The Astrology of a Serial Killer: Edward Theodore Gein
The Astrology of a Serial Killer: Ed Theodore Gein; The Hitchcock's Inspiration

By Jenny Dusky
Edward Gein was an American murderer and body snatcher. His crimes, committed around his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin, gathered widespread notoriety after authorities discovered Gein had exhumed corpses from local graveyards and fashioned trophies and keepsakes from their bones and skin.
sun: virgo
moon: sagittarius
asc: gemini in terms with mars
chart | speculum | firdaria | profections | transits | directions | SR's
life of a serial killer - human skin addiction - necrophiliac [dark motivation]
more examples on
THE FAMOUS LIST OVER THE INTERNET: There is a famous list that sometimes flies over the social media where it shows many serial killers [psychos] have mutable Sun, specially in Virgo and Sagittarius. But having Sun in Virgo does not mean billions of people are actual assassins. However, statistically this is quite an intriguing fact actually; Gein not only was a Sun in mutable Virgo, but Moon in Sagittarius and Gemini rising; thus forming a tense T-square by mutable signs. Add Saturn in the 10th house out of sect, in mutable Pisces, it forms then a Grand Mutable Cross.
"When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants to be real nice and sweet, and the other part wonders what her head would look like on a stick”
All he could see (1st house Pluto rising) was Pluto things at most obscene, deadly and sexual level as possible. The victims [2 to more?] were hanged upside down where anus (Pluto) and sexual organs would be very visible to his face (1st house). Ed would also sew and wear masks of dead human skin. Words or concepts such as ‘serial killers‘ only came by many years [in 1970] after Pluto’s discovery and WWII [1930], even when evidences of hardcore psychos are not exclusively to the last and new centuries. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, the planet of war, sex and drive. Pluto then intensifies, and natives without control of their primitive instincts, are found at repeated scenes of irrational crimes. Even when Pluto is considered a generational planet, in Gein’s chart the planet conjuncts and opposes angularities [1st/7th] while opposite personal Moon.
Gein didn’t understand that to some extent, what/when to end a life (Pluto), it shall happen naturally and not by human choice. Surely being in the presence of a dead body, would make him fell powerful. Many times, the native with such aspect is irrationally obsessive [Pluto] about a mother’s role [Moon], creating scenes where mother is an extremely powerful being capable [opposite/trigger] and responsible of the most choices the son/daughter’s in life. For Gein’s mother, all women were useless and unworthy of his love! Gein’s obsessions grew after the family dies, and went into deep thoughts specially knowing the mother passed away in 1948.
In his free-time, Edward cultivated feelings for the dead things, and with the help of his friend Gus, would find out on the obituary of a newspaper his next victim: a fresh body [1st house] of a women [Moon] recently dead [Pluto]. The bodies were usually the same or close to the age of the mother when passing away. He would take the dead bodies [Pluto] to his house [Moon], dissect them and kept some parts such as heads, sexual organs, livers, intestines and hearts.
Mars (energy/arousing) and Venus (desire/taste for) are in masculine signs, telling us beforehand he was quite easily aroused with extreme facility. No square aspects among the planets: he would also get away with murder/crimes with easy – no stress. Worth noting that Jupiter (luck) is the Almudebit [victorious] of the killer while also term-ruler of 8th house of murder, and it sextile Sun and trine Saturn [ruler of public 10th], he ended up building a ‘career/profession’ with murder and necrophilia [serial killer].
Gein mania for vaginas was intense and uncontrollable which led him played and stroked with intimate parts that he dug up, as well as stuffing “feminine pants” with them so he could feel like a woman when he wore them.
Along his fascination with vaginas [moon-pluto opposition], Gein was extremely consumed by the desire of skins [Saturn-Capricorn]. As his insanity progressed overtime, alone and anti-social Ed Gein, saw himself turning deeply in tune with his darkest desires. Instead of hiding the bodies part, Ed began sewing them as clothes around a tailor’s dummy that stood in a corner of his room. Certain nights he would wear them and bizarrely exposed himself around his house doing some kind of ritual.
As soon as saving enough money, who knows, he could finally do that operation to change his sex, in a last communion with his beloved mother. – He thought.
Sun-Saturn opposition are usually [actually very common] in charts of sons or daughters that simple don’t get along with their fathers, or to extremes, hate them. He thought his father was weak and useless, alcoholic and a loser, and feared to end up his life like him.
Why humans are so fascinated for the dark? For some it is a form of distraction, thus they spend times watching horror movies, buying books of assassins’ mind and histories, reading about Nazi’s atrocities, etc. But for a few others, it becomes the center of their universe, and soon begin acting in the name of fantasy and irrational thoughts/pulses. The crime is the fantasy itself of the serial killer, and they don’t understand that they are just this: fantasies. Their motivation [Mars & 1st house] behind is said to establish the killer’s ‘signature‘.
"Criminals think differently than those of good heart." - Dr. Stanton Samenow - 1984
Ed Gein was mentally incapable for a fair trial, and was sent to a psychiatrist hospital. Despite his confessions, Ed Gein didn’t thought of himself as bad guy or a villain, and everything was the normal. Sun-Saturn people spend most time of their lives denying who they truly are or what they have done. They tend to justify their actions by telling it was a ‘necessary evil.‘ According to Dr. Joel Norris, there are at least 6 phases of a serial killer, and I think that after the depression phase [which is the last one], Ed would come back to the 1st in a heartbeat, which is called the ‘aura phase’, where the killer begins to lose comprehension of reality – staying in such state/phase for the rest of his life.
related article:
The Chart &
Speculum - Almudebit - Aspects
Chronocrators, Primary & Secondary Directions, Transits, Eclipses, etc.
Profections of a Killing
the force of desire

- 48y - 1954 [1st known kill]
- Gemini is natal 1st house cusp
- Profected Ascendant in Gemini
- 51y - 1957 [2nd known kill]
- Virgo is natal 5th house cusp
- Profected Ascendant in Virgo
Both the killings known to us, the profected ascendant are both from fire houses. When the natal Gemini house was activated by chronocrator profection, Pluto inside that house was then activated, and the aspects it receives or applies [for example Pluto is applying a conjunction to 1st house] to others planets and points. Thus, such year from 48 years old, Ed Gein would have completed his deadly [Pluto] desires/will [1st house] he was so long passionate about to accomplish. It probably felt like a conquer to him, as if he was promoted on the job or something.
Interesting detail in this technique is that if we put the exact chart profection for the day of the first murder, profected Mercury (ruler of profected ascendant for 1954) was exact conjunction natal 4th house cusp, the house of the mother figure [Moon].
firdaria of the "mother"
- Firdaria of the Owner Sun
- Sub-period by Manager Moon [1954]
- Sub-period by Manager Jupiter [1957]
On the day of the 1st known crime [1954] committed by Edward Gein, the sub-period of the Sun’s Firdaria changed from Mercury to mothering Moon!
The Sun not only rules Ed’s 4th house of the natives Home, but it is also positioned in such house of the mother figure. This tells us that his house was full of activities since 1950 when the Firdaria of the Sun began. The police later found out the horrible scenario that the killer was found and acting upon. And when the sub-period of the Moon came, the exact day Ed shots down a women with the same age and equal appearance of the mother when last seeing her. Again, the Moon on the radix opposed deadly Pluto.
eclipses on the 2nd-8th axis
triggering obsessions and fetishes
The eclipses of Cancer-Capricorn in 1953-1954 were happening and activating Edwards natal 2nd house of gates of Hades and 8th house of death/obsessions. Eclipse fasten events and quicken situations related to the axis in question. They were also conjunct natal Jupiter, term-ruler of 8th house cusp and ruler of 7th house of the significant other.
A Grand Trine in water signs were formed and activated by ruler of Gein’s radix Mercury, in the progressed chart for the year of 1954. It involved the progressed Saturn in the 8th house and Jupiter in the 12th house while Mercury progresses in the 4th house of mother archetypal. Moreover, Mercury had also entered Scorpio, the sign of obsessions and irrational violence force.
Direction of 1st and 2nd Killings
& The Arrest [154-1957]
major directions of a serial killer

- 1st Kill: December 8th; 1954
- 2nd Kill & Arrested at the same day: November 16th; 1957
In town he was recalled as ‘the weird and old Eddie’. The fresh body of ‘another person’ was in Gein’s desires far too long. He had to do something. When Venus, planet ruler of ‘the other’ is taken to its own descendant by primary motion [direction], Ed saw himself aroused and full of desires, and contemplates what his twisted mind was so eager for regarding the body of another person:
- Venus ruler 'the Other's body'
- Descendant is the angular point that rules 'the other'
- Promissor Venus to Opposite Asc Converse
THE CRIME A [MARY HOGAN] – It was a quick death for lady Hogan, a women physically alike Ed’s mother. Ed enjoyed the physical sensation of the victim’s blood from warm to cold and how it felt while hugging her as if the fresh dead body was the/his mother.
Another direction at the same period activated his body towards another body in a specific fantasy of Gein:
- Mercury ruler of 1st angular House
- Venus ruler 'the Other'
- Promissor Mercury to Venus Converse
When Mercury ruler of 1st house [Ed] of body, is taken to the direction of Venus [Mary] conjunct converse, we get the exact year when Ed commits the first known crime. He cut off Mary’s intimate part, and after he’d keep it in a box among many others including the shinny and silver painted of his mother, highlighted with special treatment. Venus is natal ruler of 12th house of fantasies.
Venus glyph is quite a symbolical and logical representation of female genitals. Observe that in both directions thus far, Venus is involved as both promissor and significator.
- Mercury ruler of 1st house of Ardent Desires
- Jupiter term-ruler of 8th house of death
- Jupiter ruler of 7th house 'the other'
- Promissor Mercury direct to Jupiter direct
THE CRIME B [BERNICE WORDEN]- The 2nd known victim was actually the mother of the sheriff of 59 years old which also looked alike Ed’s mother. Hours that night, Edward is arrested by the same sheriff.
It is not known the actual number of his killings, and many disappearances on the town was later pointed to him, but never proven in court.
- Saturn ruler of 8th house of Obsessions and Death
- Transiting Saturn-Venus in Scorpio
- Natal Pluto in the 1st house Active by Annual Profection
- Transiting Pluto conjunct natal 4th House Cusp
At first glance, we may find the transits and the chart not fitting, but when you begin putting the pieces of the puzzle together, you’ll notice how proper the stars were positioned on the Full Moon in Gemini night where Ed committed the 1st known crime. First thing, you notice the annual profected Ascendant is in Gemini, while such transit of the Moon was about to be fully complete in the hours after Ed’s murder in the sign of Gemini. Nights of full moons are said to trigger lunatics and the crazy ones more deeply than those of sane mind, as they irrationally deepen and indulge in the perverse nature of the night. Secondly, note that the ruler of 8th house of murder of Gein’s radix is Saturn. Transiting Saturn was conjunct Venus [pleasure] in the sign of vengeful and sexual Scorpio [death]. Thirdly, notice that transiting Pluto [activated from annual profected ascendant 1954 as noted already] was transiting back and forth 4th house of the mother figure and major beginnings in the native’s life, whatever that is.
sun returns in conjunction term-ruler of returning 8th house
Annual Ascendant in Sagittarius indicates it was a year where the focus/sight of attention was ‘the ‘other’, once Sagittarius descends in radix.

Ruler of annual Ascendant is Jupiter, it was a year where obsessions/fetishes would find an output [source to act upon], once the planet is returning in the 8th house of fetishes and other people’s blood.
Now, if we direct planet of killing Mars [which coincidentally ruler of 4th house of mother] to significator Mercury, term-ruler of 8th house of assassination, we get the exact month and only 2 days off the date where Edward commits the 1st known crime. The direction is direct, which is also unusual in SR’s.
Another direction that is actually angular took place where it is important so salient; the direction of Venus to opposite Asc [it descended in prime motion]. Which is the same direction from the radix coincidentally.
Ironically in the end, the planet of the universal mother [Moon] ended up killing Ed’s vitality [Hyleg Sun]. It is said he died by oldish. In his death certificate, it is said it was mainly from respiratory failure.
In my experiences, such direction is quite rare. It usually does not involve the Moon as promissor and anareta [killing] planet. But natally, it does rules the Edward’s 2nd house where esoteric astrologers puts it as the house of a maraka or, the death-inflicting house.
Observation: in 1968 Gein was found guilty but legally insane for the murder of Worden and was confined in psychiatric institutions.
Ed Gein is considered to be the very original American Psycho. Even though it is disputable whether to even label him a serial killer, since he was only convicted of murdering two people, the severity and notoriety of his murders, as well as his necrophiliac tendencies, have directly influenced some of the most famous horror films today, including The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The American Psycho, and The Silence of the Lambs. Recently, the hit TV show Bates Motel was also based on Gein.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Book: Serial Killers, Louco ou Cruel? By Ilana Casoy [darkside publisher]
Book: Serial Killers, Nas mentes dos monstros. By Charlotte Greig
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.