Case StudyKnown People

The Recent Astrology of Henry Cavill & Pluto Direction

The Recent Astrology of Henry Cavill & Pluto Direction

What is going on at astrological level with Henry Cavill and his professional life?

Exit from the Wicther, a super acclaimed series by his fans and those of the actual game and stories, where millions would go straight to his pocket.

Exit as Superman, one of the most popular hero characters in the world – 2022 hasn’t been the best thus far for actor and game fanatic Henry Cavill.

Now, Deuxmoi podcast reveals that Henry Cavill allegedly became “impossible” to work with for ‘The Witcher’:“He would try to overrule her (female showrunner) […] Female writers and directors were suddenly completely ignored on set, unable to do their jobs.”

From being accused of misogynist to losing super popular roles in the professional life as an actor, what is the astrology of that?

If this chart is correct, then Pluto just culminated by Primary Direction in the Zodiac Converse in May 2022. Natal Pluto in the 8th house of debt & loss, it is a huge loss financially and professionally, Pluto is staining his status before the public, influencing how people see him:

“He wanted complete control of storylines”. – Pluto is about control and power struggle.

Also, Solar Return 2022 has Sun returning in an exact conjunct/combination to Uranus  conjunct Mc – an overnight change of status or reputation.

Fandonwire writes: “Reportedly, Henry Cavill introduced last moment changes in the script without any intimidation to his co-workers. The maker of the series too is a female, who struggled the most with Cavill’s misogynist personality. The Enola Holmes star’s game addiction resulted in several changes which did not align with the processing of the makers. Cavill reportedly was rude to his co-workers and annoyed everyone on the set with his personality.”

With two powerful planets conjunct/combined at the Midheaven in ‘I know it all’ Sagittarius, the exaggerated one Jupiter and Uranus god of video-games, you would expect the unexpected in his professional sphere. With that Aquarius rising and Uranus conjunct the Mc, an erratic and rebellious personality would rise at work. Also, the Sun-Mercury-Mars-LoF in Taurus square Ascendant, a personality not easy to deal with, issues regarding control and stubbornness would surround the native anyhow.

“It was like working with any other addict” – Addict Neptune also share the same of these planets (Jupiter-Uranus) and that on the cusp of the Midheaven Sagittarius. At some point in his life, he would be known to be an extreme addict (Neptune) and fan (Jupiter) of video games (Uranus).

Soon, the Solar Eclipse in Aries (click here to read about it) on April 19th 2023 will impact Henry’s life and Pluto themes.

What the Future Holds: Well not so good. Pluto ingresses into Aquarius will not be the greatest times of his life; the planet of death & transformation will transit the sign for about 20 years and will square personal Sun-Mercury-Mars-LoF in Taurus. Not to mention that Pluto will conjunct his natal Moon in Aquarius, ouch!

However, since he has pretty good planets in the Mc along with the greatest benefic Jupiter, I don’t think his status of now will have any difference in the future, because people will easily forget his bad reputation and will not stick to that. Nonetheless, Venus ruler of the Sun-Mercury-Mars-LoF is opposite the Jupiter-Uranus combination in the Mc, causing certain ambiguity related to his public image. The thing is that I think his fan-base is stronger than the recent claims, which will not affect too much his future films. But as for now, I think he will still continue to have problems with career & loss.



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