The Astrology of Benito Mussolini
The Astrology of Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) was an Italian politician and dictator who founded the fascist political movement and ruled Italy as Prime Minister from 1922 until he was deposed in 1943.

The fact many dictators and leaders have ruler of the 1st house in a much occupied 7th house (this case, by house quadrant division) is actually very scary. Even if the Sun is not there, it still sends an aspect by sign to the Gemini Stellium as a lucky sextile. Even if you use house by counting, the correlation is still an intimidating astrological fact, the Stellium moves to the 8th house of death/Hades. Tyrants or really evil people with such Stellium in the 3rd quadrant seem to pull out sort of a Pandemonium rundown as they rule nations or an organization for long periods of time. As consequence, society has do deal with these dictator’s personal fascisms projected to outside.
Planets in the 7th house, especially from the 1st house could indicate the native has an easy “gift” for making people do what they want from the areas these planets come from in the radix. Greater malefic Saturn and Pluto are there too, the Mussolini’s regime was characterized by authoritarianism, censorship, and suppression of political opposition.
The Moon (public) is also there in the Stellium of Gemini and is conjunct popular and fortunate Behenian Fixed Star Aldebaran, but said to be of violent Mars nature. Also, this star was one of the 4 Royal Stars.
Journalist Career
Mussolini began his career as a journalist (Sun-Mercury in the 9th house, or in the 10th place from the Ascendant).
When such Mercury perfected its direction to the MC in 1912 Mussolini becomes the editor (9th house) of the socialist newspaper (Mercury) Avanti! Plus, the Governor/Distribution of the Ascendant was Venus, which in the radix is in the 9th sign from the Ascendant and conjunct publisher and editor Jupiter. He eventually breaks with the socialist party over their support for Italy’s involvement in World War I.
Note again, the political Sun is in there with Mercury in the international 9th house; he pursued an expansionist foreign policy and allied Italy with Nazi Germany during World War II. Mussolini’s rule was marked by economic instability and social unrest, and his aggressive foreign policy eventually led to Italy’s defeat.
The Fascist Party is Found
Mussolini was rising when fascism oriented Scorpio was rising and with the Asc exactly conjunct powerful fixed star Unukalhai. Scorpio sign enjoys fascination of things and the fixation they may provide, becoming obsessed with their views of the world until people see what they see, even when that could escalate to bloodshed in the chart of a dictator. They “stalk” where the ruler of the planet is, and in this case Mars (and Pluto by any case) is the 7th house of political opposition.
Mars is also ruler of the Lot of Fame (Asc + Jupiter – Saturn = LoFame) as well as the Lot of Authority (Asc + Saturn – Moon = LoA).
Now, when this ruler of the Ascendant Mars is released (with its latitude in calculation) through the Zodiac direct, it met the aspectual trine of the MC, perfecting the exact direction in 1919, a perfect correlation of a single and powerful event that from that, a chain of episodes followed that marked the history books in dictators’ sector.
Benito became active in socialist politics before breaking away to found the Fascist Party aka Fasci Italiani di Combattimento (Italian Combat Fasci) in March 23rd; 1919. The directions of ruler of the Ascendant in benefic aspect to the MC, usually correlates to times of easy ‘successes’. In this case, it was towards Mars qualities, that of leadership for example; Mussolini’s leadership and ideology have been widely condemned for their role in the rise of fascism and the atrocities committed during World War II, including the Holocaust and other war crimes.

Mars also was involved in the Turn of the Year; in 1919 the native was interest in that what fascinates others as the turn of the year was back to the sign of fixed Scorpio (Annual Profection of the Asc). In the SR1918, Gemini was annual Ascendant, the sign on the natal 8th house of fascism. His focus was of that. The Sun returned exact conjunction to glamour and glitter Neptune and a further Saturn in the same sign. Saturn was active by monthly Profection of the SR1918 Ascendant.
Also, it was the fascist’s Jupiter return, the “portal” of luck, opportunity, expansion and abundance in the game was opened. Not enough, it was also Venus return as marked in the SR1918.
Prime Minister
Uranus is the ‘god’ of the skies in the ancient Greek mythology, the universal ruler of it “all”. When Mussolini’s natal Promissor Uranus (conjunct Lof in the radix) is conjunct to the governmental Hyleg Sun by the turn of the sphere (Primary Direction), the first step to ruling a nation under his orders is witnessed by all, Mussolini triumphs as an authority figure:
On October 31st; 1922, Mussolini and his followers march on Rome in what is known as the March on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III invites Mussolini to form a government, and Mussolini becomes Italy’s Prime Minister.
Transiting Uranus in Pisces was very neatly square natal Saturn in Gemini. It was also, his Uranus opposition cycle.
Me and Only
1925 was the year where transiting Saturn was opposite dissolving Neptune in the skies in the Virgo-Pisces axis, a dissolving of governments of certain kinds would be likely eminent in the mundane. It was a matter of those in power to decide which team they would join the political-war board and play their cards.
The Sun is conjunct Mercury in the radix, which the last is ruler of Lot of Fortune. Now, what happens when such lucky Lot is directed to all powerful and the Hyleg Sun? Remember that the fascist was born under the hour of the Sun!
Mussolini assumes dictatorial power in January 3rd; 1925, then dissolves all political parties except his own National Fascist Party, and establishes a one-party state. In this radix, LoF conjuncts supreme mythological god Uranus, indicating a period of a thundering rulership, fluke in power and authority. The astrological Sun is a single-oriented “energy”, it is proud to stand by himself and only, and it seems in his chart that was aimed towards politics (9th house).
It was an Aries turn of the year, again, activating Mars by annual Profection of the Asc, the native was interested in taking everything to himself. Now observe the natal Mars in the Gemini Stellium.
The Alliance with the Devil
Mars directions seemed to be very important in the life of this individual with tyranny and leadership qualities. What happens when writer Mercury ruler of 8th house of evil deeds is directed to the position of war Mars in the chart of a fascist?
Mussolini signs the Rome-Berlin Axis pact, forming an alliance/conjunction with Nazi Germany on October 25th; 1936. Italy also intervenes in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the fascist forces. Mercury, we can’t forget, is ruler of the Stellium in the 7th house.
By Annual Profection of the Asc, it was again, another Aries turn of the year, thus Mars was also activated in the radix by an important Chronocrator. This individual was interested in war topics and what to do with that. Mars is in the 7th house of alliances, pacts, significant relationships etc. Mars in the radix is bounded with alliance-oriented Venus.
In the SR1936 Virgo rises, activating Mercury by the Profection of the SR Ascendant of the year 1936 – It was all in a certain motion where not only Mercury and Mars was activated by Primary Directions, but also by the two important timing techniques, through the Solar Return Profections of the Ascendant and Natal Annual Profection of the Ascendant.
1940: Italy enters World War II and his popularity begins to wane as he put Italy on the side of Nazi Germany. Mussolini’s forces suffer a series of defeats in North Africa and the Balkans. – (I didn’t investigated the astrology of this period, what do you think such configurations would be about?)
Mussolini is Overthrown
When Saturn comes to those who intentionally opened a Pandemonium to humankind, it brings with it the consequences, by turning down the native’s light, one’s commandos are no longer listened, while also it could easily makes people turn against the owner of the human suit. Saturn-Sun directions for example, are usually seem in charts of people retiring from something or, from a real career, but also of death or serious injuries to one’s moral or even physical, physiological etc. In this case:
July 25th; 1943: Mussolini (Sun) is overthrown (Saturn) by the Fascist Grand Council and arrested by the Italian military. He is briefly imprisoned before being rescued by German forces and installed as the leader of the Italian Social Republic, a puppet state in northern Italy. The promissor & Hyleg Sun is ruler of the 10th place by counting, thus regarding a decrease in rank, killing his reputation/status etc.
Observation: if you only consider house by quadrant division, observe Mercury ruler of the 10th by Placidus division is conjunct the promissor Sun.
Transiting Uranus (the god whom overthrown Saturn in the mythology), was actually conjunct Mussolini’s natal Saturn. By the way, Saturn was transiting the same sign of natal Saturn and the transiting Uranus, thus, it was still his Saturn return.
Shot along with Mistress
When the direction above is reversed (Sun-Saturn), Mussolini actually dies on 1945 when Saturn becomes the Promissor in the direction of the reaper.
Unukalhai may usually indicate a mysterious departure etc. Add Moon with Aldebaran, you could possibly have a native with a violent death. The Hyleg Sun was/is bounded with Venus – He was shot along with his mistress, although it’s still a mystery the people or person that actually killed them. Venus is ruler of 12th place by counting, the house of things never solved in human format.
Anaereta of this individual’s radix was indeed cutter Saturn, while the Hyleg was the Sun – Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, were executed on April 28, 1945. If we rectify the chart a few seconds, you have the exact date nonetheless.
They were captured by Italian partisans while trying to flee to Switzerland and taken to the town of Giulino di Mezzegra. There, they were shot by a firing squad at approximately 4:00pm local time (or 4:10pm?). Mussolini was 61 years old at the time of his execution.
The Moon that day was a Full Moon in Scorpio, the death of a fascist, as the transiting Pluto was conjunct natal Hyleg Sun.
The Hyleg Sun is very public there in the 9th house along with ruler of 8th house of death – The bodies of Mussolini and Petacci were taken to Milan and left in a suburban square, the Piazzale Loreto, for a large angry crowd to insult and physically abuse. They were then hung upside down from a metal girder above a service station on the square.
→ Many are details I had to left out in order to have a more “article” experience. For example, secondary progressions, others SR’s, certain important transits and monthly Profections, Firdaria, Distribution of the Asc, Eclipses etc.