game, it advances forward dreams and aspirations to concrete forms of actions and plenty of movement to the next house it moves to, actions over haziness, rage on religion and imaginary beings or divine creatures, a super-sonic creative blast, an action which becomes viral by accident, or an action that goes further than previously predicted. Mars is fast and furious, Neptune walks down the hallway like a poetry, as if just came out of a mystical tale, then, while Neptune still walks, Mars had run the hall about 10x – in such way, Mars can work favourable for Neptune’s slow motion, he does the work around pretty fast while Neptune does the presentation, slowly but surely gaining hearts and admiration. Neptune can make Mars fight for its ideologies, its idea of a perfect nation, bringing up solutions and actions to minimize lost from their sides – the combination pretty much combs down every building that once restricted flow and free circulation “for all”.

In 1862, when the first Conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Aries took place a century and half before today (2024), the first U.S. ironclad warship [USS Monitor] is launched at Greenpoint, Brooklyn on January 30th, Mars wasn’t in Aries, but Neptune (ship) was in Aries (iron). However, when you look at the chart of (Sun and North Node) Aries Theodore Timby, you realize that was also the year when this American inventor first had the idea for the revolving turret on the ship Monitor which proved to be a decisive advance in naval armaments during its successful encounter with the ironside Merrimac (on 9th March), thus on July 8th; 1862 on the month of the first set of Mars-Neptune conjunction in Aries took place, Timby is granted the patent for discharging guns in this revolving turret, using electricity. Only Neptune was retrograde between it and Mars. These events were all happening during the American civil war of the 1800’s, when a year prior, Mercury, Neptune and the Sun were all in Aries while ruler Mars was square Pluto, initiating the civil war on April 1861 – it only took Mars to ingress Aries and conjunct Neptune to initiate the events to innovative concepts combined the power of technology with the mechanics of warfare. Now, on the 4th [Mars-Neptune] conjunction [Aries] that happened in 1868, the Capital Punishment Amendment Act 1868 (31 & 32 Vict. c. 24) was a significant piece of legislation that received royal assent on May 29, 1868 – Although Mars was already in Taurus in this event, Jupiter was conjunct Neptune instead, thus both planets were being ruled by Mars nonetheless – this act marked a pivotal moment in the history of capital punishment in the United Kingdom, as it effectively put an end to public executions for murder [hanging] – Mars was in the chart conjunct Pluto. Mars rules murderers while Neptune rules compassion towards humans no matter the “monster” in question, it was a moment of dissolving the “grotesque spectacle” of public human executions – Prior to this act, executions for murder (Mars) were often carried out in public, drawing large crowds and generating significant public interest and controversy.
Humanity is making extraordinary or unbelievable actions that may overflow the game-board, as Aries overtakes the nothingness into something, creating new games with new themes, and with Neptune it gives a sword to those less unfortunate, or even to those at lower biological life, that literally don’t have a voice. For example, I think this will yield many “ocean-related” activists, that will fight for the marine life preservation etc. My guess they will make much news during these years Neptune and Mars conjunct in Aries! Astrological Neptune has no limits much like Jupiter doesn’t, the imagination can clearly take people into madness, but with Mars, it wants to be assertive and kills off Neptune’s insanity by profoundly targeting specifics, and not the whole picture, making it perhaps less disarray. When Mars touches Neptune, it accelerates Neptune’s themes to another level of the game, it fast-forwards dreams and aspirations, making it believe, both are catching up performing magic spells with fire & water from deep ocean – Mars puts passion into Neptune’s creative imagination, incentivising new visions while hunting down imperfections. However, there is a tendency to attack others through the manipulative skills of sentiments and feelings, giving others ultimatum and ghosting as strategy – other times humanity may take plenty unnecessary actions that will lead to nothing but even more despair, confusion and chaos. Many humans will lead their crowds to mundane sacrifices – The new warriors of the world will be born quite passionate to fight against the injustices, wresting down unnecessary battles while rising new ones that fit the sign description, in order to fit Neptune’s desire of a perfect world.

Humans’ desires are getting higher and higher, and with this configuration they shall “feel it”, as their passions will shift to new imaginary adventures, new places and social spaces to conquer – they are naively applying force to the subtle nature of things and people, forcing them to come out stronger, asking to have aspirations but to also be an inspiration oneself. A tricky combination, Neptune changes mind fast, and Mars prefers things fast, but it needs to be decisive among the plenty, and Neptune doesn’t care about that, the middle ground to this puzzle perhaps is to put Neptune’s operation on focus, point the problem of it and solve it – Mars won’t dance around as proposed by Neptune, but if dances, it will be in a line from point A to B, telling Neptune it’s time for a true aim. What Mars burns and ignites, Neptune cools down, making it tantric and “mystical”, waiting for the perfect moment – the “perfect moment” to act is upon humankind when Mars meets Neptune roughly about 2 in 2 years. However, here humans witness others making their greatest wrong move, deceptive initiatives, misleading deeds, inauspicious enterprises, twisted leads, confusing leadership etc. People’s fantasy is now stronger and remarkably incentivised, many will act upon them and will dictate their life and potentially of others from there.
When Mars joins Neptune for a smoky, events that already are chaotic enough can get pretty much violent or absurd – on the other hand, this is the time where humanity fights back the absurd from others, revealing new initiatives which can help reshape society regarding one’s humane and environmental conditions on Earth. When domicile Mars in Aries meets Neptune in the same sign, it’s time for humans to cut off unnecessary sufferings and abolish/dissolve laws that are religion, too idealistic or doctrine based, or simple to introduce new ones that overcome those and benefits “all”. Now, on the last conjunction of Mars-Neptune in Aries in the world, happened on March 17th of 1874, and three days before, the Treaty of Fomena was signed with the Ashanti, giving freedom of movement for British Gold Coast traders, and a promise to end human sacrifice! With Mars, plenty of assertive actions are taken to solve problems regarding the sign the Conjunction falls in, even if that planet combined is Neptune – it helps by quickly perfecting that what Neptune holds utopic, and plenty of times that can be historical. As the sea (Neptune) moves into hot (Aries) waters, humanity may witness the rise of unnecessary sufferings, or the delectation of one, as if Mars could put an end to Neptune’s misery in a heartbeat.
The Image I have in mind is super-sonic hot winds;
Or, using magic/illusion to commit a crime;
Or, what is “ideal” in a gym and its users [do and don’ts];
Or, someone fighting a “ghost”;
Or, someone fighting an imaginary opponent;
Or, a chaotic and unworthy fight or dispute;
Or, someone fighting for rigorous blind beliefs;
Or, an explosion in the middle of the ocean;
Or, an attack on imaginary ideas that people take it as physical;
Or, someone using the bible to commit crimes;
Or, someone using the name “Jesus” to justify violence;
Or, a super delayed orgasm;
Or, someone initiating something from the creative imaginary;
Or, the initiative in rehab centres to improve conditions etc.;
Or, a man in red beautifully performing ballet;
Or, a man putting on something considered super feminine;
Or; a misleading lead;
Or, a suspicious and confusing leadership.
Or, an “invisible” action…
Theodore Timby – short biography from People’s Book of Biography (1873). (