The Astrology of an ex-KGB agent & Russian President: Vladimir Putin
The Astrology of an ex-KGB agent &
Russian President: Vladimir Putin

By Jenny Dusky
Vladimir Putin, in full Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, (born October 7, 1952, Leningrad, Russia, U.S.S.R. [now St. Petersburg, Russia]), Russian intelligence officer and politician who served as president (1999–2008, 2012– ) of Russia and also was the country’s prime minister (1999, 2008–12).
sun: libra
moon: gemini
asc: scorpio in terms with mars
chart | speculum | firdaria | profections | transits | directions SR's | future
life of an agent and politics - presidency - assassinated Putin in 2026?

more examples on
secret agent rising

"Putin’s major personality-based strengths in a political role are his commanding demeanor and confident assertiveness." - Joseph V. Trenzeluk
Prior to getting into politics, from 1985 to 1990, Putin was a secret KGB agent in Dresden, East Germany, where he assumed identity of a translator [ruler of 9th house Moon in Gemini + ruler of 3rd house in air sign (Stellium) + conjunction Natal Mercury + Mercury in mutable house + Mercury term-ruler of 10th house]. Transiting Pluto was entering Scorpio, the sign it rules [1984-5], thus activating his mysterious Scorpionic personality.
Scorpio rising in the chart of this ex-agent, seems extraordinarily fitting if not, satirical. Scorpio is the secret agent, the spy and the investigator behind the scenes. Modern ruler Pluto is conjunct exact 10th house cusp, the house of the president in mundane charts. Traditional ruler of Ascendant is of course Mars; directions to Mars (Alphecca for example) and from it to IC was related to events when Putin was re-elected [see more ahead]. Soviet leader Chernenko dies at 73 and is replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev, 54. Gorbachev is a Russian and formerly Soviet politician. The eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, he was General Secretary of its governing Communist Party from 1985 until 1991, when the wall of the Berlin is destroyed.
born to lead
The combination is often seen in charts of people hunger for important careers that brings great status, specially those involving being an authority in some issue and another. They yearn to be important somehow.
Actually, Putin has Stellium in Libra involving the Sun, Saturn, Neptune and Mercury. These natives can indeed put themselves in others shoes and observe from such point of view – the significant other’s perspective, and in his case, it extended to politics. Scary or not, most Russians identify with their president Vladimir because he knows how to identify himself with the people.
obsessed with power and control
Its is common for astrologers to find millionaires with Pluto conjunction cusp or in the 10th house. These creatures were born seeking to be famous, powerful and influencial. They know no limit to their ambition. As pointed out, the planet is modern ruler of Putin’s 1st house of appearances and personality. To get even creepier, secret agent Scorpio Ascendant is in terms with Mars, the warrior planet. Mars then aspects beneficially planets Saturn/Sun/Neptune and Pluto culminating. This guy knows how to lead a nation. It is not surprising then the fact he is in power since the last year of the last millennium [2000].
'Northern Crown' fortunate star
Venus and such star rise on the chart of Putin. Putin was quite beautiful in youth, he did look like a porn star by the way. Venus in fixed Scorpio with Scorpio rising people usually stays in position till’ the end.The man is president of Russia federation since 2000. What? Watch for the Crown! By the way, his natal Venus is unexpected, yet it shares the Almudebit leadership among with Mars. Putin is known as one lacking of empathy and congeniality as well as cognitive inflexibility.
“ Alphecca is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a hen or crowned man. It gives chastity and the love and goodwill of men. Rules topaz, rosemary, trefoil and ivy.” – Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, by Vivian E. Robson, 1923. She continues: “Constellation Corona Borealis gives artistic ability, love of flowers, lassitude and disillusionment, but to bring its natives to a position of command. “
Putin’s Saturn is a morning star (12th house) and although it is located in the 11th house, it does conjunct the cusp of twelve. Thus, Saturn rejoices in the 12th house, where its tyrannic tendencies are soften and its operation is regulated to correspond to the native’s natural pulls. Worth remember that the planet is exalted [Libra] in the radix. Such Saturn when directed to its own culmination by primary motion, Putin is re-elected president of Russia [see more ahead]. Also, the planet is in terms with Jupiter, the greater benefic.
"My notion of the KGB came from romantic spy stories. I was a pure and utterly successful product of Soviet patriotic education."
It seems he also romantizes about freedom. He is delusion where progressive thoughts concerning human rights are concerned. He may be anti-nuclear base, but behind those Scorpionic eyes, prejudice lies latent and it projected in those he sees as a threat to the nation; much like Hitler did directed to the gypsies and homosexuals specifically.
"Nobody and nothing will stop Russia on the road to strengthening democracy and ensuring human rights and freedoms."
The quote above would be real if Putin really puts such progressive thinking into action – and yet he does the opposite, and that is not to be passed unnoticed. The war on the LGBT (minorities) community is scaring, coward, addictive paranoia/hysteria, and it implicates in a none democratic and none secular government, or in this case, a federation. All of this under the pretext of ‘traditional values’. If he hadn’t noted yet, the world is itching for freedom and not repression. Being a president for so long of a beautiful country, also means being an influence to the masses and to generations, and this is not an example. I can only image the pain of those leaving in a country where self-expression is crushed by law, and not motivated/inspired to fulfill the best of themselves through who they are. He is the kind of representation of those people “too good to be true”.
related article:
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Profected 12th House
dreams coming true

- 12th house as Profected Annual Asc
- Natal 12th House Activated
- Natal Libra Stellium Activated
- Natal Planets in Aspect to Stellium in Libra Activated
- Planetary Rulers of Houses in Stellium Activated
- Transiting of the Same planets in a Stellium in Taurus Activated
The year of 1999-2000 is the same profected 12th house as annual profected ascendant of Barack Obama [read more] when winning the election in 2008. When Trump [read more] won however, the house of Libra was profected as annual Ascendant in such chart (but not the 12th house). The same profected ascendant sign of all the three. In Putin’s case, it activated his (12th house) Libra Stellium in the exact year of election in 1999-2000 – thus concerning his self (Sun), intellectualism (Mercury), career (Saturn) and dreams/ideals (Neptune); plus it also involved automatically the houses each planet rule: 10th house of career (Sun), 11th house of wishes and 8th house of power over others (Mercury), 4th house of major new beginning (Saturn) and self-marketing (5th house). Jupiter is term ruler of cusp of 12th house, and Jupiter returns in his chart [see more by ahead].
Firdaria & Transits
firdaria of Saturn-Venus
- Saturn Regent of Firdaria [11y]
- Venus Sub-Period [Jan; 1999]
- Mercury Sub-Period [Aug; 2000]
The Firdaria fallows the Chaldean sequence. Saturn was the owner [area of focus] of Firdaria, the ruler of the whole 11 years of length since 1992. But in the year of election followed by the first year in office, Almudebit Venus was the sub-period of the Saturn firdaria, thus the manager of it.
Since Venus is practically alone in the chart and only a trine to outer planet Uranus, it would mean an easy and flow sub-period from January 1999 to August 2000. Those would be applied in the sphere of Saturn [career] and all other planets it touches [dream about being the ideal president, etc.], and the Stellium is thus doble activated [once the profected ascendant also activates 12th house and its planets inside]. The only challenging aspect that natal Saturn does, is a square to Uranus in the 9th house, leading to many opposition as well [specially internationally?].
evolutionary journey of Putin and the world

Passed on Jeff Green, would probably point to elevated Pluto in Putin’s radix and tell him he has a special destiny to fulfill, once his Pluto falls in fire sign Leo and conjuncts South node of the Moon. He would add that Putin is going on through a “specific and unique evolutionary and karmic factors” in this lifetime. I will also remember the reader, that Putin has Mars [traditional ruler of 1st house] trine elevated and angular Pluto [modern ruler of 1st house] in the 10th house.
eclipses on the axis of leo/aquarius
Obama and Trump at the period of election, both were having eclipses on the 1st/7th houses axis. Putin however, was having in the axis of 4th/10th houses.
Direction of a Presidency [1999-2000]
culminating sun

- December 1999 in Moscow (Acting President)
- 7 May 2000 in Moscow (President)
In cases that of Obama and Trump, the direction corresponding to such period, the Ascendant was involved as promissor, be its ruler or term-ruler, and both cases the planet is directed to a specific angle. In the case of Putin however, the ruler of 10th house of career was the planet directed, and to its own culmination! That is, also to an angle of the radix. The directions of the Sun or to it are usually times of glory, been applauded at; adding the MC as significator, or point to recur to, signifies honors, recognition of such Sun (essential) qualities of the individual in question which can result in fame and prestige.
- Sun ruler of 10th house of Career/President
- Promissor Sun to Mc Direct [Ptolemy's key]
Planets directed to the Mc (their own culmination) are usually quite notable to the public as result [specially when ruling an angle from the radix]. Rectifying by adding plus 6m21seconds, the Arc gets to be exact [with Ptolemy’s key] concerning the day Putin lies foot on Office as president of Russian Federation for the 1st time.
Now, another direction called me great attention which corresponded well. The ruler of the 10th house directed to the ruler of 1st house. Which in quite alike the direction of the ruler of 10th house to its culmination (MC) from above. Observe:
- Sun ruler of 10th house of Career/President
- Pluto ruler of 1st house of Body/Image
- Promissor Sun to Significator Pluto Direct [Ptolemy's key]
This is the same direction when Hitler performed Coup De’etat – which concerned doble power. Hitler wanted everybody to know about the power (Pluto) of himself (Sun) as a possible leader of German [back in 1923] and would do whatever it takes to overthrow whoever was in power. In Hitler’s case, it involved the rulers of Mc and 4th house; while in Putin’s chart the Sun (self) rules the Mc (career) and Pluto (rebirth) the 1st house (body). From such Arc, Putin remains in power until today. [see more about Hitler’s rise and fall and Directions here.]
- Jupiter Return in Taurus
- Transiting Jupiter + Saturn Conjunction
- Transiting Planets in a Stellium in Taurus
- The Stellium in Taurus involved all planets from the profected Stellium
- Transiting Mars exact Conjunction 8th house Cusp
- Transiting Mars exact Conjunction Moon
- Mars is Ascendant and term ruler of it
When Obama [in 2008] and Trump [2016] won the election respectively, both were having Jupiter Return, so was Vladimir Putin in 2000!
Approximately each 12 years, the greater benefic planet Jupiter returns to the same sign and degree it was in any native’s birth chart, thus a year of expansion, growth and luck in the game. If that isn’t interesting enough, all his natal planets from the Stellium in the 12th house Libra (profected Ascendant for 2000) were transiting in Stellium in Taurus, including Jupiter to natal Jupiter in Taurus.
Transiting Uranus conjunct the House it Rules & Aspects the Nodes and Pluto
4th house of new beginning
Planetary Compensation – Both Obama [+ fixed star Regulus] and Trump have Uranus conjunction North Node in the radix as discussed here [Obama] and here [Trump], an aspect that Putin lacks. However, in return, transiting Uranus was doing the ‘favor’ instead and was conjunct Putin’s North node and opposite natal Pluto. For these kind of people in high position kind, transits to generational planets while involving the lunar nodes are always salient in the life of the native and those who are influenced and affected by his/her actions/decisions, specially when angles of radix are involved.
This was interesting. The Sun returns in the 6th house of work before society, or, public work which the native serves the others. By directing the ruler of 6th house of the returning Sun, we get the exact date [a few hours off] and month when Putin began his leadership over Federation for the first time as president of Russia. Observe:
Directing ruler (or term-ruler) of 1st house to its own culmination also coincides with the Arcs of SR’s from Obama and Trump when winning the election.
Re-elected President of Russia: 14 March 2004
Stepped down as President: 7 May 2008 in Moscow
Assumed Presidency for second time: 7 May 2012 in Moscow
- Saturn traditional ruler of 4th House
- Saturn directed to its own Culmination [MC direct - Ptolemy's key]
RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT [2004]: Directions of Saturn can correspond to times of achievement & greater responsibilities. Directed to Mc Direct – time for honor and in his case, the big-boss Office is achieved for second-term.

As promissor, Saturn is said to be moving towards the meridian [latin: meridies ‘midday’], the position marking the Sun’s highest point above the horizon. Observe that all the direction thus far ’till the end, I’ve used the key of Ptolemy, which is quite unusual work, and yet it gave better results corresponding to real events of Putin’s life.
- Mercury term-ruler of 10th house of Career/Retirement
- Mercury directed to its own Culmination [MC direct - Ptolemy's key]
STEPS DOWN AS PRESIDENT [2008]: It is common to see directions from the ruler or term-ruler of 10th house of retirement correspondent to retirement, if such planet is very far from the Mc, due to the fact such Arc would happen between middle-life and end of life.

Transits: Realize that transiting Saturn (and ruler of 4th house of major ends), planet that retires a person was passed by a conjunction to its own natural house (10th/Mc). Lunar Nodal return – taste the genuine configuration of the nodes and they choose between old mission versus a totally new one that integrated and finalizes one’s paramount phase on Earth. Nonetheless, the native is challenged to accept change of behavior/habits. And that was conjunct the 4th/10th houses axis. When Dmitry Medvedev was elected president of Russia on March 2, hours after his inauguration on May 7, he appointed Putin as prime minister. Note that transiting Jupiter was trine natal Jupiter while transiting Sun (10th house ruler) was conjunction natal Jupiter in the 7th house of significant [indication by] other. Even when stepping down as main authority figure, he kept an important role pointed by Dmitry himself (7th house).
However, Putin is re-elected again for third-term in 2012, (see it below).
- Ascendant Ruler Mars
- Ascendant Term-ruler Mars
- Ascendant Term-ruler Mars directed to its own anti-culmination Converse
- Ascendant Term-ruler Mars directed to 4th house of ends and beginnings
THIRD-TERM [2012]: Mars is the Almudebit of the chart, or, the victorious planets of the radix [among with Venus]. Mars is not only traditional ruler of 1st house, but term-ruler of it and as well as term-ruler of 4th house cusp of new beginnings. From such perspective, we can tell how important the direction would had been, resulting in a re-elected president of a federation. Observe:

It is not common for astrologers that utilize primary directions as predictive method and use Cardan as the static key for the calculations. But they are handful at times for some reasons which I shall not disclosure in this article, but one of them is because at this specific period Putin had passed the age of fifty. Also, the direction is converse, not common from the radix (mostly from solar returns).
Transits: Realize that in 2012, there was the start of Uranus-Pluto square. The first [out of 7 squares] in June 2012 at 8° degrees Aries-Capricorn and the last in 2015 at 15° degrees. Framing such period of social fragility, none integration of parts, no acceptance to what is different or total tolerance. It was the consequence period of the global crises (great recession) that kicked off in 2008. Uranus in Aries was still fresh when assuming president of Russia for third time, and thus was about to activate the Stellium in Libra until 2018-9 when Uranus entered Taurus. When Putin was sworn in May 7th, thousands of opponents protested across the country and hundreds of demonstrators were arrested.
But what most stand in his chart is Saturn Return, which corresponded to times of achievements, and is the planet of authority; and Jupiter return again [when Putin was president first time, Jupiter was also returning as discussed]. The transiting Sun [ruler of 10th house of career/president] was conjunct such Jupiter.
The 2024 Russian presidential election will take place in March 2024
> the first round will be held on Sunday 10 March 2024. The term limit established by Article 81 of the Russian Constitution prevents incumbent president Vladimir Putin from being elected to a new term. The 2024 election will determine the fifth President of Russia.
FUTURE PRIME MINISTER PUTIN?: Fixed stars can also be directed to places as promissor. Instead of directing Venus, which is exact conjunct such star, I rather thought to direct Alphecca to its own culmination and note the Arc it would result. Venus is ruler of 7th of partnerships and rises with Alphecca in the 1st house. I can almost surely assume that since Putin won’t be able to keep up as president on the next election in 2024, he may as well still rule behind the scenes as pointed prime minister once again:

The difference between the directions of Venus and Alphecca to MC are about a month only, once they are exact conjunction in Putin’s natal chart.
“According to astrologer Daniel T. Ferrera, when a great conjunction occurs during an election or inauguration year, the president is likely to die in office.” – Mysteries of Gann Analysis Unveiled!, Daniel T. Ferrera, 2001.
According to my view, the Moon is the Hyleg (place with most vitality) of Putin’s radix and Pluto is the killing (Anaereta) planet. Assuming that, I will take note of the date where Putin can be possible assassinated. This not because of the direction alone. If you want to read more about presidents assassinated once winning the election near/close to the dates of Saturn-Jupiter conjunction click here. Putin was nominated president of Russia Federation on the year of 2000 when the first Jupiter-Saturn in air triplicity began.

Quality of Death – I think he won’t die in the act, but in the hospital. Ruler Mercury of 8th house [Gemini] aspects malefics Neptune and Saturn in the 12th house of hospitals. He will be probably accompanied with people of importance in Russia in such event, and may enter in state of coma. It will probably happen abroad, as the natal Moon rules 9th house. Marilyn Monroe when passed away, promissor Pluto was directed to her Hyleg Sun [click here for more about it].
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
book: Pluto, the evolutionary journey of the soul VL.1 by Jeff Green [1986]
The Astrology of Marilyn Monroe
South Node – What Shall I Leave Behind?
“Putin” by rui-ricardo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 [PHOTO #1]
“Moscow” by VarvaraK is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 [PHOTO #2]
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.