Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in History & Predictions for 2024
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in History & Predictions for 2024
[Click Here to Read the Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Forecast for YOU]
[Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Forecast for the WORLD/MUNDANE – PART II]
[Go to thezodiacus’ YouTube and watch me talking about Jupiter in Taurus!]
Be Sure to Read the Above Articles
They include many astrological forecasts and history to learn from !
How do we define if a civilization has progressed over time? Their interaction with time & energy, the quicker you have it, the more progressive a society is. Light a fire in the forest or turn on the air com? Heat on the fire or in the microwave? Riding horses to get faster to places or by cars, motors or even bike? Send a letter, e-mail or an instant virtual message?Technology is part of human intervention in order to function better in a potential world.

Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Libra (1968-9) – Libra is an air sign. 1969 was the year man went to the Moon for the first time; The Apollo 11 mission. The significant other “planet” was visited by humans. It was also, the year actress Sharon Tate and four others are murdered by followers of Charles Manson in Los Angeles. A really bizarre form of group-murder related.
» Uranus rules rebels with a cause – the 1969 was strongly marked by the Stonewall riots in New York City, which marked the beginning of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. Jupiter was conjunct Alkaid the “military breaking” star.
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius (1983) – The sign that aims towards the skies. The 1983 was the year where the first American woman, Sally Ride, is launched into space aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger. Humans ride on animals and technology in order to reach to places and things. Also:
» May of 1983 the month of the 2nd conjunction – Earthquake registering 6.5 on the Richter scale hits Coalinga, California + An earthquake in the Sea of Japan creates a tsunami which kills 100 people.
» September of 1983 the month of the 3rd conjunction – Sagittarius gives us directions with its arrow. US president Ronald Regan announces that GPS will be made available to the public, though it was originally intended for military use only. Jupiter-Uranus is the technology innovation conjunction + In Northern Ireland, 38 IRA prisoners from Maze Prison take part in the biggest escape in British history.
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces (2010-11) – US forces locate and kill al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Pisces is the sign of blind and false religion, visions and leaders. It was a definite moment of change for the world.
» Pisces rules oil, oceans and Tsunamis. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico, causing one of the worst environmental disasters in US history. A 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami strike Japan, causing widespread damage and a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant + a magnitude seven earthquake rocked Haiti, leaving 220,000 people dead + Just over a month after Haiti’s devastating earthquake, Chile was struck by a magnitude 8.8 quake and subsequent tsunami + The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull + In one of New Zealand’s worst disasters, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch, killing 185 people and injuring several thousand.
» Pisces rules traps: A mining accident occurs in the San Jose mine in Chile, trapping 33 miners underground for 69 days before they are all rescued + 33 Chilean miners are rescued from the San Jose mine after being trapped underground for 69 days.
Uranus rules protests & Revolutions: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigns after widespread protests and demonstrations. The Egyptian revolution begins.

2024 & Predictions based on the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction History of the Last 3 Conjunctions:
One of the biggest earthquakes about to come or something similar with greater magnitude? if you see the history, many earthquakes tend to happen around this conjunction specially in the year where Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces! And in Taurus, which is an earth sign, I could easily suppose we could expect some real danger from an earthquake somewhere around the globe, activating perhaps Vulcan eruptions or a Tsunami? Thus it will be unexpected in a place where it would be least to even happen?
» In fact, one of the worst tsunami in recorded history was the Indian Ocean tsunami, also known as the Boxing Day tsunami, which occurred on December 26, 2004 where Mars just entered Sagittarius square Uranus in Pisces. Uranus was exact conjunction fixed star Fomalhaut a shape shifter. Nothing was in Taurus that period though.
what about a revolution of the farmers and the people who works from things of earth?