Venus Square Uranus
Venus Square Uranus
Venus squares Uranus every year – In 2024, Venus square Uranus 3x (times) while in 2025 only 1x (time) and that will have Uranus first Ingress in Gemini. In 2026 Venus will square Uranus in the sign of the bull for the last time.
Time for love & harmony seem rather an awkward activity, we feel strange by our close relationships, as we may feel way too personal to let others invade our private space at the moment that be. Even when we have someone in our lives our partnerships, we are still humans that need that alone time to cool down the head, harmonize oneself and get back there. But this time seems rather a must, we feel less appropriated, and we should take advantage of that.

It is a form of relationships independency declaration of the stars, where we shall recognize the relevance of freedom or liberty. This is a time where the stars provoke and poke us to see if we still can be free-spirited despite all the regards and appreciation towards the others we care about or have a certain level of relationship.
Venus in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (Rx) | 2023, Jan 15th | 14°58’ degrees |
Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus | 2023, Jul 02nd | 21°46’ degrees |
Venus in Leo (Rx) Square Uranus in Taurus | 2023, Aug 09th | 22°54’ degrees |
Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus (Rx) | 2023, Sep 29th | 22°40’ degrees |
People are rather distant, detached and longing to change that what is too familiar or what is “always there”. Uranus needs that what is unfamiliar and free of anything that hold on to us, and when Venus meets Uranus as a square, relationships may suffer some dramatic changes, couples or partners are forced to change, adapt and create new ways to relate. We need to feel by this time we can’t be totally dependent of our significant others as that is not wise or healthy.
Suppose your partner always call you “hey honeybee” or something like that. Well, when Venus square Uranus, we may get a bit irritated or overwhelmed by such fixation and perhaps try to give another “nickname”. That may sound very unpleasant, but the aspect challenges us to get out of our comfortable zone, which is not something Venus finds easy to do, but Uranus has no problem in being unpleasant if that is for a change, and its detached quality may help the relationships don’t take change too seriously, it knows well each one has their own mind and we simple must accept that.

I see squares as Plan B, thus when great benefic Venus encounters the squaring degrees of Uranus in the Zodiac, humanity wants to feel free from the significant others for the time being, to recompose their own balance and that’s where the new things excites, and that will sound disconnected and maybe even unfair? But from the transiting planets’ perspective, it is only for a brief period anyway. We may feel too weird to cooperate with the world around in a pleasant fashion, as if the plug between you and the others has been suffering a few buffs. People are eager to find another channel of their reality to tune in so they can discharge their own negativities, possible away from their usual known people.
If someone is single for example, perhaps this is the energy needed that instigates social curiosity, humans are fascinating puzzles and social experiences alter our perception of people we used to have. From this aspect, people are aliens, exchanging observations, touches and gestures to get along, and they are motivated to go out and have something to experience about. Unexpected encounters and meetings are the rule.