The Astrology of Porn Star John C.Holmes
The Astrology of Porn Star John C.Holmes
John Holmes was one of the most famous porn stars of the “Golden Age of Porn” (click here to read about it). He was a notorious Leo & voluptuously potent Sun-Venus-Pluto porn star with an enlarged genitalia and wild sexual hunger.

Leo however can be quite stubborn, once it belongs to the quadruplicity of fixity/fixation – His first wife Sharon once said Holmes could be quite naïve and possessive, always looking for perfection in the relationship. Now observe Virgo descends in the radix, being the western horizon point of reference in the circle, the sign of perfection in the place of the marriage!
Holmes was born with the Moon in Aries, a Zodiac sign said to be a very masculine & assertive sign that has this potent sexual raw energy, representing erection, pointed and phallic things, sharpness, penetration, ejaculation etc. The Moon was in the second sign from the Ascendant, he was well known to hold erections for long time. This strongly sexual Moon in Aries is boarding the Persian degrees of “Elevation & Power”. Not to mention the trine to the king Sun. Almudebit Mars ruler of the Moon was bounded with Jupiter – documented videos show Holmes having a strong sexual stamina.
Although having good things related to wealthiness and popularity, the life of the porn star was later on marked by criminal activities when in the root Saturn is released and meet the Sun by direction. He was known to have pimped his underage mistress (Mercury ruler of 7th house of partners in the 6th house of slave conjunct pimp Mars) in 1981 and was involved in a theft, burglary and even murders in the same year.
Holmes was born when “blurred-to-see” Pisces was rising in terms with crime oriented (malefic) Mars, and from all of planets, Mars is the nearest the western horizon part of the circle. Now, ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter is poorly at fall in Virgo in the 6th house and in the same sign of that troublesome Mars.
The Outstanding Beautiful Big Genital
⇒ Human body is beautiful and was made to admire. For example, I find the male body so attractive that makes me tickles inside whenever I see a man I find very handsome – I do like to admire them. But the human female body is what I aim for myself, as my body, which I find no sexual attraction but to belong to one. I find the penis beautiful, and Holmes is a formidable example of having one (as I could tell), and that’s just my humble opinion.
“John Holmes was to the adult film industry what Elvis Presley was to rock ‘n’ roll. He simply was The King.” — Cinematographer Bob Vosse in the documentary Wadd: The Life & Times of John C. Holmes.
Observe that house by counting, Libra is the 8th sign from the Asc of his wheel, the house of one’s intimate parts, which had beautiful Venus as ruler, and the planet is conjunct fixed Behenian Star Regulus, which Babylonians would call it “the King”! Venus also, shares the same sign of the Sun in Leo, which in turn was exactly located at the Persian degrees of “Elevation & Power”.
He is well known for not only the length but also thickness, a gifted hanging thing. Now, if you study the Placidus quadrant house division, Almudebit (victorious) Mars becomes the ruler of the 8th house, which in turn conjunct Natal enlarged Jupiter, which is also near planet thickness Venus.
Marriage & Divorce
Marriage & Ruler of the 7th house is Distributed
Mercury as we know by now, is ruler of 7th house of marriage. Now, what happened in the life of a soon-to-be discovered porn star when such planet is directed to his “self” (Sun)?
On August 22, 1965, John Holmes tied the knot with Sharon Ann Gebenini, who was a nurse at the time. They got married in Fort Ord, California. Notice that Promissor Mercury is also in the 6th house of nurses. The Significator Sun in his chart, again, is at the exact Persian degrees of “Elevation & Power”.
What was the native interested in such year? We generally ask for the Profected Ascendant of the that year. The turn was freshly on Sagittarius, thus activating Jupiter. Natal Jupiter is very close marriage-oriented Venus in the radix. Jupiter, conjunct ruler of the 7th house of marriage and the partner him/herself (Mercury), and it also bounded with the same.

Observe that transiting conjunction of Uranus-Pluto of the 60’s right on his natal Mercury, ruler of 7th house of marriage. Thus, not only was Pluto transiting that area of his chart for a few years, but when Uranus reached there, it became “unpredictable” and the union intensified to the point of a marriage.

In the SR1965, the sign ruled by union-oriented Venus, Taurus, was rising in term with Venus. Since the official union took place still in the month of his birthday in 1965, it thus activated marriage-oriented Venus in that event of the official union of bodies and minds in a paper, symbolizing an agreement – a contract establishing the line the couple can now come cross. In the same chart, the 7th house of marriage is ruled by Mars, which in turn trine grater benefic Jupiter.
Divorce & Venus Opposes in the Radix by Distribution
Now, what happened when the planet of Love and promissor Venus perfects its opposition to significator Moon converse, which in turn is in terms with Mercury ruler of the 7th house of divorce?
There was a split (opposition) of an alliance – After nearly two decades of marriage and about four years before Holmes passed away, the couple got divorced on October 19, 1984. If you consider the Placidus house division, then Promissor Venus becomes another ruler of the 7th house of divorce, separation, or that, a line is established where there was none.

Remember that when the couple got married, transiting Uranus was conjunct Pluto while both were conjunct natal Mercury? Now, this time, transiting Uranus in Sagittarius, the planet that also irritates and then separates, was back and forth squaring natal Mercury, ruler of the 7th house of marriage and divorce.

In the SR1984, the sign which is ruled by separation-oriented Mars, Scorpio, rises. Thus, Mars becomes the ruler of the SR1984. Mars themes such as separation and cutting off relationships that no longer serve was common theme that solar year, once the Scorpio sign is natal 8th house of letting go of people and things. North Node was in the 7th house of this chart, indicating a new path concerning relationships. The SR1984 also had Mercury return signature, the planet which is ruler of 7th house of separation in the root.
Golden Age of Porn & Porn Star Career Begins
In the end of 60’s and beginning of the 70’s, a great direction took place that opened the portal for the video industry, porn or not. The direction of Saturn-Uranus in the Mundane seemed to indicate the period where Holmes began acting videotapes (VHS). John Holmes began his career in the adult film industry during the late 1960s when he was recovering from a collapsed lung and was unemployed. While frequenting a men’s card playing club in Gardena, California, he met a photographer in a urinal space who gave him his business card and suggested that he could find work in the underground adult film business.
Following this encounter, Holmes began doing nude modelling for underground adult magazines and performing in occasional “loop” or “stag” films starting in 1969. Professional Saturn in the radix is sextile abundance Jupiter, while also having term-ruler Mars, the ruler of the Lot of Fortune. Uranus in the radix sextile the Sun-Pluto conjunction:
Promissor Saturn in the John’s radix is ruler of 11th house of television. The 11th house is when we appear to the world through media vehicles, not exactly in person, but through television, broadcasting, virtually (internet for example), etc. Saturn is also ruled by the Moon (videotape). Significator Uranus is said to co-rule the 11th sign of the Zodiac (Aquarius), thus the planet indeed puts the native on medias.
The transiting Jupiter-Uranus in Libra conjunction that year happened in the 8th sign from the Ascendant in his chart (houses by counting), the place of sex & pornography. A new sexual era began from this point in the life of hung Holmes, opposing all that heavy male sexual Aries energy. Something would show up, once in his chart, that was meant to be. He indeed became one of the posters of the golden age of porn, a “hero” for some man and “sex symbol” for some woman at those times.
Career Taking Off
However, it is only in 1971 that John’s career in the porn industry, took off, as soon as promissor Mercury ruler of the 4th house of major new beginnings perfected its direction to porn-star significator Pluto:
On October 1971, Holmes starred in the landmark pornographic film “Johnny Wadd” which became a huge success and led to several sequels over the years. Both Promissor Mercury and Significator Pluto are in terms with Venus in the radix, which again, conjunct “Regulus the King”. From this point Holmes let his hair grows like a lion, and a porn star was born. Mercury in the root conjuncts the ruler of the Ascendant (hair, body), the movie’s title plays (Mercury) with his real name (Asc).

Jupiter was transiting his natal 10th sign, the place of career and the reputation. Enlargement Jupiter is the planet of opportunities, expansion, a stroke of luck, prosperity, or everything that represents the most improbable events coming to fruition usually on a highly positive turn. J. Holmes was born in the hour of big Jupiter!

Now, this is also interesting. Rising Ascendant in the Solar Return chart 1971 was at critical degrees Virgo, thus activating ruler of the chart Mercury in the SR1971, plus ruler of the MC was also Mercury. In the same chart, Mars was activated by monthly profection of the SR Ascendant. Ruler of the 8th house of sex in such chart was Mars, and the planet was conjunct North Node, as if that was meant to be.
Dark Turn & The Saturn-Sun Arc
A decade later when his career began to take off, now addicted-oriented Pisces rising Holmes begins to get involved in a series of criminal circumstances as promissor criminal Saturn met significator Anaereta Sun by direction. It began right at the end of the 70’s, when cocaine & freebasing addiction started consuming his sex drive while also affecting his ability to maintain erections, as recorded in the said classic movie ironically called “Insatiable” lunched in 1980.
His natal Saturn is at fall in the astrological chart, the planet of darkness, of crimes and imprisonment. Although his natal Sun is there all powerful in domicile Leo, it does conjunct dark Pluto, the last astrological planet of the system, the hades himself. This direction had within a really malefic Arc that settled up a whole new period marked by wickedness:
When he was already 37 years old, Holmes was arrested on December 6, 1981, for his involvement in the Wonderland (Laurel Canyon) Murders, a notorious drug-related quadruple homicide in Los Angeles (that occurred on July 1, 1981). While he was not charged with murder, he was convicted of robbery (occurred on June 28, 1981) and sentenced to prison. Saturn is ruler of the 12th house of prison in the chart.
The crimes were well known as “the Four on the Floor Murders” – Observe that natal Neptune & Jupiter ruler of Ascendant are both at 2° degrees!
Acquitted from the Murders
Promissor Pluto directions as sextile to the Sun and the LoF at those period seemed to had instigated a deflection of the maleficence of the Saturn-Sun direction from above soon after . The aspectual kiss direction from Pluto to the Sun also took place under the key of Ptolemy:
Despite being charged with four counts of murder, Holmes was acquitted on June 25, 1982 along with the others 2 (two) accused.
Promissor Pluto in the root indeed conjunct Significator Sun (again, captured exactly in the Persian degrees of “Elevation and Power”). Pluto is term-ruled by great benefic Venus. Pluto also sextile unexpected Uranus.
Arrested Again
Unexpected promissor Uranus, along with natal Saturn, is also ruler of the 12th house of prison. Uranus square malefic Mars, ruler of 8th house of murder. Significator Moon in ruled by such Mars:
John was held in contempt of court on July 18, 1982, after he refused to testify against a suspect in the murders. The Moon is term-ruled by Mercury, ruler of 7th house of partners in crime, once the Moon is in Aries, ruled by crime-oriented Mars.
Diagnosed with AIDS
After his release from jail for contempt of court, Holmes resumed his film career with a new generation of porn stars, but that addicted Pisces rising wanted more drugs, which addiction continued off-and-on. The market became saturated with the many VHS’s and Holmes fame soon wane off but he was still participating as cameo.
We also should keep in mind the AIDS epidemic which by 1982, the disease was recognized as a global health concern.
In February 1986, after about two years the end of the “The Golden Age of Porn”, Holmes is diagnosed with AIDS when 41 years old, and his health began to deteriorate rapidly.
At that time, there were still many challenges and limited treatment options available for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Promissor Mars in the root is ruler of the 8th house of sexually transmitted diseases.

On February; 1986, transiting South Node was conjunct cusp of 8th house of sexual diseases. HIV Pluto was transiting near this lunar node, that of letting go, past actions, the return, etc. Both of them was in Scorpio, a sign by blood Mars.

SR1985 had the Sun returning with Mars. The Sun-Mars-Mercury Stellium square Moon ruler of 6th house of health. That returning Sun is opposite greater benefic Jupiter, forming a tense T-square with the such Moon at the apex.
Holmes Die from AIDS
Although I am not discussing here the techniques implications, it is important to know that, ancient astrologer knew that the Sun could kill by direction (especially when the chart belongs to the Moon/Night Sect?), it could easily become the Anaereta planet when the Moon is the “fit” Hyleg rising in the 1st house by Placidus division. This means, in this radix, the Moon is vital, important – and the oppressed by the night and cutter Sun released in the wheel killed that vital force when meeting by direction:
On March 13th; 1988 Holmes died of complications from AIDS at the age of 43.

At first glance nothing seems to stand out at the day of his departure. But it was his transiting Saturn opposition cycle, and here we see transiting Saturn the reaper conjunct Uranus opposition natal falling Saturn. Observe that natal Saturn at fall in Cancer is term-ruled by Mars, which is ruler of 8th house of death.

The SR1987 had Leo the King rising. But what stands out is the Sun-Moon opposition at exact degrees, thus, a Full Moon signatured such solar return of death. As we have just seen, the Sun-Moon opposition by direction is what killed the native owner of this radix.
Pisces Rising & Saturn square Neptune + Jupiter sextile Saturn in the Root
Despite his controversial career, John Holmes actively participated in charitable efforts related to environmental causes. He dedicated considerable time to organizations like Greenpeace and engaged in campaigns and door-to-door collections for charities such as Save the Whales and Save the Seals. After all, he was indeed born with charitable Pisces, one way or another his empathy to the world would show up. Plus, there you have Leo’s generosity.
John Holmes (actor) – Wikipedia