Pluto in Sagittarius & the Upcoming Years of Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in Sagittarius & the Upcoming Years of Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Sagittarius [1995-2008]: The oldest of this generation (in 2022) is just 26-27 years old, the first multitude of people born are beginning their Saturn Return now and still didn’t have Pluto transit sextile their natal Pluto. The youngest are about 14 years old.
Transiting Pluto in Aquarius will sextile their natal Pluto in Sagittarius – This is every generation’s opportunity to show their talents, what they are here for, and their highest form of expression in every avenue. Time for this generation to take place in mass, in grand scale, like all generations as soon as their second Jupiter return ends, Pluto begins its sextile to natal Pluto. Such ingress, tells us it is time to Pluto in Sagittarius monsters to show their marketing skills, their social drive, their power of transformation, their upbeats and tunes.
Everything we have seen these years fresh from Pluto in Scorpio will eventually get old and replaceable, like all others generations behind. The same will happen to Pluto in Sagittarius once they all reach their age sufficient enough for Pluto square natal Pluto later in life. That doesn’t mean people from Pluto in Scorpio won’t be doing this new, it is just that the new generation is behind you and is unstoppable, we grow and get older, and there is always a continuation of a sort.
Pluto is the Communal planet that Shares – Every generation leaves something for the other to build upon, yet refreshed, many times revolutionized and re-oriented. People on this planet will always leave dirty behind for others to pick it up and transform into something new. we learn or not from history and if we want to apply change or not is up to us, but not a human alone, but in mass.
Pluto in Scorpio is like this; if I have something I am know the benefits and I enjoy it so much, so I want my friends and others to have it as well, so they can experience the same thing as me at the same time etc. Pluto in Scorpio are followers, Pluto in Sagittarius wants followers, a multitude of people observing him/her.
J.D. ♣