The Astrology of the Press & Pluto/Neptune Conjunction in Gemini
The Astrology of the Press & Pluto/Neptune Conjunction in Gemini
the first book ever printed

By Jenny Dusky
Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, inventor, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe with the printing press.
sun: cancer
moon: scorpio
asc: unknown time
facts | history | the inventor | the historical aspect/conjunction
examples on
Johannes Gutenberg & the Press
born under exact Pluto/Neptune conjunction in Gemini

Neptune/Pluto Opposite Saturn/Uranus
mastering technology

"keep secret about the press" - demanded Gutenberg to his business partners
The Neptune-Pluto conjunctions occur approximately 493 years apart. However, this astrological mundane aspects can last for thousands of years until the next conjunction in the same sign of the Zodiac, specially during the intervals of the Neptune/Pluto cycles (there is also dwarf Quaoar – a planetoid that lies beyond Pluto’s orbit in the solar system. Not to mention Eris and Sedna.
Johannes was born during the first and exact Neptune/Pluto conjunction (out of three) in the of Gemini the writer in the year of 1398 (next will be in 2381 which will last for about 4 thousand years until the next conjunction in the sign of Gemini occurs in 5339). In his chart, Saturn the master is conjunct Uranus the new technology, and the configuration is opposite the Neptune/Pluto conjunction. This can highly indicates a native born a master of technology. And more, the Saturn/Uranus conjunction happens in the sign of Sagittarius, the press sign; and the conjunction is in terms with Jupiter, the publisher.
The revolution of the Press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg allowed for the very first time, the edition of printed books in series. Such event gave birth to the progress of how we acknowledge info, which became quite decisive in the quick diffusion of the Renaissance thinking.
People born under the years of the Pluto/Neptune conjunction of are strongly in tune with deep social transformation and share with the world their deepest discoveries. From the origin of the printed press by Gutenberg, we entered an era of intelligentzia, shared information and transformed higher knowledge. Of course, dangerous scenarios occurred, and until nowadays, from fake news to unauthorized copies…
next Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini: from 2381 to 2390; and then only in 5339
Tr Uranus Opposite natal Uranus
'like a ray of light'
According to Gutenberg, the 1439 is the year the idea of the printing press came “like a ray of light”, crafting the idea by 1440. Transiting Uranus [ray of light] is the genius surrounding society, and it was traveling Gemini, the sign of information, literature and what is known nowadays as printed books, and by that year to the next, Uranus was opposite Gutemberg natal Uranus in Sagittarius, the Press inventor, the publisher and the “reach out for the people”. Transits of progressice Uranus to natal Uranus revolutionize the area of the chart, and the planet was in an on going square to transiting Neptune, the planet of glamour.
Mercury conjunct fixed star Pollux
the first book is printed
For centuries, people depended on the manual writing as the only way of reproducing texts. From such invention, came the democratization and diffusion of knowledge, furthering a cultured society. Such effect could only come with a native with witty Mercury, ruler of Gemini, in conjunction to a fixed star in the constellation of the same. Pollux is located in the head of the Southern Twin of Gemini Constellation. Mercury conjoining Pollux (or even Castor) are often in charts of people incredible skillful and with a bright and innovative mind, smarter and more intelligent than the usual brains.
"Pollux has a nature as that of Mars and has always been considered to portend eminence and renown, but can indicate a cruel, rash nature and a propensity to be connected with poisons. The energy of Mars can be extremely valuable in such areas as war and business and politics." - Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.39.
The Gutenberg Bible was the first major book printed with movable type in the West by Johanne Gutenberg, it was his first major project as soon as he was able to start it, concluding its impression in 1455, when Jupiter, the spreader entered Gemini, the sign of books.
Incunabula – the implantation of the press throughout Europe left as an inheritance the inacunabulos, denomination that receive all the books printed before century XVI. More than 6,000 distinct works printed in the first fifty years of the use of this inference have notably broadened the thematic range of knowledge among the erudite/learned circles of Europe.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!

National Geographic & the grand inventions 2017 – Portugal
The Gutenberg Bible of 1455 Insel Verlag Facsimile Reproduction (2 volume)
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.