Sun Opposite Neptune —September 2023
Sun Opposite Neptune —September 2023
Neptune will transit Pisces until January 2026 where it will enter Aries for good. By 2026, Saturn will already be in a close conjunction (click here to read the article), and although not exact (partile) in Pisces, its orbs are tight enough to be considered a conjunction of the spheres by degrees.
Annually, the Sun will oppose Neptune each 2 or 3 days later the last year’s opposition and so on – when the Sun opposes Neptune, the planet will always be in its retrograde motion, and this fact is valid from Mars and forward. Transiting Sun oppositions can be quite personal or idiosyncratic when those degrees are looking at positions in your own chart, solar return etc.

Neptune transits Pisces since 2011, and it is transiting a house in your chart which is making things glow in there, a very subtle energy that glimmers the topics of such house and sign. When the Sun meets up as a degree of opposition to Neptune, we can see clear what has been created by ourselves at visionary and creative level, I mean, to illude oneself one has to be quite creative, but illusions can only take us so far, and the Sun will shine that and tell you why:
Sun in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces | Sep 19, 2023 | 26°16’ degrees |
Illusions of the self are clear as the full moon, giving us room to reconciliate what we think truth is and what it actually is, regarding the topics of the signs in question, in this case the Virgo-Pisces axis. What is perfect for you, may not be for the other. What is perfect for you now, may not be in 5 years from now – then we are caught up in this web of mirages we made ourselves, annually we feed this phantom creature inside us with what the world won’t let us create in the immediate corporeality, we let it evolve to this wonderful beautiful fantasy, that for some the tune is high and needs complement, a “coming true” of a kind.
However, if dreams and ideals aren’t in tune, frustrations may develop, and one may fail to attempt to capsize radically what needs a stable overturn. Remember that the Sun has a fixity that halts in persistence, even when transiting mutable Virgo, its “vital energy” is still holden fastened and secured.
Neptune is Idealistic – Thus, it involves people. This is not an ideal party search like Jupiter’s religious provocations of one’s faith. The fact Neptune immigrates to somewhere else where things are “alien”, shows us that perfection will never exist at mundane level except for feeding the utopian dream. Yet, that doesn’t mean a good level of harmony or tunefulness can’t exist.
The Mixer – Neptune wants you to lift the weight of the solar system’s harsh astrological conditions, casting a long spell of seduction, arousing unaware feelings and desires – it integrates, blends and merges until no border or limitations can be seen.

Merging Sects
When Neptune was discovered in 1846, despite the Christianity popularity of those time, many immigrants of multiple religious background were coming to USA *which likely contributed to the religious diversity of the population since them. Neptune rules immigration, the transportation of one continent or country to another, bringing an “Alien” costumes and traditions to this new foreign land, moving in to and the same time removing oneself from another place, usually from “hell” of a country. Neptune puts the individual in unique exotic positions where one permanently removes the physical body to another location where governments, laws and costumes are unconventional or too eccentric to them and vice-versa. In the end, Neptune is about mixing races, people from all backgrounds forming a queue to start a fresh new life, where adaptation is perhaps a must in order to survive.
Neptune immigrates us – where you have natal Neptune? It will suggest that area where Neptune likes to focus on illusions so you can have a subtle sweet & sour motivation to track on. Transiting Neptune suggests perhaps where it takes us into this long journey of fantasy, illusion, make-believe, fancy desires, driving you to move away and far from “hell” – as if we were migrating fishes swimming thousands of kilometres in search of better living conditions due to seasonal changes.