The Author
Astrologer since 2008 – Astrology Publishing, Business, Marketing and Design. Rafael VR is not available for readings at the moment. The author is working on the website construction and its content

SEE THE CHART BELOW – When November 8th comes to us (GMD: 12:38:39PM), Jupiter will enter Sagittarius – the sign it naturally rules. Jupiter rejoices in this sign rather than in Pisces, thus when the planet transits Sagittarius it is more effective. This is an old concept that many forget.
At the day of entrance, the planet will have had trine and sextile the lunar nodes – suggesting before hand, and expansion and abundance of goods and fortune to countries where Jupiter is angular specially (the Moon (public) also conjoins Jupiter but still transiting Scorpio).
However, the applying square to Mars suggests a year of Jupiter where challenge in international exchange shall be eminent in countries already in problem to each other -> specially around March to April 2019. But the beginning shall be quite promising (monetary system, merchandise exchange, international politics to others and the judicial system of all).
In 2020 (December, 21st) Jupiter will apply the famous mundane great conjunction to Saturn, which is does each 20 years, renewing the political arena for good (presidents and governors)
Its a new Jupiter’s year my dear one; time to travel to foreign lands perhaps? To explore the unknown, to change perspective from overseas. To message from abroad to reach the other side of the world. To know the truth but questioning through all the choices of previously selected and well studied. Time to adventure oneself into the bliss of the intellect, or, the breeze of nature, into the open, trying new things never before experienced
The annual opportunities shall be presented when not shading oneself from the truth; they are in magazines, in books, in the foreign land; by being tolerant, compassionate and benevolent; by beginning a new high study, a new project that involves Jupiter’s nature; here’s a real opportunity to expand one area of life
Although the planet is well known for its grater benefic nature of all the planets in astrology, its benevolent nature indicates something rather foreign to us. The phenomenon can be shown in people with the syndrome of “the center of the universe”, and with Mars, it is boosted egocentrism and greediness, once the aspect is an applying square
The Nodes then recently entered the Cancer-Capricorn Axis, will determine the output. The sextile to the south node indicates a change to renew the past (get over it), while the trine to the North node, provides humanity an encouragement of progress, and urge to deal with problems before they appear in the first place. The Axis in Cancer-Capricorn, suggests humanity shall look for the femininity in all, leaving aside the traditional status
Jupiter is the planet of improvement and growth, each 12 years there is a generalized improvement in the life of the native and country that is evident, at least in one area, while others have, in many others, depending on aspects to other planets and their bounds
“Been here, done that”
Sagittarius and Jupiter are seekers. Seekers of truth, wild adventures, interesting people and new perspective, finding out new theories by others author in common, etc.
A year of Jupiter to take advantage of inner faith and that outer forces will have helps to go though, no matter how anti-religious one can be, or atheist, the finger of “god” will expand benevolently an area of one’s life, for better or worse
The international travel of Jupiter through the end of 2018 to end of 2019, will be wild and extravagant to higher levels – that said, don’t be wasteful and immoderate
Astrologer since 2008 – Astrology Publishing, Business, Marketing and Design. Rafael VR is not available for readings at the moment. The author is working on the website construction and its content