Case StudyMundanePredictions 2023

The “Venus Conjunct Jupiter-Uranus” 2023 in Works in the World

The “Venus Conjunct Jupiter-Uranus” 2023 in Works in the World

The Venus-Uranus conjunction happens not even a month after the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. These kinds of sudden “ties” are not usual.

Here is the page I wrote about Venus-Uranus conjunction by March 30th 2023:

“Venus and Uranus conjunction means it is time where the significant other (friend/country) surprises and shocks us, and we surprise and shock the important significant other. Expect the unexpected concerning relationships, partners, best friends, etc.”

On the News:

⇒ Just a few hours ago (end of March 2023) King Charles speaks German at Banquet in Berlin, and vows to “strengthen connections” between UK and Germany.

⇒ On March 10th (still, the month of the conjunction) Iran and Saudi Arabia Restore Ties; the countries agreed to restore diplomatic ties seven years after severing relations. Now, look what I wrote (click here to go to the page) on the “Venus conjunct Jupiter March 2023” about UK:

“North Node in the 7th House: Look, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction will conjunct England’s North Node in the 7th house of the other significant country, a new best friend?”

It’s a sudden (Uranus) conjunction of Peace (Venus) and harmony. Sometimes they outstand because people would never believe it to one day such thing would happen, thus the Uranus (surprising) factor. In the case of the Islamic Republic and the Gulf kingdom for example, both affirmed their respect for the “sovereignty of states” and “non-interference in internal affairs.” The move marked a significant de-escalation in tensions. For years, the two countries have clashed over regional conflicts, particularly Syria and Yemen.




Venus Conjunct Uranus in March 2023 & Predictions

Venus Conjunct Jupiter March 2023 & Predictions