The Astrology of Donald Trump
The Astrology of a Celebrity
& American President: Donald Trump
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By Jenny Dusky
American businessman, television personality, author, and politician who is the 45th and current President of the United States, in office since 20 January 2017. He holds the distinction as the oldest person ever elected to the presidency.
sun: gemini
moon: sagittarius
asc: leo in terms with mars
chart | speculum | transits | directions | firdaria | profections | SR's | future | death
success - wealthiness - presidency & re-election
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Donald Trump is the owner of a chart very promising in the money sphere. Many indications that together form a pattern of a billionaire. Jupiter in the 2nd house of income, Saturn/Venus conjunction (in terms with Jupiter) in the 11th house of money coming from big corporations, Natal Jupiter making in terms with itself is in good aspects to the luminaries [Sun, Moon] from the 2nd. Although the ruler of 2nd house Mercury only makes an aspect which is a square to Neptune, the term ruler Mars makes great aspects to the luminaries.
saturn in sect & the aspect of the rich
Venus on the other hand, is term ruler of 11th house, and is positioned in such house with Saturn – the aspect that much appears in charts of rich people, or people with accumulated material resources. Saturn is also, the Almudebit [victorious planet] of his chart! And even when at detriment in Cancer, the planet is in Sect (diurnal position in a diurnal chart), favoring the planet’s disposition in the native’s chart and of course, its operation would not be experienced as heavy as it would out of Sect.
sure of himself

Full Moon in fire sign (Sagittarius opposite Sun in Gemini) are pretty convinced of themselves. In their mind their are capable and can be everything they want. These natives rarely need emotional advises.
Trump was actually born during under a total lunar eclipse and part of Saros 129 cycle [share a very similar geometry to eclipses in Sagittarius in those years of 1910 and 1928]. People with such configuration [lunar eclipse] have to share with the world their lives, or at least, to a specific group of people, as their luminaries are close [conjunct] the lunar nodes (north and south). Lunar eclipse people are more relationship oriented than those born under Solar lunation.
Asc/Mars conjunctino in Leo people can be very, very modest. Men with the fiery position can be flamboyant and quite bombastic about their conquers, people they attract, their winnings, and rarely agree they failed in some point.
"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."
I’ll remember the reader that Trump is part of Pluto in Leo generation. Donald Trump’s election marked the fourth Baby Boomer in a row to inhabit the Oval Office. I can see how many Americans fall for this president that loves being in the spotlight and his dramatic mannerism of Leonine type when in public, embracing many of his Pluto generation. Trump is very known for his obsessions with controlling, manipulating through the heart or sensitive topics in rough ways, and as celebrity in USA that have the power to make-believe whatever he wants others to see him. If wasn’t so close minded, I would tell you that Trump is a comic but great manager, but not so much a great president. Unfortunately, his prejudice to many things related to social caused and justice is so low that makes his Mars conjunct Ascendant looks quite frightening and dangerous to society, specially in issues around racism, homophobia and women. However, I’ll not imply my judgment over his character, but what astrology has to say about him and my piercing interpretation.
related article:
The Chart
Factors & Directions
Firdaria & Transits
lunar nodes; the firdaria reign of north direction
The Pythagorean and Stoic philosophers believed in the ‘eternal return of all things’. They taught that there will be a conflagration caused by the planets (astrological mean Grand Conjunctions in Aries 0°) and afterwards the world will be recreated and everything will be as before. Babylonian however, visualized that a conflagration would take place when all planets come together in Cancer and a deluge when they come together in Capricorn. Such cycles are millenary and can never be experienced by a lifetime (of course). Such things are simple meant to happen, destined to occur. The same when we reach to the great three years of North Node firdaria period, we are to encounter events supposedly destined. Many professionals and their entire work are at their ending cycle reaching 70 years old and ready to retire, if not already. They feel they work is done and feels the heart beating to another direction, and yet many are instigated to put their experience into another field that completes their sense of mission on earth.
jupiter returns
Approximately each 12 years, the greater benefic planet Jupiter returns to the same sign and degree it was in any native’s birth chart. The year of election Jupiter return in Trump’s radix, thus a year of ‘plenty’ more to the one whose wealthy and fame were already immense, and applying the sugar Jupiter to the cake, from the 5th house of self-marketing, it was the perfect year to care less about what others thoughts about him, but the greatest things, as if he really thought of himself as an omnipresence creature to something equivalent to a savior of a nation. And others surfed the wave with the same suit, attitudes and surfboard. Jupiter is ruler of Donald’s 8th house of other’s people money – thus owning an energy of abundance attraction of money from and power over people’s resources, once the planet falls in the 2nd house of income.
Direction of a Presidency [2016-7]
winner mars in leo to the sun

- 8 November 2016 (Elected 45th President of the USA)
- 20 January 2017 at 12:00 PM in Washington (took office as president)
Donald has many houses bounded with Mars (in terms with); and the planet rules the angular 4th house of great beginnings (and ends) and is term ruler of Ascendant in Leo. Mars is planet of winning!
In order to reach for the Sun by primary direction, Mars shall be moved into the 10th house of presidency, where the natal Sun is positioned. The direction is only a few (5) days earlier the actual event [20th] that led Trump to hold the distinction as the oldest person ever elected to the presidency in USA. At the time, he was 70 years old.
Profected Jupiter
profected jupiter 2016

Profected Jupiter for the winning election day [Nov, 8th 2016] for the presidency, was exact conjunct natal ascendant in Leo at 29° degrees.
Worth remembering the fact Trump has Ascendant exact conjunction fixed and royal/behenian star Regulus:
“Ascendant conjunct Regulus: Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal.” – Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923
transiting Saturn Opposite natal Saturn
Taurus on the Mc is in terms with Saturn, and the planet was actually transiting Sagittarius conjunct Donald’s public Moon by the election day.
2019: Saturn transits are linked to events concerning achievements. The planet in opposition to natal placement is usually followed by struggles and hard times, but for others it marks elevated times concerning ultimate responsibilities.
eclipses on the axis of virgo/pisces
Since 2015, Trump was having the eclipses in both 1st and 7th houses until the year of 2017. By the year of new election, the eclipses will begin eclipsing his natal axis of Gemini-Sagittarius as well as 4th-10th houses, once the signs occupy pretty much everything in it. A boost for a re-election in 2020-1?
Annual ascendant returns to the 1st house. A great year for luck in the game, freedom, expansion and opportunities. The Sun is, of course, ruler of 1st house and in 2016 was returning to its natal house (11th) – a year of fulfilled hopes and long term goals. Not to mention Venus conjunct Sun, the lesser benefic.
Next Election: Tuesday, November 3; 2020
Transiting Saturn is passed conjunction Jupiter and Pluto in the sign of political Capricorn by this period around. This transit is quite historical! And tells us right away that the political arena of the world may change for good. Donald has many planets in Cancer, thus such hard conjunction of three planets have been opposite his Cancer Stellium including Saturn, his victorious planet (Almudebit), Venus (10th house ruler) and Mercury. Well, he shall win easily this election by checking the transits alone. But it still isn’t enough.
By this time, he will be at final firdaria of South Node, and by June he will be already under the Sun/Sun Firdaria, which will concern events related to his body (Asc) towards hopes and wishes (11th).
Lunar Nodal return – taste the genuine configuration of the nodes and they choose between old mission versus a totally new one that integrated and finalizes one’s paramount phase on Earth. However, the native is challenged to accept change of behavior/habits.
Profected Uranus conjunct natal Asc/Regulus – overnight victory over enemy. (By this period, his profected Venus/Saturn conjunction will be domicile and exaltation respectively and almost conjunction natal Jupiter in the house of attraction.)
Progressed chart & both Benefic Planets Cross-Integrated – Progressed Venus still conjunction natal Jupiter and still in terms with Jupiter; popularity, more expansion, power of attraction (2nd house), etc.
Solar Return (SR) 2019 – Sun returns in the social 12th house, and square the stellium in Pisces (Moon, Neptune and Mars. Foreseeing a year of great and hard challenges. However, annual Ascendant is in Cancer and it is in terms with Jupiter, so as the midheaven! This is taken into account when calculating the primary direction of it. Read more below.
Directing Annual Asc ruler from the SR2020 to its own rising – From this direction, Trump has real chances of winning the election once again if he, of course, candidate himself again. Note it:


The Trump’s radix cusp of 8th house of death and power is Jupiter/Neptune. Venus on the other hand, is ruler of such house in the Solar Return 2027-8. Transiting Venus/Neptune conjunction will be located in Trump’s natal 8th house of death and rebirth.

From the radix, Mc is conjunct fixed star of most malefic nature: Algol, the “Demon Star”. Pluto in Donald’s chart is ruler of 4th house of major endings. Mc is a hylegical place and is the house of the reaper. By such period of February 2028, Pluto will have culminated by primary direction.
Annual Ascendant in Pisces ruled by Jupiter
culminating ruler of 1st house of body in direction
This is the same direction of SR20106 when Trump became president of USA. In this case, Jupiter is ruler of 1st house of body, and culminated by primary direction, giving the same month of February from the Pluto direction to the Mc (taking place in 2028) from the radix.

Jupiter is also the ruler of 8th house from the radix. With all the culminating planets by primary directions, is hard to tell wihch direction shall his body take from this point. On the other hand, the firdaria subperiod for this time (see more above) will be Jupiter, which again, is ruler of natal 8th house. Progressed malefic Mars will by then conjunct natal Jupiter, and plus it will be a returning progressed Moon to natal chart.
Now, will be this a power up or final day on earth? One prediction is mutable, other may be absolute. Another possibility is that he could be simple retiring then, but i doubt he will ever do that, one way or another he will find manners to stay relevant and in control of something huge elsewhere. If he lives further, I would worry then about the direction of Uranus to the Ascendant in the year of 2034:

Also, it is worth remembering that any president/candidate of the USA can only serve the country for only 2 nominations (or 8 to 10 years). If he turns president again on 2020, then this prediction shall be focus not on his presidency, but other matters related to career and end of things.
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Image credit #1:
"The Donald"by topher147 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.