
Sun Retrograde from Mercury and Venus

Sun Retrograde from Mercury and Venus

Did you know that if you go to Mercury or Venus you could witness the Sun going retrograde? 

⇒ The term “retrograde” refers to the apparent backward motion of a planet in its orbit, as seen from the perspective of an observer on a certain planet. Mercury and Venus orbit the Sun at a faster pace than Earth does, which means that they periodically “overtake” Earth in their orbits.

Coming Across the Sun’s Face

When such phenomenon occurs, they can also transit across the face of the Sun, creating a rare and fascinating celestial event. So, next time you hear on the news “Mercury passes in front of the Sun”, from the planet’s point of view, if they are retrograde from our perspective, then the Sun is actually retrograde there during the same time. As if these two planets are right there on the face of the Sun, exclaiming “hey I am as important!”.

→ Also the Moon when the eclipse of the Sun occurs, at the end of the day, we just want to go back home (Moon) while daily giving a rest from the light of the Sun.

The Inner or Inferior Planets & Their Basic Importance

I think this is something interesting for astrology, even though we live on planet Earth and observe astrology as geocentric from here, the correlation is actually quite simple. Because Mercury and Venus orbit closer to the Sun than Earth does, they are always located between Earth and the Sun at some point in their orbits. Mercury and Venus, and the Moon for the matter, are the astrological planets we consider closer to our personal life, ruling the most basic topics that are quite obvious to society and are reachable to us at least under twenty-four hours windom?

→ Venus is the planet of Love & Peace, Mercury that of people close to us although not relationship oriented, but more perhaps those by blood or people we considered as if they were?

Did you know that Venus rotates in the opposite direction of most planets in the solar system? Its “day” is longer than its “year”, and the Sun rises on the west and sets on the east instead. We want the people we love in a long term coming our way, like “forever”, and this opposite direction of Venus could easily indicate the complementation or the “matching” between people/society. A day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days, while a year there is only 225 Earth days. Venus always gets back to the people she loves and consider greatly, she wants company and being alone and proud like the Sun must be too exhausting. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is often referred to as Earth’s sister planet because they are similar in size, mass, and composition.

Venus glyph is very popular in pop culture, a universal symbol of feminine power and that of kindness, passiveness, likability, softness etc. the glyph is widely use to represent things and people with something related to women, sex (along with popular Mars glyph, but perhaps more popular than Mars – tell me you never saw a motel with Venus or Mars in neon on a luminous board, or on magazines etc.), sensuality, pleasure, and usually in a color very shocking, pink, red, purple, but also in pastel pink etc.

Venus rules those people you see on streets holding hands, walking together, having a lovely time, enjoying themselves with others etc. without Venus we would probably be creatures of loneliness, none social being with extremely personal agenda against everybody, the streets would be empty, void of people doing transactions etc. Venus is perhaps one of the reasons you and me are here, where “love” or simple pleasure was in the air between the two people that created us.

Mercury on the other hand has the shortest year of all the planets, taking just 88 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. Fast Mercury is the planet associated with the Mind, the cerebrum of the Zodiac rejoicing in the 1st house –  all parts of the human nervous system are connected to the brain. The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, is responsible for processing information and coordinating the body’s responses to external and internal stimuli.

→ I remember in 2015, when the pioneering discovery made scientists aware that Mercury has possibly about as early as 4 billion years old of Magnetic field, and if that is true then the planet has the oldest magnetic field from all the planets in the solar system, even when it is suggested that Mercury and Earth were created at the same period of time. Mercury perhaps is the traditional glyph most complete or diverse: the half-moon, the circle and the cross, all attached together like magnets.

Mercury is the commerce in your city/town, what moves the traffic light on streets, the information you receive 24h/day the market, where you go buy the items to your home or ready-to-go, how you get in touch with people on daily basis, the conversations you have with them, your very phones, notebooks, desktops, transport tool/system etc. Mercury is those things we usually daily use and do, want, need and should be possible in a 24h span. At least once a year, Mercury gets two sunrises on the same day, and again, in astrology dopellganger Mercury rejoices in the 1st house marked by the Sunrise, the hour-marker.

These are all things we easily keep coming back to, without any force or motivation, we simple do because we like it, or need/have to. These are too basic things that are almost impossible not to get involved with at very personal and even unconscious level? 

The Moon then, is the fastest and closer to us, astrological sublunary beings, it represents things we want or need to in the next minute (drink water for example), next hours or at least when the night comes.

The Moon, Mercury and Venus are the astrological planets we take near to our hearts – people we love, the parents, the family and relatives, the one, or the people and things you simply “can’t live” without. 

Other things perhaps are rather impersonal and perhaps not too important for the Sun in terms of basic priority. Although Mars is a personal planet and you can still “see” traces of interior desires and needs, they are things you don’t usually want to grab near your heart, I mean you don’t want to keep returning to the gym for example unless you are really into it or work with, it is something you have to go after, not something naturally coming from the “heart”, but from motivation or healthy issues etc.

The Motion Picture

Traditionally, astrological Venus & Mercury are said to be inferior planetstheir synodic cycles oare quicker and both are, again, nearest Earth’s orbit, while Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are known to be the superiors once their orbits are further away and after from Earth’s and they only get to be retrograde when more than 90º degrees away from the Sun. The longer orbital period of the superiors make them appear for longer periods, while the inferiors which are too close to the Sun they are actually blended, blurred, mixed, ingested, as important as, etc. thus being visible for shorter periods of time compared to the superiors. 

Perhaps from the Sun to Venus we tend to choreograph life rather unconsciously. We as humans expect things from things and people, but once the “scene of the day” starts being “recorded”, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn would then ask for silence in the room, (Saturn), what scene/story we are in (Jupiter), and, action (Mars). 

From Mars, things get out of control, we can’t help sometimes but get out of comfort zone, yet the transits seem fairly enduring/consistent (because of their slowness in motion), thus they outline the “corners” of our lives, shaping it while giving longer chapters, as if things get really moving about while all the scenes have been prepared previously by the inner planets.

From Earth, Mars to Pluto, it is impossible to watch the Sun retrograde, as if they are not in the “scene” themselves, but the moving forces behind it, what makes it happen before it gets to the Sun, to the final “motion picture”, to that “what you see is what you get”.


