Pluto in Aquarius & the Aquarius-Leo and Taurus-Scorpio Axis (2023-2044)
Pluto in Aquarius & the Aquarius-Leo and Taurus-Scorpio Axis (2023-2044)
Although the smallest in our solar system concerning astrological planets, Pluto is the slowest, it carries with it too much secrets. It basically has a heart on its surface, a universal symbol of life and love, words strongly related to the Sun. Pluto then, as the last known planet to the Sun, is astrologically “marked” by the only real astronomical Star in the system. Ancient astrologers knew the significations in medical as well as symbolical correspondent of the Sun to the heart, be it in physical format, or symbols we draw, what signifies concerning humans’ heart poetically, such as love, fun, games, dates, etc. [I wrote more about it on my online book Saturn page 55-61 (click here if you wish to read more about it)]
Pluto is not only the slowest, it borders in and out the system we live in, like the myth of Persephone, 6 months in heaven and 6 months in hell. The heart on its surface could be interpreted as Persephone showing her glowing power in the dark? Invoking people’s inner power and resilience seems to be “mandatory” in such century we participate.
Personal Observation: I think outer planets are not as unilateral as how personal and even social planets can be. Thus, they are more democratic and commune and sometimes even impartial or fully unbiased?
However, the article is about Pluto in Aquarius & the Aquarius-Leo and Taurus-Scorpio Axis (2023-2044).

Although Pluto will look good [aspects] to Air and Fire signs, there are two Zodiac Signs among them which Pluto will conjoin and oppose.
Aquarius – Oh dear Aquarius darling, or planets and important point(s) in Aquarius? This is once in a lifetime opportunity to die and reborn anew, fresher and more powerful which will only be truly visible to you once Pluto enters Aries. Until then, enjoy this rise with all your forces, the rise of power, of great intensity, of acquiring, of sharing, of potential and of greater dominance. Are you ready to influence those around you and perhaps beyond? Time of therapy of some sort. You will be given power, you will influence and you will also, reborn. Listen well Aquarius placements, you will have a boost of energy/creativity coming up your way, and some years that will be very unusually beneficial, especially when all the planets from Saturn to Pluto will be in either Air or Fire signs.
Leo – Oh dear Leo darling, or planets and important point(s) in Leo? This is once in a lifetime opposition, to moderate or to extremes? You choose, and you will have to. There will be times where a perfect control and moderation in life will be felt so great and possible, at other times a storm will seem to be endless. Moderation or Extremes, what matters is the journey. We tend to think of opposition as forces that may feel uncomfortable, yet they may bring out to the surface a real moderation of things, people and motion in life; time becomes too precious and things/people must be dealt without excuses. Like a comfy blanket in the winter, you will want to use Pluto’s power to cover the places you feel weak and inert so it can have an opposite effect; however, at others times, power and getting things you want your way will seem rather impossible and unreachable, as if It was on the other side of the room with somebody else holding it for the time being. This will be necessary so you value power, transformation and intensity.
The Year of 2027: In 2027 Jupiter will touch the Leo’s placements in your/our charts; in March for example, all planets from the Sun to Pluto will be in either Air or Fire signs, including the Nodes in Leo-Aquarius axis, depending on the day the Moon too will be in these signs. It will be the year of Jupiter-Pluto opposition. There will be a lack of Earth and Water planets, which will make Air and Fire things go without too much intrusion of unwanted attention. Such configuration also tells us something will come from NASA (or others space scientific oriented programs around the world) concerning space exploration, new discoveries, new rocket lunches, etc. This explains well, because the lack of Earth makes things and people astrologically “ungrounded” and “floating” perhaps? As if we were out of ground, metaphorically levitating and not rooted, but head on ‘space’, ideas and ideals. [Read more on my online book on Saturn here; go to page 55 to 61.]
Scorpio & Taurus: Get ready guys, the next 21 years of your life you will need a security belt, things will go extremes, thing will go intense, you will be given power that may be misunderstood, a power in which may frighten people away, you will have power struggle only to know how much you people can take from you and you from them. You guys will realize how powerfully stubborn you can be, you will realize the advantages and disadvantages of it. Listen well (read well in this case), you will find out that many things are out of your control you wished they weren’t, but the universe has a way to guarantee we indeed get ourselves what we want if we wish hard enough, yet this square from transiting Pluto tells us it will be through the hard way. For a real transformation to take place in your life the way you desire, you will really need to put tremendous effort into it, while some will take place without your concern or even consent. Time to get out of that comfy couch of ours and put things into motion, after this trip, you will have a brand new couch much more comfortable than previously.
JD ♣