The Astrology of MDMA: Ecstasy
The Astrology of MDMA:
The Ecstasy of Köllisch

By Jenny Dusky
Anton Köllisch first described the synthesis of the chemical MDMA which would later come to be known as "ecstasy"
sun: pisces
moon: taurus
asc: sagittarius in terms with saturn
chart | speculum | profections | firdaria | directions | transits | SR's
dentist - mdma [ecstasy] - pioneering - length of life [death]
more examples on
MDMA [3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine] was actually created as a by-product of a drug intended for bleeding control. Observe that in the chart of Anton, Jupiter is not only the Almudebit [victorious of the chart] but it is ruler of the chart [Sagittarius Asc], and also trines North Node in the cusp of the 8th house of drugs. MDMA is nowadays known as ecstasy, is a psychoactive drug primarily used as a recreational drug. The desired effects include altered sensations and increased energy, empathy, and pleasure. Heavy MDMA users utilize it in order to mask their pain [Scorpio], and not only to dance in night clubs or raves. While others utilize to lose weight or therapy. He was supposed to offer something to society [North Node], a reveal of something [Jupiter] involving some kind of drug [8th cusp]; after all he was a chemist.
Almudebit Jupiter is also in domicile while in Sagittarius, and it trines the planet of medicine in general, Saturn. Some mystical people believe it is the science of the devil, where many things are synthetic as opposed to natural sources. Saturn’s glyph can be interpreted as a like a cross and the tail of a snake at its tip.
Jupiter opposes Pluto, the planet of synthetic stimulants, science and treatments, healing centers for drug abusers/users, etc. Köllisch was science-oriented. Jupiter also conjuncts the cusp of 12th, the house where the discovery of the stimulant and psychoactive drug took place.
Pioneering Mars is elevated in the 10th house. Perhaps if he hadn’t had Mars in such position, he wouldn’t have had pioneered in the discovery. Also, Mars trine Venus, which in turn is found at mutual reception with Uranus, planet of discoveries in modern science.
related article:
The Chart &
Speculum - Aspects - Almudebit
Chronocrators, Primary & Secondary Directions, Transits
timeline of major events of anton Köllisch & PRIMARY DIRECTIONS INVOLVED:
- 1911 - Köllisch published his doctoral dissertation on the topic of indole synthesis from hydrazones under Otto Diels at the University of Berlin.
- 1912 - A procedural patent was filed on Christmas Eve 1912 relating to these syntheses, which mentioned MDMA without name as a chemical intermediate.
- 1914 - The drug is officially patented.
- 1916 - He was killed in the First World War, in September.
Profections of German Chemist
the force of desire

- 1911 - Köllisch published his doctoral dissertation on the topic of indole synthesis from hydrazones under Otto Diels at the University of Berlin.
- Profected Ascendant in Scorpio [natal 11th house]
- 1912 - A procedural patent was filed on Christmas Eve 1912 relating to these syntheses, which mentioned MDMA without name as a chemical intermediate.
- Profected Ascendant in Sagittarius [natal angular 1st house]
- 1914 - The drug is officially patented
- Profected Ascendant in Aquarius [natal 2nd house]
1911 – 11th house is profected as annual ascendant for the year 1911. This is the last house of air, and the house of science itself – this is the classical house of Saturn!
1912- From the 11th house to the 12th and 1st houses. It involved Jupiter, the planet of global patents.
1914- Remember the Lunar Nodes? Something to bring out to society? The profected ascendant for such year is Aquarius, which is the 2nd house, where South Node is located. It was time to realize it out to the public [see also the Uranus/Jupiter transit over the nodes ahead]. Says the legend, MDMA was actually military-oriented drug, in order to suppress apetite [2nd house theme] in WWI.

firdaria of the victorious
- Firdaria of Jupiter [owner]
- Sub-periods of Sun then Venus [managers]
- etc.
Many great things happens concerning the nativity in those years where the Firdaria is the Almudebit from the radix. You can see others examples here.
Anton’s Sun is in the 3rd house of studies/researches. Then Venus is ruler of 10th house of status/career/direction in life.
Direction of Anton & Ecstasy
major directions
1911 – 1912: Observe that between these years, Jupiter is directed not only on the ecliptic, which lead the way through the dissertation first, but it is also directed outside the ecliptic, when we get the Arc and further year when a procedural patent is filled related to these syntheses.
- Jupiter is the planet of universities, higher knowledge, scientific dissertations, etc.
- Promissor Jupiter conjunct Ascendant Converse
Jupiter is the planet of final researches [dissertation, scientific thesis/research, etc.] provided by Mercury’s shattered information here and there. 1912 was the exact year the discovery took place.
1914: 2 years later, MDMA (Molly, Ecstasy, etc.) is officially patented [9th house]. Observe:
- Mars is moved to the 9th house position [and near cusp]
- Promissor Mars opposite Significator Sun Direct [Zodiac]
The direction when Bill Gates patents Microsoft as global trademark, the 9th house was also heavely involved! In order for Köllisch’s Mars to reach the opposition of the Sun by primary motion, it shall be moved the 9th house.
- 1914 - The drug is officially patented.
- Transiting Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Aquarius [1914]
Congruence: The Mundane conjunction of social and a generational planet Jupiter and Uranus [at 9° degrees] respectively, influenced the technological arena of the world back to 1914, once Uranus is the planet of such and Jupiter its great expansion. The conjunction happened in the air triplicity, and more specifically, in Aquarius [controversial]. The day of the conjunction, the planets conjunct South Node, thus opposite North Node in the 8th house. When these 2 planets specifically meet up in the skies as conjunction, there tend to reflect upon earth the progress of technology, laboratories researches, dissertations of higher value, greater researches/studies & results, etc. and in Aquarius, that tends to happen among the genius minds of our world.
The inventions during such years since Uranus entered Aquarius: X-ray crystallography [1912], cloud camera/chamber (discovery of ionizing radiation) [1912] , x-ray tubes [1913], stainless steel [1913], liquid fuel rocket [1914], traffic sign (social order on street for people on foot and people on foot) [1914], war tanks [1914], gas mask [1915], etc.
Unfortunately, he didn’t survive WWI in order to witness the impact of his discovery. It is recorder the scientist died on September 1916 – day and time unknown.
He died so young! Is this an analogy to what happened to those who abuse the drug? A young death? Many clubbers/ravers have/had overdoses that may/lead to death, and coincidentally or not, most are the younger.
The Sun was Köllisch’s Hyleg, obviously. When it reached the angular house of major ends, he saw himself dying in WWI field. Many people reach their end of life when Hyleg reaches the IC by primary motion.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
BOOK: 1001 inventions that changed the world [1001 invenções que mudaram o mundo; editora/publisher sextante] – 2009
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.