The Astrology of Scientist Marie Curie
The Astrology of Scientist Marie Curie

By Jenny Dusky
Marie Skłodowska-Curie was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize
sun: taqurus
moon: aquarius
asc: leo in terms with mars
Read this in-depth astrological analyzes utilizing ancient techniques and acknowledge more the astrology of scientists
chart | speculum | profections | firdaria | directions | transits | SR's | length of life [death]
life of famous scientist [1900's] - nobel prizes - pioneering discoveries - secret education
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She Was Awarded Two Nobel Prizes – And Remains The Only Person To Receive Nobels In Two Different Fields. Early on in her scientific career, Marie Curie discovered two important radioactive elements. She called the first one polonium, after her home country of Poland. The second was named radium. Both were discovered in 1898. Radium became famous for its glow-in-the-dark properties and was used on the dials of watches until it became clear that exposure to its radioactivity was harmful to people’s health. Marie actually had the Kite aspect, where the planet at the apex receiving the pressure from “above” opposition of the Sun is radioactive Pluto, the “hidden” sphere [see chart ahead]. The kite formation involves genius scientist Uranus, revealing Moon and illuminating consciousness Sun. Observe in my horrible attempt to draw a simple ‘Kite Aspect’, you realize from this perspective that it seems to form a 3D pyramid. Something I’ve never realized it before I myself draw the lines of the pattern in a blank.
We are about to analyse the chart of a person that led life to all or nothing [Sun opposite Pluto].
Marie Curie wasn’t known as romantic person, in fact, neither was her husband Pierre. Although Scorpio is a passionate sign, the Stellium falls in her natal 10th house, where the planets are elevated and become a bit colder. Venus the planet of relationship and that of love, is detriment in her chart and conjunct Saturn, the ‘love & passion cutter’ of the Zodiac, since it prefers things sober and excluded of feelings. Marie wore a simple blue dress to their civil wedding ceremony and then wore it for years after while working in the lab. Marie remained devoted to Pierre throughout their marriage and even after his death (despite having a scandalous relationship with a married former student, Paul Langevin, after she became a widow), she wrote a biography of his life entitled ‘Pierre Curie‘.
Saturn is part of the Stellium and is square Jupiter, the researcher (Anton Kollish [MDMA – ecstasy]; is an example here investigated). Together they form the basic pattern of a scientist. Marie’s Almudebit of the figure [victorious] is Venus and as we know, had testimony of Saturn [conjunct Saturn].
Saturn is also the planet ruler of Curie’s chart once Capricorn was rising, and it was in terms with Jupiter, a scientist-researcher oriented nativity.
After moving to Paris and meeting Pierre Curie while studying at the Sorbonne, Marie went on to earn a PhD from the University of Paris. She was so poor [Saturn and Neptune] as a student that she lived on only bread and tea, and would occasionally faint from hunger, but nothing would deter her from her work. Marie Curie led a sort of a “Rock’n’roll” scientist lifestyle.
Many charts of pioneering people are shown Mars elevated in the 10th house or in fire houses [1st, 5th and 9th], no matter the field in question. It could be in sports, at the office, at science… you name it. You can read some of them here: Anton Kollish [MDMA – ecstasy] whom also had Mars elevated in aspect with Venus]; Ayrton Senna [formula one]; aviator Maryse Bastié; etc.
Scorpio is that invisible formula only seen by investigating minds. That what exists but is not tangible, at least at first sight. It can be manipulated but has a fixed foundation.
- She Was The First Woman To Be Professor Of General Physics At The Sorbonne [Paris]
- She Discovered Two Important Radioactive Elements
- She Coined The Word “Radioactivity”
- She Developed A Mobile X-Ray Machine For Battlefield Use
- Einstein Wrote Her A Letter Of Support
- She Founded The Radium Institute To Find Therapeutic Uses For Radioactive Materials
Dispositor secretive Pluto [natal Mars in Scorpio] was located in Marie’s natal 3rd house, the field of learning. Curie received a gold medal from the school upon graduation and then attended college at the Floating or Flying University, a secret school in Warsaw created to work around the strict censorship and other requirements put into place by the Russian government.
RaCl2 [radium]
She was supposed to offer something to society [North Node], a reveal of something involving some kind of chemistry [8th cusp]; after all she was a chemist as well. This is the radioactive house of the Zodiac wheel, where we find what makes us toxic. Radium is highly radioactive and it glows in the dark! (Anton Kollish [MDMA – ecstasy] also had this position.
related article:
The Genethliacal Chart
Speculum - Aspects - Almudebit
Chronocractors, Primary & Secondary Directions, Transits, Eclipses, etc.
timeline of major events
- 1891- she joined her sister in Paris to study math, physics and chemistry at the Sorbonne. Within two years she received her license in science with the highest marks of her class.
- 1895- she marries Pierre
- 1898- discovers radioactive 'Radium' and 'Polonium'
- 1903- Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize
- 1906- Pierre [husband] dies
- 1909- a laboratory for Marie Curie opened up in Paris, France. The Institut du Radium, or Radium Institute
major directions
For the confusion of the student of primary directions, you realize that are many directions in the same period that those of major angular or planetary motion; there are the aspectual directions and directions to cusps, which can also dictate a thing or two directly to the event but first pointed out by a major direction alone. For this reason, it is essential to distillate signs, planets and aspects to their maximum, as this technique gives objective results rather than subjective.
If you analyze the table of directions above, you realize that the some of Marie’s major events in life was dictated by planets over the angles of her chart [1st, 4th, 7th and 10th], they were either rising, culminating or even descending by primary direction, which the last Marie died. Curie’s life is an in excellent and quite fitting example to investigate primary directions [the same with Henry Ford]; Another interesting detail is that the natal Ascendant conjunct behenian fixed star Vega, in which constellation it resides is associated with Venus [popularity], Jupiter [praise] and Mercury [knowledge]. Then, whatever direction to cardinal Ascendant [direct or converse], it would always involve such fixed star thematic. Elsbeth Ebertin pointed “…High success is promised. One can find Vega in corresponding aspects in birth charts of statesmen, politicians, persons of importance and influential persons.” Well, although leaving a hardcore life, she succeed many times in her life through learning, knowledge, research and sharing her discoveries to society, the many variations of operating Mercury and Jupiter [term ruler of her chart].
1891 [Studies begin] – When the witty promissor planet of studying and learning Mercury conjunct significator honorable Sun by primary direction in the Zodiac, Marie joined her sister in Paris [Sun in the 9th house of abroad] to study math, physics and chemistry at the Sorbonne. She proved a brilliant student with an early interest in the magnetic properties of steel. Within two years she received her license in science with the highest marks of her class [Sun]. Worth remember that her natal Sun was conjunct Saturn [steel] in the radix. In order for Mercury to reach out the nine o’clock position of the Sun, it had had to first pass by Saturn in the 10th house.
1895 [Marriage] – Marie was drawn to fellow scientist, Pierre Curie by their mutual interest in magnetism and devotion to science. They met at the home of a Polish physicist who was staying in Paris, and married on 7/26/1895 at a simple civic ceremony. Such event was activated by the primary directions of greater benefic Jupiter to the wonderful trine converse of Venus, the planet of marriages. Venus is the victorious or Almudebit of Curie’s radix.
1898 [The Discoveries; Radium & Polonium] – Both were discovered in the same year; As Jupiter was moving towards the Ascendant Converse by Primary Direction, is first trine Venus and Marie gets married – then 3 years later it rises and conjunct the 1st house cusp. Jupiter is the planet of final researches [dissertation, scientific thesis/research, etc.]. This is the same direction that took place when Anton Kollish discovers MDMA [ecstasy] – Fascinating!
Jupiter is Ascendant’s term ruler – directions from it or to it, indicated periods that highlight the importance of the nativity. This also explains why she lived her live in ‘academical’ sphere, where researches, studying more and investigating further was her mainly goal. Jupiter square the Venus-Saturn conjunction, her Ascendant’s Dodecatemoria falls in terms with Saturn.
One of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars, Vega is the brightest stars in the heavens and is definitely of the nature of Venus. Associated with recompense, satisfaction, and completion, filling up, finishing, and rewards for tasks that have been fulfilled. At the same period, Jupiter conjunct Vega by Primary Direction.
- Jupiter rules Discoveries [researches], dissertations and the academical
- Promissor Jupiter conjunct Significator Asc by Primary Direction
1903 [Nobel Prizes] – Now, when Jupiter gets to sextile Almudebit Venus direct [anti-clock from the Ascendant], Marie gets to be under a period of honors and prizes, even when that was not in the money sphere. But what most stands out in such event, is the direction of glorious promissor Sun to significator Mercury Converse. Sun directions are times of honoring the planet it is directed towards, in this case is Mercury, the planet of knowledge. Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. She received it for her work in physics, particularly in radioactivity, and shared the honor with her husband, Pierre Curie, and their co-worker, Henri Becquerel. Eight years later, Marie became the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different fields, when she was awarded one in chemistry as well, this time for her discoveries of the elements polonium and radium. She received this latter Nobel Prize on her own – it wasn’t shared with anyone else – although she credited her late husband (Pierre died in 1906) for his help. Significator Mercury [mind], was conjunct fixed behenian star Antares in the natal chart:
“Antares is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a man armed with a coat of mail, or a scorpion. It gives understanding and memory, help against evil spirits, and the power of driving them away and binding them…” – Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.136, 234.
Mercury is the planet of the lower mind, or that basic learning we need in order to be left behind further in the future [how to read, to interpret and absorve information for example]. The planet of education and the messenger of life. Curie surely had an acute and exceptional mind.
1909- [A laboratory for Marie Curie opened up in Paris, France. The Institut du Radium, or Radium Institute] – conjunct fixed b
The “Cutting” Year [Death] – r Mercury [mi
end of article
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Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.72.
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocractors
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.