The Astrology of an Astrologer: Jeff Green
The Astrology of an Evolutionary
Astrologer: Jeff Green

By Jenny Dusky
American astrologer and world lecturer; author of "Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul" and "Uranus: Freedom From the Known," works translated into ten languages by 1994.
sun: sagittarius
moon: pisces
asc: scorpio in terms with mercury
chart | speculum | firdaria | profections | transits | directions | SR's
life of a pioneering Astrologer - Pluto's evolutionary Journey of the Soul [book]
more examples on
Sun-Uranus Opposition
"Why would we resist growth? The answer is rooted in an emotional issue: our need for security." - Jeff Green

Uranus, modern ruler of astrology is about eccentricity and modernity. Jeff indeed is quite modern, a modern-thinking of the astrological movement. He went beyond traditional concepts and limitations. “Jeffrey Wolf Green has been called the founder of Evolutionary Astrology because he first started to lecture on the revolutionary astrological paradigm in 1977 after receiving a dream from the spiritual master Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda’s guru. In that dream the entire paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology was conveyed to Jeffrey.” – schoolofevolutionaryastrology
Sun is ruler of 10th house of career and is opposite Uranus, the none-conformist of all the astrological planets. Also, the planet of 10th house related to Uranus, indicates an unusual career or profession.
born to understand, share & transmit higher knowledge
Green is obsessed about Pluto and Scorpio themes. And when I write that, try not to only imagine the glyphs but the many key-words behind the symbols. Jeff can go beyond such mundane view of planets and pioneered in the field of evolutionary astrology. Scorpio rises in the chart of such famous astrologer, the sign of detective mind and, mostly, how we define ourselves in the world through first view, which is quite different from the view from the top (10th house). The Stellium involves ascendant, Mercury (writer in us), Venus (understanding of the other) and Almudebit Jupiter (higher knowledge).
Mercury exact Conjunction Fixed Star Unukalhai
"Heart of the Serpent"
Jeff Green has Mercury in exact conjunction Unukalhai, the fixed star located in the Serpentis, where constellation Ophiuchus ‘holds the snake’. According to Ptolemy, Serpens is like Saturn and Mars. It is said to give wisdom but also danger of poisoning. In western astrology, the star is found at 22° degrees Scorpio, thus such wisdom would come from deep insights. The star rises in the radix of Jeff.
His book is quite enigmatic (Scorpio). It takes many many reads in order to truly acknowledge Jeff’s definitions on Pluto. Although simple in nature, Green tends to repeat words too much, and that is because of his erratic nature led by natal mutable T-square. This is an attempt to prompt the reader to fixed sensations which Pluto owns. In the end of the reading, words such as karma, soul, evolutionary, polarity, source, desire, nodal axis and metamorphosis stay latent in your mind for days to come.
Jeff also has Sun exact conjunction Antares [Heart of the Scorpion], which is said to give honor when rising, which was his case.
in tune with death
Evolutionary Astrology is a specific paradigm that reveals the evolutionary developments and evolutionary progression of any Soul. It asks the questions, “Why am I here, and what are my lessons?” – schoolofevolutionaryastrology
Death [Pluto] is the only thing certain in life, and yet it frightens [Saturn] most people. I supposed Jeff Green had moments where this was quite certain, but in the 9th house, the person is rather reflective upon the issue. Without an objective understating about symbolical (or not) death and rebirth, reaching to Pluto’s thematic would seem rather untouchable. His deep understanding of Pluto and the soul is directly linked to how he sees the world (1st house Scorpio), and became quite famous and authority on the issue (Saturn) because of that in the astrological community concerning outer planets. Note that Saturn is traditional ruler of Astrology.
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Profected 4th House
as annual ascendant [1985]

- 4th house as Profected Annual Asc [1985-1986]
- Natal Saturn-Pluto Activated
- Natal Moon Activated [ruler of 9th house of publishing]
- Natal Moon in T-square Activated [Sun, Lunar Nodes, Mars and Uranus]
Aquarius is the modern ruler of Astrology among with planet Uranus, its domicile. The ‘different’ was about to change Jeff Green’s image for good in the year when the famous book is published. 4th house is profected Ascendant for Jeff Green in the year he finishes the book [everybody will have it at the age of 39th]. Such house represents major ends and major beginnings and Green has natal Moon in there, the ruler of 9th house [publishing]. The Moon is part of a T-square involving the Sun, lunar nodes, Mars and Uranus. It was the year where the T-square was very alive.
Saturn is ruler of 4th house and 3rd house [writer] and is located in the 9th house of published works. As discussed, Saturn conjuncts Pluto, and the book is about Pluto and karma [Saturn], evolution conditioned into 4 major categories.
nocturnal [Bonatus]
- Firdaria of the Lunar Nodes
Since this is Nocturnal chart, the sequence of Bonatus changes the periods. When we reach to the great three years of North Node firdaria period in a Diurnal chart, we are to encounter events supposedly destined. Many professionals and their entire work are at their ending cycle reaching 70 years old and ready to retire, if not already. They feel they work is done and feels the heart beating to another direction, and yet many are instigated to put their experience into another field that completes their sense of mission on earth. The same can be experienced with people born during the night when they reach 39 years old. However, since he was still young, he continued his work while teaching his own daughter to keep up and assure his legacy.
- Mercury term-ruler of 10th house of Success
- Mercury ruler of 11th house of Astrology
- Mercury ruler of 8th house of Pluto-Mars
- Progressed Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury
- Sun-Mas Angular Rulers of the Radix
- Progressed Sun-Mars conjunct cusp of natal 3rd house of books
Victorious [Almudebit] planet from Jeff’s chart is Jupiter. Progressed Jupiter then was conjunct natal Mercury, the planets of Publishing and Books respectively. Quite intriguing!
Progressed planets and angular rulers Mars-Sun on the other hand, were both conjunct the cusp of natal 3rd house, and thus opposite 9th house of books and publishing respectively.
Dodecatemoria of Jeff’s Ascendant is in Taurus at 14°degrees, which is a degree positioned in the 6th house almost conjunct cusp of 7th house. Providing the information Jeff Green could not handle but to serve others and depend on others to guide him through what he could stand up with his views of the world. His body is usually inclined to help others or to dedicate life to significant others [for at least long period of life-time]. This also corresponds well when teaching/sharing all he knew to his Daughter as already discussed.
Direction of an Experienced Astrologer [1999-2000]
culminating ruler of 1st house

- Book finished probably in 1985
- Book is Published: 1986
I simple love and love this book to the maximum of my heart which I bought in 2011 while visiting USA. I am indeed the generation of Pluto in Scorpio + Neptune in Capricorn he writes so much about at the introduction. He was so eager to see the result of this specific configuration when writing the book, and this fact is very “visible”.
- Mars ruler of 1st House of Self
- Promissor Mars directed to its own Rising
Directing ruler or term-ruler of 1st house of the its own angularity, provides the astrology the information that something major will/had happen[ed]. In Jeff Green’s case, Mars is also ruler of 6th house of service to others, representing well all the years in service which led to an experienced astrologer ready to give birth (1st house) to a modern view of outer planets shared to the world. The book has also the pioneering quality attached, very Aries and 1st house indeed.
Others 2 major directions which also expressed well and contributed to such period of initial fame and prestige among astrological community. Observe them well my dear:
- Uranus ruler of 4th house of Major Beginnings
- Venus ruler of 7th house of Business Partners
- Promissor Uranus directed to opposite Venus Direct
- Jupiter ruler of 2nd house of natural talents
- Jupiter ruler of 5th house of self expression
- Mars has pioneering quality
- Promissor Jupiter directed to Mars Converse
When Uranus is primarily directed to the western angle, it descends and readily opposes Venus by prime motion. And that happens to be on the year of 1986. The 7th house can be related to business partners and Venus ruler significant other. The book is Foreword by Alan Oken and is very evident on the cover.
It soon became a must-have for all modern astrologers. And not only that, for traditional astrologers in order to reconsider their pulls towards what is different and thus many shall have a different approach. The book gives us an incredible amount of information, that when talking about Pluto again, you will actually have more precise arguments to clarify some apparent issues correlated to the planet, and many major questions of life can be found a light under Pluto’s sight.
- Moon ruler of 9th house of what is Published
- Jupiter is the Almudebit of the Radix
- Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Moon
- Saturn as ruler of Profected Ascendant for 1986
- Transiting Saturn aspects Lunar Nodes [Firdaria period]
- Transiting Saturn conjunct ruler of 10th house [Sun]
- Uranus ruler of 4th house of Major Beginnings
- Mars ruler of 1st house
- Transiting Astrological Uranus conjunct Natal Mars
Victorious [Almudebit] planet from Jeff’s chart is Jupiter. The ruler of 9th house of publishing is Moon, and transiting Jupiter that period was conjunct Moon, activating the 9th house by transit from the Almudebit. However, the Moon is first activated by profected annual Ascendant as the cusp of the 4th house moves to its own rising at the age of any individual, and the natal luminary is positioned in such house.
The ruler of profected annual Ascendant is Aquarius, thus Saturn would be greatly important in the period that was. Transiting Saturn was conjunct ruler of 10th house of status [Sun], greatly impacting his image before the world. If he didn’t publish the book, probably a few people would still remember him. Saturn is also ruler of 3rd house of ‘the writer’. Books imortalize their writers. When Saturn conjunct ruler of 10th house by transit and it corresponds well as Chronocrators foretells, natives are usually immortalized by such actions/choices taken under such transit.
Uranus would also play a hard core role in the chart once ruling the profected annual ascendant. Transiting Uranus was conjunct natal Mars. Unexpected events concerning new beginnings by one’s action, once Aquarius is on the cusp of Green’s 4th house.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Book: Pluto, The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul [vol.1] – Jeff Green foreword by Alan Oken; 1986.
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.