
Britney Spears Next Major Primary Direction: What Important Events May Happen in 2023?

Britney Spears Next Major Primary Direction: What Important Events May Happen in 2023?

Note: Soon I will add up a new page titled “Predictions” for this kind of treatment in the website, with major predictions related to famous or known people.

I love Britney, and people who visit my website know I do predictions for her and I am often correct. Now, I noticed that a Major Direction Direct will perfect at Britney’s Primum Mobile in 2023. What configuration will be about?

Promissor Moon Opposite Direct Significator Mc (or, conjunct Ic) in 2023:

What does this strange calculation mean? About 2h47m (167’minutes) after Britney was born, the Moon anti-culminated. When we put this into Primary Direction, the Moon will perfect the direction Direct to the conjunction of degree it was on the cusp of the Ic certain [167’m/4’m = 41,7 years in life] (well, around the 41y7m) years later the native was born.

Something in her life will be dying out, concerning Moon and the house it rules. We could easily point to her mother for example: will her mother anti-culminate (die) or something reallt destructive and harmful period to her mother in August 2023? (perhaps on the August 26th 2023 according to the Direction of the square form the SR2022?) – like Covid19?

Why such tragic prediction? At the same time of course, I wish I was/am wrong. The singer and multi-talented queen has had already too many tragedies concerning her family. But this Moon to the Ic will also bring about good news, once in the radix, the Moon is (Again) great.

The Moon not only rules our mother in our charts, but in Spears’ radix such is the ruler of the 10th place, the place of the mother. We will witness some quality alike, of the Moon reaching Ic by direction. The thing is her natal Moon is actually good in her natal chart, it trines Saturn the reaper while sextile Sun-Mercury, which also indicate a good health and longevity of the mother. However, under Ptolemy’s systematization, Venus would indicate the mother in her chart, and we know their relationship became toxic over the years – observe her natal Venus in a horrible square the satan Saturn abusive/toxic Pluto conjunction. Venus-Moon are in Aversion to each. Nevertheless, the Moon is still the ruler of natal 10th place, and thus the mother of blood, and the prection involes such.

But this could also relate to so much, like, a new phase in career, will we witness a New Project on Music when she is almost 48 years old in 2023?

Well, many things will reach down the end of it and will need to be finally eliminated for good in Britney’s life, things from the past.

It may also involve pregnancy? Baby(ies)? A new home? A new place? A new location? A new Address? 

SR Moon 2022 is at 0° degree Aries, the sign at the cusp of the 8th house. Mmmmm. The SR2022′ Radix kind of affirms many things relate to this new anti-culminaiton of the past, but at the same time new things will be set into motion and will soon rise on the horizon ?



Distributions of the Ascendant will shift from Asc-Sco-Mars to Asc-Scor-Venus now in January 2022 in the 26th day.

This will indicate Venus will be activated by Distributions. Her new intentions in life for the next about 4 years, will be of Venusian stuff – marriage, contracts, art, singinng & dancing (yes I think she’s back!), moderation of things in life, spending money, gainning money, even revenge because Venus in the radix square the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Now, since Venus represents her mother in this chart, the mother will be major issues during this period when natal Venus is touched by transiting planets, Venus directions, Venus returns etc.

Note that Annual Profection of the Ascendant SR/DEC/2021 is Aquarius, thus activating Saturn in the 1st house, fortelling us first hand Britney is now searching for assertiveness in her life, cocerning herself image, father, mother, and many things from the past, the square to Venus is also a square to South Node.