The Astrology of Britney Spears
The Astrology of artist Britney Spears

By Jenny Dusky
Britney Jean Spears (born December 2, 1981) is a millionaire American singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress. Many times she was hold the first position in the music industry.
sun: sagittarius
moon: aquarius
asc: libra in terms with Saturn
chart | speculum | transits | directions | firdaria | profections | SR's | future
early stardom - first music followed by success - mental health & father
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Saturn-Pluto Rising

Britney has Saturn-Pluto conjunction rising in the radix. Providing a native full of ambition since young age. Pluto in the 1st also suggests success while being a poster-girl for her generation, and yet a darker personality may emerge the times the native can’t handle much emotions or pressures.
Worth remembering that her Ascendant in Libra is in terms with Saturn. Providing the information that her Libra rising was cautious, ambitious, predetermining, none-stop acting, ‘my goals first‘ attitude, etc.

According to her mom, Lynne, Britney started talking early and loved music from the time she was a sweet toddler, learning to dance as soon as she was on her feet. She was soon enrolled in tumbling class, tap and gymnastics. Full of energy, she excelled in gymnastics where she practiced up to the time she was nine.
Jupiter opposite Mirach
Natal Jupiter is exact opposition fixed star Mirach, which is said to be the nature of Venus (Brit’s rising ruler). It gives personal beauty, a brilliant mind, a love of home, great devotion, beneficence, forgiveness, love, overcoming by kindness, renown, and good fortune in marriage.
Jupiter conjunct Mirach: Help from women but danger of scandal, much travel, legal or ecclesiastical difficulties. - [Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.26, 179.]
1981–1997: Early life and career beginnings
Huge hit since young age of 18th, Britney Spears was born to be a star. Britney has many planets near the Sun, consider then that many directions would have taken quite early in her life. She achieved stardom at the age of 17th to 18th with the massive global hit “baby one more time”; a pop song that refers to a girl’s feelings after a break-up with her boyfriend. Britney had directions of Uranus, Mercury, LoF and Neptune to her natal Sun (and vice-versa) earlier than 16th years old. Those periods correspond to Britney and her mother flying around the country in order to assert Spear’s future [ex. The Mickey Mouse Club].
After two years with Disney, she had one normal year of high school at 14. The beautiful teen-ager never did have a conventional life-style, and by 17 she was plunged into the show-biz world of tours, photo-shoots and adoring fans. Her magic began to spread. Even before her first album came out, legions of people were becoming her fans on the strength of her performances at local malls and her sensational turn as the opening act for the popular group ‘Nsync.
"I always wanted to be a singer, it's what I wanted to do since I was little. I'm doing it now and I couldn't be happier."
Her natal Sun was part of Sagittarius Stellium in the 3rd house of lower mind. This particular mutable fire sign of long distance travel is often so active as cardinal signs, in a sense of being fast minded (3rd house placement), body active (through nervous system) and highly curious about the immediate environment:
"The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff."
Spears has Moon (unconscious reactions) in Aquarius in the 5th house of entertainment and self-marketing, turning her a unique signature concerning self-expression and influence by it.
"I don't like defining myself. I just am."
related article:
The Chart
Factors & Directions
1998-9 & Transits
Saturn period - Mercury subperiod
Britney was under the Firdaria of Saturn (11 years of ownership), and by the year of 1997-8 she was then under the sub-period of Venus (manager of firdaria) until 1998, when Mercury started ruling the subperiod until 2000. This is a night chart, so the technique stars with the Moon, until Saturn period comes by the age of 10 years old. Saturn is ruler of Spears natal 4th and 5th houses (also term ruler of ascendant) while Venus (second most benefic) is ruler of her 1st house of appearances and 8th house of other people’s money – Mercury then rules the 9th house of the global hit and 12th house of glamour and dreams. All of the firdaria above would be applicable from her 15th years to 18y5m old – the exactly period where Britney was in Studio recording her first album that was soon to be become a massive hit.
When she released her album on January 12th, 1999 the transiting planet Saturn was in the last set of oppositions to her natal Saturn (success through struggle). Mars is the ruler of her natal 7th house of partnerships and contracts. Transiting Mars (action/activation) was conjunct her natal Pluto (power). While transiting Moon was about to conjunct her Stellium in Sagittarius (including the Sun). Transiting Pluto (power intensified) was conjunct Britney’s natal Sun/Mercury (glory minded). Transits of Pluto to natal Sun at their most positive attribution, are powerful enough to trigger enough power to the individual in order to assert success in life.
Early into Super Stardom
& the direction of Saturn Rising

Released | January 12, 1999 |
Recorded | August 1997 – June 1998 |
Hit me baby one more time! Libra rising (Asc) is in terms with Saturn. Saturn is rising. What happens when it is directed to its right rising?
From the last direction that took place to the Sun from the planets near it, was Neptune, corresponding to the period where she was already recording on studio the album “…Baby One More Time” in 1997-8. But it wasn’t until 1999 that she became an instantaneous global hit, by the direction of 4th house ruler (major beginnings) to its own rising.
Saturn is planet of career and candid success when aligned in Libra. Britney in such young age became an influence to the masses via music and interpretation:
The Album sold more than 1.8 million copies in its first two months of release in the USA. In its forty-seventh week on the Billboard 200, the album held strong at number three, and with sales of over of 10 million copies in the United States alone. The album was later certified diamond by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), making Spears the youngest artist to receive that award, breaking Alanis Morissette's record, who was 21 years old when she released Jagged Little Pill (1995). The album was the 14th album since 1991 to sell over 10 million copies in the United States, and Spears became the best-selling female artist of 1999. ...Baby One More Time spent a total of 51 weeks in the top 10 of the Billboard 200. It was the second best-selling album in the US, only behind Millennium by the Backstreet Boys - wikipedia
Profected Ascendant
profected asc in pisces [1998]
Profected ascendant for the year 1998 is Pisces. Transiting Jupiter that year was in Pisces, the sign it rules. When the first album was released, the planet was sextile Venus, foreseeing grand popularity during such period from aspecting grandiose Jupiter.
Britney’s Almudebit of the chart is Jupiter! The planet of popularity, millions, luck & expansion.
From December 1999, her profected ascendant reached Aries. Putting the chart opposite of the original radix. foreseeing a year paradoxically with challenges, many action with the body, unexpected turn of events and how one views the world (thus an impacting year ahead).
On April 3rd – The star later reemerged on social media with an Instagram post advocating for self-care, which was swiftly followed by reports that she entered a mental health facility. A source told E! News at the time, “Britney’s father’s health has been weighing on her, and affecting her emotional well-being.” The source emphasized that “Britney decided to do this on her own” so that she can be allowed to “rejuvenate and rest.” – E!
Firdaria of Mars-Saturn
& the father
Mar (firdaria owner) s is planet of destruction, while Saturn (firdaria manager) in Britney Spears natal chart is ruler of 4th house of the father (in her particular case) and major ends or beginning (or both). It is easy to visualize the malefic operation (Mars) towards the father (Saturn) as soon as end of 2018 came to end until end of 2019 when Jupiter then, takes the role of manager in the sub period of Mars firdaria.
6th house Pisces
mental confusion & Neptune ruler
At this exactly moment on April 2019, Britney is having a confusion transit to the mind. Transiting Jupiter retrograde (double expansion) is exact conjunction natal Neptune (confusion) ruler of 6th house of mind and health. Neptune is the planet most difficult to handle as an ‘understanding’ planet. It causes misunderstandings, chaos, confusion and dissolves the house (3rd of mind) it is natally – and when Jupiter, co-ruler of Sagittarius conjuncts it by transit, and such is ruler of 6th house of health,many individuals are sent to mental health institutions; when of course, the native has tendency.
Progressed Moon at the moment was exact opposite natal Neptune from the 8th house of recuperation. Britney’s father is having health problems which led Spears also to be mentally ill. Check out her progressed Sun (father) about to square natal Saturn (calamity) in the next 4 years. When she completes 41 years old, the Sun will be exact square. At this period (2022) Britney’s profected Ascendant will be the cusp of 6th house Pisces. Worth remembering that this wasn’t the first time the singer was in clinics of rehabilitation; during 2006-8 were critical periods in her life concerning mental health.
Sun conjunction Antares
"the Heart of the Scorpion"
According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter. Alvidas gives Jupiter sextile Venus, but this is unlikely considering the decidedly martial and malefic nature of the star. It causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, broad-mindedness, evil presages and danger of fatality and makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy. [Robson, 136.]
YEAR OF 1ST ALBUM (...Baby one more time!) SR1998
Annual Ascendant in Scorpio ruled by Mars
culminating ruler of 1st house of body in direction
Her debut into world’s music industry was clear in the solar return 1998. Directing the ruler of her annual ascendant in Scorpio to the house of stardom, we obtain the exact month, *week and year when Britney lunched her 1st album, that was soon a success followed by global hit (10th house).

Mars is also annual term ruler of natal 5th house cusp – the house of entertainment and stages, in the most literal sense of these words. North Node alone in the 10th house indicated changed of direction in career (& world status) that was ‘destined’ to happen in that specific solar return (year ahead from birthday) of 1998 to 1999. That year, the returning Sun in the 1st was all about her and her career (annual Mc in Leo).

Sun returns in the 3rd house of activity of lower mind. It is the year for Britney to ‘fix’ her mind problems in order to shine through finely. And she did. Observe that annual ascendant is Virgo, the cusp of natal 12th house of hospitals, clinics and facilities that ‘cages’ a person. Now, this was obvious what direction to take:

The Sun symbolizes the father, ironically. The returning Sun is ruler of 12th house of health facilities. By directing the Sun as promissor to the opposition of Ascendant (body) converse, we obtain the further date 2 days later the actual Britney’s admission/movement into the mental health facility (12th house).
end of article & don't forget to fave us!
Jenny Dusky

More about the Author, books and general background.
Since 2008 – Western Astrology Applied / Placidus House System / Tropical Fixed Stars
Since 2017 – Primary Directions / Chronocrators
Last Time Saturn was conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn was in 1518. Watch the video to see what happened that year and how mass hysteria took place.